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 Mr. I's Original Characters

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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 2:33 am

Alright, here's a collection of my characters.

Species: Dridder
Name: Possios
Sex: Female
Age: 75
Height: 90 feet
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Carapace: Black with a single blue stripe going down the middle

Predation: Opportunistic

Food category: five to six feet. Prefers: Nekos

Venom: Like most Dridders, Possios is armed with fangs filled with venom. Her's is indeed lethal, but only in large doses. It would require several bites before the one she's biting was in any danger of dying. In smaller doses, it has a drowsiness and slight burning effect where you're bitten. What's interesting though is that the drowsiness will spread through your bloodstream, but the burn won't. This is due to her fangs being coated with a substance that reacts with flesh differently than with blood. Depending on the skin, the worst case scenario is getting the equivalent of a small third degree burn. Best case scenario is redness where you were bitten along with a feeling of extreme heat.

The drowsiness effect usually lasts an hour in the case of a single bite. In the event you give Possios reason to bite you more multiple times, it could last up to a day. Depending on how efficiently the venom is purged by your system. There is one reassuring point though: no amount of venom will be enough to put you into a coma.

Bio: Possios was born in the Dridder forest. As a spiderling, it was clear that she could be classified as a wanderer due to her muscular legs. As her childhood went on, she developed a taste for tinies, particularly Tomthumbs. The feeling of them in her tummy catered to the primal joy of struggling prey. Her and her mother often ran into them in their travels along the bank of the Momato River and the surrounding areas.

Her early life was fairly Nomadic. Her mother was also a wanderer, and they lived up to the name. They sometimes went as far east as the Great Marshes or as far north as Ascarlin Mountains. But the majority of their time was spend in the Dridder forest itself. While Possios didn't mind moving around so much, she often wondered why they were so Nomadic, but when she asked her mother, she simply responded "To prepare you for adulthood". What she meant by that, Possios thought she understood. To make sure she can actively hunt and catch her own meals, rather than just sitting on her web all the time.

One time during her adolescence, during a trip east, Possios was separated from her mother when they were attacked by a cocky Human who thought he could take down Dridder mother and her child. He said that a Dridder carapace, when it was hollowed out, would fetch a nice price. Possios' mother never did teach her many fighting skills sadly. When Possios fled, she literally bumped into another Dridder named Janzeia, who was a weaver. The two became fast friends as Janzeia gave Possios a safe place to stay for the night and Possios was fascinated with Janzeia's weaving skills. The mother-daughter pair were reunited the next day, Possios smirked as she saw her mother's swollen belly and said "Looks like you've caught breakfast, Mom".

It was because of this Human that she also came into the possession of a large book, a gift from her mother. She told her that, after flipping through the pages, it was a spell book. That had belonged to the mage or wizzard that was now residing in her mother's intestine. Since then, she's spent the years building up the mental discipline required to even begin to cast basic spells. As the tome was designed for beginners and novices, much of it is instruction and very few of the spells would cause any real harm to anyone, but she is not ready to cast even a basic spell. Presently, she could still use more discipline before she starts casting, as any attempt to cast a spell would most likely fizzle.

Currently, as an adult, Possios spends much of her time along the eastern edge of the Dridder forest. She continues her friendship with Janzeia, often visiting her. Most days, as she either strolls through the forest, or lays in wait for her next meal, she has the hope of catching a Human. They rarely came to the Dridder Forest, as many humans had a very rational fear of spiders and dark places. So while they infrequently paid her a visit, she'd hope every morning that there would be one struggling on her web, ready for her watering mouth.

Personality: The three words you could use to describe Possios are: gentle, light-hearted,and patient.

One thing Possios will almost never do with her prey is liquefy them. The painful and agonizing screams her prey make her feel a tad guilty about it. The thought of going through that pain herself makes her shiver in discomfort, so she tries to spare her meals that pain if she can. She prefers swallowing them because, naturally, she likes the feeling of live prey in her stomach anyway. The process is more flavorful and more fun that way (for her at least). And most prey pass out before her stomach does too much damage.

The best way to get yourself off her menu would be to simply, play music for her. Possios has always been fascinated with music ever since a Rosic Neko used her as the judge for his Rosic test. She let the Neko live and return to the Rosic village. She's developed a soft spot for musicians since that happened. The concept of wooden objects using someone's breath to make sound is something she finds herself ponder from time to time.

Combat training: Possios' mother was a warrior in her younger years. So naturally she taught Possios some basic combat skills. As a result, her front legs have grown more muscular than her other ones, even a little bit pointier and "sharper" (Think Starship Troopers, but not so powerful that she could kill you instantly).

