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 Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.

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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 2:41 pm

Alright, I've decided to start making stuff... Yea, that's basically it. <.<
Firstly, I'm going to be working on two species that I don't see have been done before. My favorite specie is the Fairy and I wanted to make a new Sub-Specie and I got the idea for a Sprite. Although, I figured for this Sprite to be possible, I'd need an Elemental...
I'll be working on two species, which I call Metal Sprites and Metal Elementals.
Right now I won't be really posting anything, but later on I will so might as well make this thread now.
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Eternal Optimist
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 3:19 pm

Actually, it's kind of weird to start the thread when you don't have any ideas done yet, but I for one am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :3 I'll be perfectly honest - the idea of a metal "elemental" sounds somewhat off, because metal isn't an element like fire or water, but I'm looking forward to being surprised!
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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 3:23 pm

Nyaha wrote:
Actually, it's kind of weird to start the thread when you don't have any ideas done yet, but I for one am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :3 I'll be perfectly honest - the idea of a metal "elemental" sounds somewhat off, because metal isn't an element like fire or water, but I'm looking forward to being surprised!

Yeah I know and I apologize for that. ^^; And also, I know the idea does sound a bit iffy but some metals are elements and I thought it would be interesting to see if it works or not.
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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2013 11:48 am

Well, here's what I have so far for the Metal Elemental.

Metal Elemental

Metal Elementals create their bodies out of metals that are found on Felarya. Depending on the type of metal the Elemental decides to inhabit, its body can gain interesting abilities. For example, if the Elemental inhabits a metal such as Tazarin, then the Elemental will have the same traits as that metal, being able to repel magic. The Elemental's body will also have the same colour as the metal they inhabited too, for example if they inhabited the metal Pyralite, then their body would be dark grey too. Metal Elemental's bodies usually take the form of a human, their height reaching up to twelve foot but the height can vary from one Metal Elemental to another. Some may not choose to take the form of a human though.

Metal Elementals are usually found where the metal they inhabited came from, for example if Elemental inhabited Tazarin then they would be located in the Pyrale mountains. Although, Metal Elementals can also be located around the East part of Felarya.
Metal Elementals don't really prey on sentient beings, mainly because they find hunting other animals much more entertaining. Something which is strange though, is that they also like to eat metal, eating metal makes them feel more energetic  and it is basically candy for them. Metal Elementals that are not in the Pyrale mountains, like to make a trip to there every now and then to eat the metals there that they call a delicacy.

The main abilities a Metal Elemental can do is change any part of its body to solid metal or, even all of its body to metal. A tactic they like to use when hunting is to change their whole body to metal which makes them look like a statue, waiting for the right time to strike as an unfortunate animal passes by, this is also a good trick to fool passing adventurers too. The Elemental is also able to make weapons from its body and these weapons can range from almost anything, to swords, to clubs and axes. It's not just weapons the Elemental can make, but shields and other defensive objects. An experienced Metal Elemental is able to make countless types of weapons and defensive items. A Metal Elemental inhabiting Adlevite would not really find these abilities useful as its body would break rather easily in a fight but, a spirit has to be really unfortunate to inhabit it, luckily it is very rare to find so the chances of a spirit finding it is very, very small.

The weaknesses of a Metal Elemental are that they can be drawn in with magnetic force, if a magnetic object is big enough, it could be very troubling for the Elemental to remove. Another weakness is that they have a melting point, just like metals have and if reached then they can start to actually melt which is not a very nice thing to experience for a Metal Elemental, these melting points vary from which metal the Elemental inhabited though. If the Elemental does melt in to a liquid mess then the spirit will need to find more metal to form a new body again, although the annoying thing is, the metal has to be the same type as before, if the metal Elemental started with Tazarin then once the spirit leaves the body, it can't just inhabit Pyralite to form a new body with, it has to be Tazarin.

Metal Elementals are also sentient, but only when their form is that of a human like figure. Their senses are different than a human's though, because of their "skin" their sense of touch and feel is really low, along with having a low sense of taste which can either be taken in a good way or a bad way, but it certainly means that they are not fussy eaters. Their sense of hearing, compared to a human's, is above average. It is very hard to damage a Metal Elemental's hearing as well. Their sense of smell is low, so if one of them needs a bath, it won't know until it meets someone who points it out. If they do manage to smell that they stink, then... Eww, they should go clean themselves asap.  For most Elementals their sight is average compared to a human's, although in some cases the Elemental may not be able to have any sight at all which doesn't help since their sense of touch and smell is low, but luckily the ones with horrible sight tend to have even better hearing than an Elemental with decent sight, hopefully they'll know what they're eating too because of the bad sense of taste.

When an Elemental changes a part of its body in to an object, their sense of touch drops even lower, which makes a shield that they make very good for defense. Unfortunately, because of their sense of touch drastically dropping when they make an object, once changed back it will feel the damage that it took, luckily they're tough and if their fight wasn't that epic, then they should be fine, plus their sense of touch is pretty low already which also helps.

The insides of a Metal Elemental is very strange, it's soft and fleshy like a human's so if one actually manages to break through the Elemental's outer "skin" then it will hurt quite a bit. But, it's not safe to say their insides are one hundred percent fleshy and soft though, as a Metal Elemental can harden their body on command to the point where their insides are like it's outside. This is a risky move though if they do harden it to such a point, which can be fatal, only to be used in extreme measures if there is an attack heading their way which they can not block normally. Their blood will stop pumping and its heart will stop, along with all the organs shutting down. An Elemental is smart enough to not harden their body that much though, but the harder they harden, the slower their blood gets pumped around it's body.

