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 Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]

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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 4:47 pm

The Forest of Illusions is a dangerous place. Created by the dark sorcerer Valizen to lure people in . Never to be seen again only way out is killing Valizen destoring the forest and freeing those who were sucked in and wernt killed by the monsterous creatures inside.

Now youve been lured in with a few freinds. Trying to escape.

You may die.
Im only here do narrerate/escort

Now im running this kinda like a RPG/DND sorta of thing theyre will be levels,areas etc.

Now who wants to join and get lost in this wonderful place (<--lie)

Now i want a normal bio. But i also want why your charater was lured in to the forest.


Forest of Illusions (Monster levels 3-20) (area 1)
Forest Grounds (begining area mosters are levels 3-10)
Whispering Lake (Level 5-9 monsters)
Hills of Shadow (Level 8-15 monsters)
Slithering Sands (Levels 8-15 monsters)
Fearlorn Sea (Levels 10-17 monsters) (includes a boss)
The Dark Bridge (Level 12-20 monsters) (Includes a boss)

Talvesion Island (Levels 15-30 mosters) (area 2)
Nightfall Shore (Monsters level 15-20)
Eternal Forest (Levels 20-25)
Moonrise beach (Levels 25-30) (Includes boss)

Sea of Shadows (levels 28-35) (Includes a boss)

The Badlands (Levels 35-50) (area 3)
Devlein Desert (levels 35-40)
Moonrise peaks (Levels 40-45)
Sunfall Canyon (levels 40-45)
Tomb of Sinking Sands (Level 45-50) (4 bosses included)

Ocean of the Blood Moon (levels 50-60) (Boss included)

Land Of Darkness (levels 60-100) (Final area)

Shadow Forest (level 60-70)
Blood lake (level 70-80) Includes 3 Bosses
Castle of Despair (levels 80-100) (Includes 10 bosses and Valizen) (notice Castle of Despair is HUGE)

Ill make classes on next post
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 7:46 pm

Ok guys for start tell me

Your charater bio,
Reason he/she got lured into this world
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 8:16 pm

(I may be interested in joining this, but a few questions: Will you be doing this in Felarya and will you be using D20 rules?)
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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 10:21 pm

(I'm with Jedi, I'm interested but I need to know how we're doing the levels and all that. =O It looks interesting. =3 Also, what are the classes? I know you said you'd put them in the next post, but still. =3)
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 10:39 pm

(This does sound interesting, but my character is somewhat of an immortal being.  I don't know if I should.  After all, she'll just come back to life should she die. Also, is there an alignment system? If so, will it be 9-alignment style?)
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 9:03 am

Jedi: The dice rolling system is going to happen (Ill be rolling so everything is fair i dont pick favorites)

Nergal: The leveling system current stats etc. Are shown every now and then but if someone levels up it will be shown also

Spectrum : I dont mind the "Imortal Being" thing cuase a high level healer will be able to bring parters back to life as well but someone cant die in area 1 and be revived in area 2 etc. They have to be in the same area. Just wait a day beore you come back

This is in Felarya but the 'world' was a spell over it shrinking those who enter to human size and youre all working together to escape
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 12:37 pm

(OK. Should my character die, she won't return until at least 1 day after her death. By the way, what elements are there in this world? That's very important because my character is a powerful spellcaster, using elemental magic.)
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Classes   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 2:34 pm

Knights are a strong tank-like class
Atk : 8
Dfn : 9
A.S : 10
Health : 100
Speed : 3
Stealth : 2
Magic : 0

Rouges are stealthy,speedy class
Begining Stats
Speed : 8
Stealth : 9
Atk : 5
Dfn : 3
A.S : 4
Magic : 3
Health : 45

Archers are a Bow based class using arrows and enchants for his/her arrows
ATK : 7
DFN : 5
A.S : 5
Magic : 4
Health : 50
Speed : 4
Stealth : 4

Magic using classes with 10 different forms to choose from
Atk : 8
Dfn : 5
Speed : 6
Stealth : 6
Magic : 9
A.S : 5
Health : 75

Fire wizards with mostly offencive spells.

Water wizards with Weak offensive spells but powerful Defencive spells.

Air wizards with nothing but Defencive spells at first but gets powerful offencive spells later

An even class of powerful Defencive and Offencive spells

Dark magic users that have powerful spells but weak buffs

Light wizards that use powerful buffs but have weak attacks until high level

Wizards that can only heal no offensive spells here

Electric wizards with shocking offensive and paralyzing defencive

Ice wizards with frosty attacks and Freezing buffs

Forbiden wizards that use the spirits themselves theyre attacks and buffs ALWAYS have a recoil (and a nasty on at that)

Last edited by DuskTheNaga on Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 2:36 pm

Yes Spectrum at least one day and the elements are in the Wizard/witch class (come to think of it Spellcaster would of been a better name.....Fuck it) and i apologize but you can only use 1 element here
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 2:58 pm

(I may only choose 1 element to use!? That's unfair! Now, I can't use my OC at all! She's a Spectromancer, using ALL elements! Aww...)
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Hello?   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 07, 2013 8:28 pm

Are you guys still here?
Or did you leave me Sad
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 07, 2013 10:23 pm

(I'm still around. If this has to be a solo RP, I'm OK with it. But...)
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 08, 2013 9:04 am

SpectrumGirl wrote:
(I'm still around. If this has to be a solo RP, I'm OK with it. But...)
Jedi And Nergal said they like to join im just asking
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 08, 2013 5:25 pm

DuskTheNaga wrote:
SpectrumGirl wrote:
(I'm still around.  If this has to be a solo RP, I'm OK with it.  But...)
Jedi And Nergal said they like to join im just asking
(Well, I'm glad to hear that.)
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 08, 2013 5:57 pm

SpectrumGirl wrote:
DuskTheNaga wrote:
SpectrumGirl wrote:
(I'm still around.  If this has to be a solo RP, I'm OK with it.  But...)
Jedi And Nergal said they like to join im just asking
(Well, I'm glad to hear that.)
Yeah cuase this would be a PAIN IN THE ASS alone its made for a groups between 3-10 working together.

Comeon guys im still waiting DX Spectrum not being mean but you need to give me a bio with a class pick and Nergie and Jedi need to show me that they are still interested in playing!
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 10:43 pm

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 3:05 pm

I'm here. Maybe. Possibly.

I'm brand new but I really like roleplaying, so I'll see if I can get something together. Might be a bit slow in posting, though...
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 7:05 pm

Be very careful, though. Whichever character you use might die out here. Fortunately, mine is immortal, but takes a while to return to life.
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Eternal Optimist
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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 7:51 am

SpectrumGirl wrote:
Fortunately, mine is immortal, but takes a while to return to life.
*sarcastic condescending eyeroll*

Sorry, I really should learn to curb my criticisms....
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 9:01 am

(My characters - Rendarr the Neera and Durnen the stone golem. I think you can guess who will be doing the fighting Razz )

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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 12:34 pm

((Room for one more?))
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Naga food

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2013 6:07 pm

Mr. I wrote:
((Room for one more?))
Yup im just waiting for people
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 11:22 am

My OC is more of a pyromancer, but if need be, I can have her be a whiteliner. Every party needs at least one healer after all.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 1:41 pm

Mr. I wrote:
My OC is more of a pyromancer, but if need be, I can have her be a whiteliner. Every party needs at least one healer after all.
What made you think I wasn't going to be the healer?
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2013 3:09 pm

You haven't posted a bio yet, with how your character got here. That's why XD
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PostSubject: Re: Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk]   Forest of Illusions. [Warning Enter at you own risk] Icon_minitime

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