Species:  Human
Name: Ishoam T.
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'3
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: brown
Skin: Caucasian
Profession: doctor/medic

Bio: Ishoam was born on the world of Ampako, a technologically developed world. His father was a starship mechanic and his mother, a bartender. They weren't exactly the best paying jobs, but it was enough to live a comfortable enough lifestyle. Ishoam was their only child

his childhood was fortunately a stable one. His parents' marriage had shown hardly any signs of deterioration beyond the occasional fight. During his middle school-high school years, he noticed more and more that his friends had shortened his name to "Ish". He wasn't against the idea, so it stuck.

In college, He mostly studied medicine and biology. It was his dream to become a doctor, and he had always wanted to see more of his own galaxy, so joining the military medical academy seemed like a good idea to make his dreams a reality. He didn't graduate in the top three percent, but he still got top marks.

The planetary government had been focusing on colonizing their star system around the time Ishoam reached adulthood. However, the first world they tried to colonize was already conquered by some... Unfriendly people. Dridders to be precise. Negotiations for the people of Ampako to settle on their world were unsuccessful. War broke out when a group of Dridder and Ampakan solders had a skirmish. Both sides ironically were going to strike the other.

This was Ishoam's first posting, sadly. Doctors were in high demand there, as combat between the Dridder people and Ampakans was a little too often for comfort. The Dridders used, to them, the ancient weapons of swords and other powerful melee weapons. Along with using their muscular legs as weapons.

Personality: Ishoam is known to have a sympathetic mind. He feels for his patients and always does what must be done to save their lives. Be it minor surgery, or a complex treatment. He sometimes finds dying enemy soldiers on the field and puts them out of their mystery. A mercy killing is better than leaving them to a slow death, in his mind.

The horrors of war have scarred him, naturally. He occasionally gets nightmares about being slaughtered mercilessly by the enemy. It's cost him more than a few hours of sleep. He has gotten trauma counseling, thankfully, and has been told that after the fight was won, he could call himself "a battle-hardened soldier of Ampako". He looks forward to that day when all the killing stops.

He is very loyal to his friends. Often helping them cope with the horrors of war. Him prescribing a homemade over the counter version of PTSD medication is no secret among the base personnel. Attacks by ferocious armored creatures brandishing great-swords and lethal legs can severely screw with your mind. It is the source of almost all mental conditions on that world.

Name: Tache
species: Fairy
Gender: Female
Height: minimum: 2 inches Maximum: 90 feet Normal: 5'10
Age: young adult (not sure how fairies age yet)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
wing span: 4 feet
wing color: dark blue
skin: Caucasian
Predation: specialized Prefers: Humans

Bio: Like most fairies, Tache was born in the Fairy Kingdom. The Muroyo library and Chikto Lake were her favorite spots to relax and ponder during her childhood and adolescent years. She also made the occasional visit to Kortikri town, finding the lack of Fairies eating other species intriguing. She never knew her parents, and was raised by friends she would today call family.

In her childhood, Tache never left the kingdom. She often looked across the pit that surrounded the Fairy Kingdom and wondered what was out there, but was always told that she would not survive in the jungle until she was older. She one day went against her better judgement and ventured beyond the safety of the pit into the merciless Felarya jungle. It didn't take long for her to be caught by a Naga that was out looking for lunch. The only reason she was let go was because they didn't believe in eating children. Tache hasn't seen them since that day, and knows that they were probably eaten years ago. It would be until she reached her teenage years before she went back out into the jungle.

Tache spent a lot of time in the jungles of Felarya during her adolescent years. She quickly learned about the taste of many different species, from Humans to Nagas. Their pleas and excuses worked on her for a time, but she did eventually adapt to ignoring them like most predators. Fairy schooling drummed that into her head fairly quickly. She attended every class she could, especially the shrinking classes. Shrinking was something Tache wasn't as naturally skilled at. It would sometimes take her three or four tries before she could shrink a meal or a friend down to an edible size. She improved greatly from her old average of six tries.

Currently, as a young adult, Tache has become essentially a stereotypical Fairy. She loves to have fun and flies around shrinking her food, as a result she developed a taste for Humans. One trait that might make her different from other Fairies is that once she sees someone as a meal, she won't let the label go until they're in her stomach. There is one Human in particular she's after, but eating him has proved most difficult.

Magical abilities: Tache has always been a bit of a scholar. Like most fairies, she never missed a lesson in school. She's been known to spend a fair amount of her time in the ancient library in the Fairy Kingdom. It is not a hobby without risk, as she's almost been eaten by a "hungry" book more than once. Thankfully, the knowledge is worth the risk. She's learned a good deal about healing and illusion magic. Adventurers and creatures of the jungle often make for perfect test subjects. Many have gone down her throat under the residual effects of some illusion or another. She's no Vivian by any means, but she can keep your attention long enough to shrink you.


