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 Negav Development: Residence

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Negav Development: Residence Empty
PostSubject: Negav Development: Residence   Negav Development: Residence Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 10:23 am

Probably the least complex of the questions I have about Negav's development, hence why I saved it for last. It is all presumed that Negav is built vertically in a manner of speaking. With the exception of the Higher Tier, would residences be mostly appartments for multiple families to reside in? Would it be common for buildings that offer services, like stores, inns, libraries, and the like to have their service on the first or first few floors, and the actual residence on a higher floor? Would residences in the Middle Tier typically be more comfortable than in the Lower Tier? (Cremona Maze notwithstanding)
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Mara's snack

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Negav Development: Residence Empty
PostSubject: Re: Negav Development: Residence   Negav Development: Residence Icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 2:08 pm

Now that I'm less focused on the other threads I feel I can come and answer this.

In a normal city you of course have a big building with floors that offer different functions. Like in San Francisco, the Cheesecake Factory (a restaurant) is on top of a Sears, which is I think on top of something else. In Negav I imagine this would be the normal case. Inns, Shops, and most commercial buildings are possibly on the ground floor, or second floor, but residences are most likely above them.

I've always entertained the idea that many bridges connect various buildings from different angles from one place to the next, like a residential complex having a bridge connecting two or three different buildings, and you can go out, and take some stairs that might be right next to the bridge to a shop below where you can get your food or whatever, like a corner market.

Walkways and bridges connecting the various mis-match of residences and commercial buildings on many floors. This of course would make the construction and layout of Negav to seem disorganized and ugly, but its really very convenient, and cleverly set up.
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Negav Development: Residence
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