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 Crao, The Veldicarian.

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Great warrior
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Crao, The Veldicarian. Empty
PostSubject: Crao, The Veldicarian.   Crao, The Veldicarian. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 29, 2014 5:14 pm

(The following is necessary to be able understand my coming character bio. You don't have to read this, but I did my best to make it entertaining. The bio itself will be posted in this thread soon. Please do tell me your thoughts. This is the first time I tried something so radically different to what I'm used to.)

Wandering through the forests of Felarya, you happen across what appears to be an incredibly advanced ship of alien origin. Your curiosity overwhelms you, and you venture into the wreck whilst being wary of predators. The ship appears to have crashed only recently but it is deserted. To your disappointment there is nothing left that is worth looting. You notice a large bulkhead and wonder what is behind it as you continue to explore.

Suddenly, you see a light by your feet. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be some sort of holographic data store. You curiously pick it up and inspect it further. Strangely, you are able to read what is written there. You prod it and poke it, and realise that it displays relevant data stores depending on what you tap on. Your curiosity boiling over about this ship, you decide to read what you can. Perhaps there is some clue of what happened here, or if there is any hidden loot for you to take.

Welcome, Captain Arier. Data stores unlocked. Glory to Veldicar!

<> Warning! Some data stores are corrupted! Please <>ERROR DATA CORRUPTED<> <>

The Veldicarian Race:

Early History of Veldicar:

The Great Magi War:

The War of the Void:

Project V.O.I.E.D:

Veldicar Arms and Armor:

<> All further data corrupted. Ple<>ERROR DATA CORRUPTED<> <>

You slowly place the data store back on the floor as you ponder what you were able to read. You wonder about this odd race of aliens. You wonder if any of them survived this crash, and if they did, what happened to them. Perhaps some of their weapons were left behind?

But before you can begin your search, you feel yourself rising up into the air. You emerge through a hole in the roof, confused. And then you come face to face with a naga... Your blood goes cold as you realise that she has picked you up and you have no where to go.

"Awww~" Says the disappointed naga. "I thought you were another one of those blue guys."

You desperately try to distract her from the fact that she could easily eat you at any moment. Asking her what happened, you try to distract her.

"What happened? You mean what happened to the blue guys? Well... How about I show you."

She lifts you higher and positions you above her now gaping maw. You shiver at the sight and say your final farewells. If only you had paid more attention...

You feel yourself fall and then land on something squishy. You know whats happening and you know there is nothing you can do but accept it. As you slide down her throat, you absent mindedly wonder what the Veldicarians must have felt, not knowing about such danger on this world. You land in her stomach as juices begin to rise and slowly dissolve you. Perhaps not knowing would have been a blessing...


"Mmmm~ You were really tasty!" Says the happy naga as she pats her belly. She continues her hunt, not yet satisfied.

"I wonder if there are any of those blue guys left? I sure hope so. They tasted kinda funny but they sure were filling!"

The naga hums happily as she slithers away.


(Thank you for reading all of that. ^^ My next post will have the actual character bio. Please do tell me your thoughts while I go and grabe a bite to eat myself! Very Happy)

Last edited by Mortis on Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
Great warrior

Posts : 449
Join date : 2010-08-04
Location : Britannia

Crao, The Veldicarian. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crao, The Veldicarian.   Crao, The Veldicarian. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 29, 2014 5:46 pm

Name: Crao
Race: Veldicarian
Gender: M
Height: 15.5ft

A member of the Veldicar military, a scouting mission went horribly wrong. Now, he must find a way to escape this terrifying place, or at the very least survive as best he can.

As a Veldicarian Crao is incredibly prejudiced against all magical races, though less than most. He can't help but feel resentment due to the events of his races past. He is also proud of his race and stubbornly believes his race superior to others. Despite this, Crao is curious about this strange new world. It doesn't take much for him to dislike you. Simply looking at him funny can provoke his anger.

Crao fought in the The War of the Void's later stages and is experienced in combat, especially against magic users. He managed to escape the ship bearing only his basic uniform, his twinblade and a broken Veldicar Rifle. An expert in the twinblades use, his skill and size make him a formidable melee adversary. However his size can also be his downfall, and without his weapons he quickly becomes useless.

Confident in battle, he relishes the chance to fight. That is, until his recent encounters with the felaryan predators. The event has given him a deep rooted fear of the dripping mouths that lurk everywhere, ready to make him lunch. This notion made all the more horrifying as he cannot fathom eating solid food for nourishment, as he lives soley on water. Though with this fear came hatred. Hatred that has surpassed his hate for magical races. How could he have known that an even greater threat existed?

Overall Crao is a warrior at heart and loves a challenge. He rarely shows fear and tends to bottle up his emotions, which can lead to the occasional breakdown. He loathes magical races of all kinds and will be very unfriendly to them, almost as if looking for an excuse to kill them.

His goal is to find a way out of this nightmare. Or to survive as best he can. Though much of his ship was lost, powerful weapons remain there locked away behind impenetrable bulkheads. If he could get back to them... Perhaps he could avenge his fallen comrades.

Glory to Veldicar!

(Well there it be. I'm going to feature this character in a story soon and I shall post it in the story section. It would also be a great pleasure to use him for RPing, should the opportunity arise.)
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