Name: Kristine
species: Fairy (Crimson Maiden)
Gender: Female
Height: minimum: 5 inches Maximum: 80 feet Normal: 6 foot
Age: 55
Eye color: Ruby red
Hair color: Pink
wing span: 52 inches
wing color: dark red
skin: Caucasian, slight red tint.
Predation: Opportunistic Prefers: Humans

Last edited by Mr. I on Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:44 pm; edited 18 times in total (Reason for editing : Removing superfluous line length to prevent page break.)
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 12:03 pm

Alright, I'm usually up for helping new members smooth out their work! Very Happy Let's see what you've written here...

You wrote:
Age: ?
Is it just like that because you haven't decided an age for her yet, or is that meant to be constant? Because if it's the latter, I'll be honest, that's kind of cliché.
You wrote:
Weight: ?
Well, it generally agreed that, because of the difficulty, creators aren't really required to put the weight of their characters, even those 7 feet and under, into their bios if they don't want to or feel it's necessary, so you don't really need this glaring blank space in there. Smile
You wrote:
Bust size: up to your imagination, buddy
Okay, I don't really like this - it's unprofessional, and it blurs the proper mental image of your character. >.> I'd advise you to either not mention her bust size in her bio or make it a specific measurement.
You wrote:
Predation: Opportunistic
Food category: a few centimeters to six feet. Prefers: Nekos
Well, I can see here you've done some research at least! Very Happy Good show!

I like this character so far! Very Happy It's rare to see a new member enter in with such a well-rounded-seeming, understated character. So far, she seems to fit into the setting like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle, another feat new members don't often accomplish. ^_^ A fairly normal character living a fairly normal life - it's a refreshing change of pace from characters who have grand ambitions or overbearing presences or insane superpowers that make them a threat to everything and everybody else. In fact, if I might be so bold, I could possibly stand to learn a thing or two from your example here! O_o

I look forward to reading about what kind of personality she has later on. I plan to be back then with hopefully a bit more helpful feedback for you.
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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 6:03 pm

Nyaha said most of the things I was thinking, but in light of how well the character fits in... I'm tempted to ask, why did you make this character? Is she for roleplaying? Because she blends in so very well with what's established that it almost makes her un-special, which could be a problem if you start writing stories about her that you want people to read. Admittedly this does appear to be a WIP, in which case I look forward to finding out what makes her special, or what extraordinary things happen to this otherwise ordinary character.

If that sounded harsh, let it be said here and now that I didn't mean it that way ^^; I can be more blunt than I mean to sometimes.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 6:07 pm

Sometimes the bluntest advice tends to be the best advice you can give.
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 2:21 am

Update: 8/13/13

added more to the bio.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 2:33 pm

Okay, that's fairly interesting. Smile A spell book - quaint, but again, pretty realistic, fitting rather nicely with the setting, and even better with the story; from an averted tragedy comes a moment of opportunity.

I want to take this moment to mention what I think 'low level' or 'basic' spells are in my mind. To me, beginner's spells, as you alluded to in her bio, are ones that are not meant to or not possible to be used to cause harm to others. Things like magic energy manipulation would probably be the 'building block' lessons from which the majority of other spells likely stem. After that, one would probably learn basic forms of magic, like levitating objects, or, if you're practicing an elemental magic, exerting a certain amount of control over a substance or type of energy (water, electricity). Okay, maybe that second example is a bit more advanced than I made it sound, but you get the idea I think. To sum it up, I myself have recently created a character who only uses - in my mind - basic forms of magic: levitation, illusion, and transmogrification, all three of which can only be used on inanimate objects, at least at the lower levels he has mastered them. If you decide to give her magic abilities, my advice would be to make them things that she couldn't use directly on living beings, like I have. Of course, I'm sure there's probably other ways you could pull off 'basic magic', too, so if you think of one or have one in mind that works better for you, don't hesitate to implement it. ^_^
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 14, 2013 1:19 pm

update: 8/14

Added venom details
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeThu Aug 15, 2013 8:16 pm

Updaet: 8/15

* Added a bit to Possios' personality.

*Started development on Ishoam
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 2:42 am

Update notes for 8/21

Added some combat training for Possios

Added a brief bio to Ishoam
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 7:23 am

not to sound super critical but isn't 15 feet rather small for a dridder to be able to swallow a full grown human? With nagas I get it, but not anything else really. scratch 
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 11:58 am

I've actually been thinking that myself. While it might be technically possible, it would take a lot of effort for her to swallow a six foot tall person

*changes the height to something more logical*
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeFri Aug 23, 2013 2:43 am

Update 8/23

*added a bit to Ishoam's personality
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 7:48 pm

update: 8/27

Added Fairy information
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Mr. I
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Mr. I

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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2013 12:42 am

update 11/10

*added a proper bio for Tache along with magical abilities

*touched up Ishoam's bio a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Mr. I's Original Characters   Mr. I's Original Characters Icon_minitime

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