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 Regarding RPing in the chatbox

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Evil admin
Evil admin

Posts : 3812
Join date : 2007-12-08

Regarding RPing in the chatbox Empty
PostSubject: Regarding RPing in the chatbox   Regarding RPing in the chatbox Icon_minitimeTue May 14, 2013 12:34 am

In general roleplaying in the chatbox is a bit problematic as it's something imposed on all users who are not roleplaying themselves but it's somewhat tolerated as long as it's not excessive ( ie : a long session with many RPers that flood the chatroom for others )

However adult RP with explicit descriptions is completely forbidden here.

I want that to be very clear. People doing that stuff publicly must realize they put the whole forum in jeopardy. So please refrain from it. If you want to do this kind of RP you have to do it in a private chatroom.
Thanks for your attention Smile
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Regarding RPing in the chatbox
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