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 Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions

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2 posters
Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
Temple scourge
Chihiro Fujisaki

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Age : 33
Location : Flint, MI

Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions   Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 4:06 pm


Picazon is a dangerous plant found in all jungle areas of Felarya. It has a stem of about 10 meters tall and the leaves re 3-5 meters long and 1-1.5 meters wide. It is secretes a fluid that is annoying to larger animals but for the smaller ones it can be fatal. For larger predators the fluid creates itchy bumps on their skin that is highly contagious and can spread to different parts of the body.

When it comes to humans and other small species this poison can be fatal. Causing dementia, organ failure, and of course swelling of the bodies exterior. If it is ingested it can make the throat swell shut, though for predators again, it is just an annoying itch inside of their throat. If a predator eats something that is infected with this poison they can get it as easily as they would if they ate the plant itself.
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Age : 34
Location : The Coil, Miragia

Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions   Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 6:39 pm

Alright, alright. I like the variation on poison ivy- though the part about it producing this sludge made me think about some plants that do that, too. There's plants out there that like to get themselves all sticky.

Now I'd wonder, though- why is the thing not lethal to larger individuals? Is it a weight-based lethal dose, do the chemicals have a limited permeation through the skin and mucoses, or are they quickly inactivated at blood temperature and have to reach the brain fast? Jus' throwing ideas out there, trying to see if I can inspire you for the next time.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
Temple scourge
Chihiro Fujisaki

Posts : 621
Join date : 2011-10-19
Age : 33
Location : Flint, MI

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PostSubject: Re: Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions   Shadow's Ideas and Suggestions Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 8:40 pm

Just the amount. It isn't ALWAYS fatal to human sized people. If you touch it with your hand then just your hand will be affected. But if you let it get into your bloodstream then it can kill you. Giants, having larger bodies would not be as affected since chances are they will not have a major amount touch their body.
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