Since a Metal Elemental's body is made out of metal, they can indeed conduct electricity. Plus, if they don't harden their body, the electricity will only run through the outer "skin" which means they won't take much damage, they'll just feel a tingling sensation. Although, if the electricity flows through them too long it can make their outer "skin" quite hot, which won't be comfortable for the Elemental at all, it could give them a migraine or worse, strain their body.

Finally, a Metal Elemental is not cut out at all for being a mage. Although they can produce spells, they won't be very powerful or effective; unfortunately for them. It can be something to entertain themselves with though, plus a very weak fire spell is more than enough to light a fire to cook things over, so although their magic ability isn't great, it can be quite useful for little things such as that.

Last edited by The Ultimate on Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2013 2:38 pm

Last edited by Stabs on Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2013 6:40 pm

Crap, I thought I checked the threads. >_< Oh well, I'm glad I never worked too hard on the Metal Sprite on my word document and focused on the Elemental first. Aww... I was happy about making the Sprite too...
Guess I'll just work the Elemental.
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Eternal Optimist
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2013 10:24 am

I dunno about the sprite, but so far I really like the elemental idea! :DI've already decided to include a mention of them in my work, at the very least when I get around to typing up my ideas for the mountain range I've been working on.

I like that they can only inhabit the same metal once it's been chosen, that's a good flaw, and it works just like other elementals, too. I do wonder about the relation between earth elementals and metal ones, since metals and minerals are both related to the earth property; they're like cousins.

I also look forward to playing with the part where they can make weapons from their bodies. It seems like a really cool, handy, creative, and altogether sensible idea for them. Plus, their ability with this isn't a specifically-defined point about them, so it can be up to the author's interpretation of their own metal elemental character.

By the way, you don't mention whether or not they're sapient - you only state that they often take a human shape. I also wonder about their physiology - do they have senses like touch and taste? And if they do, are they able to dull their sense of touch when they make part of their body into a weapon or shield so that they don't get hurt? Also, what are their insides like? Are they fleshy as opposed to their outsides, or are their stomach and other organs the same kind of malleable metal that the rest of them is? Also, how do they react to electricity? Does having high conductivity make a metal elemental weak to electricity, as it causes them pain as it moves through them, or does that mean they can actually use electricity to their advantage? Also, does their physical proficiency mean most of them are not going to be good spellcasters?

That's all I can think of for now. :3 If I think of any other questions that might help you flesh them out a bit more, I'll post again, 'kay? Hope this helps!
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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 9:39 am

Finally I've added more info to the Metal Elemental, and it only took me... Around four months. ^_^;
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 4:45 am

The metal elementals are interesting ^^ I especially liked the part about them taking on the property of the metal they are made of. Lot of things to do with that.
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 5:11 pm

Yo dawg, I heard you like metals. I like metals too. Maybe we can get together and talk metals.

Most metals are not found in their native 0 state. They're found, instead, combined with other elements: the purification of metals is a very important leg for any country's economy! Iron is present in emeralds, but not in its 0, metallic state. The only real source of native iron is meteorites, and even then, it's a high-nickel iron. Well, there's also telluric iron: rare, though. Only one major deposit, in Greenland. Telluric iron can either be found in very large boulders, type I, or in small grains separated by basalt, type II. The rest of the minerals that can be found native... well, they're as rare as honest politicians.

Anyway, I don't know if you expect more native minerals in Felarya (the only metals found in a native state in any significant amount in the real world are gold, silver and copper. Fat lot of good they did to us) or if the metal elementals would have an interest in smelting metals. I'd hate to be a Scandium elemental myself, heh!

One of the properties of most elements is their tendency to rust and come apart. Yes, it goes for you too, titanium! Go spread false rumors about you being indestructible somewhere else! If those chumps aren't subject to rusting, maybe they're able to refine their own element from the surroundings. Like they were plants. Metal refining plants.

Some elements are found combined with other elements. How about electrum elementals? Amalgam elementals? Taenite (high-nickel iron) elementals? Brass-bronze elementals?

Food for thoughts here. See if you can make use of any of that.
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The Ultimate
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Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas.   Bender's/Ultie's stupid ideas. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 20, 2013 11:54 am

Stabs wrote:
Yo dawg, I heard you like metals. I like metals too. Maybe we can get together and talk metals.
Yo dawg, only just seen that this thread had replies.

Stabs wrote:
Most metals are not found in their native 0 state. They're found, instead, combined with other elements: the purification of metals is a very important leg for any country's economy! Iron is present in emeralds, but not in its 0, metallic state. The only real source of native iron is meteorites, and even then, it's a high-nickel iron. Well, there's also telluric iron: rare, though. Only one major deposit, in Greenland. Telluric iron can either be found in very large boulders, type I, or in small grains separated by basalt, type II. The rest of the minerals that can be found native... well, they're as rare as honest politicians.
Took a few reads, but I think I understood what you were saying.

Stabs wrote:
One of the properties of most elements is their tendency to rust and come apart. Yes, it goes for you too, titanium! Go spread false rumors about you being indestructible somewhere else! If those chumps aren't subject to rusting, maybe they're able to refine their own element from the surroundings. Like they were plants. Metal refining plants.
Yeah I was wondering about the rust part, think I'll add something about that.

Stabs wrote:
Some elements are found combined with other elements. How about electrum elementals? Amalgam elementals? Taenite (high-nickel iron) elementals? Brass-bronze elementals?
I really like this idea, gives people more... Creative stuffs, when reading your first paragraph, Sub-Species of Metal Elementals did cross my mind. I'll adds that in.
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