This is a sneak peek on a story I'm working on. I'm not sure what to call it yet, but I got the general idea down.
In the Uncharted Forest of Felarya, an Elf began to walk towards her way home to her interspecies family. She had long red hair that reached down to her waist, white pale skin, bright hazel eyes and wore nothing on her, so she was nude. She stopped when her eyes spotted the large cave mouth. It was dark inside, but the residents that took up the cave could see pretty well thanks to their enhanced night vision. The elf walked inside and saw a familiar face. The blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, green colored mantis bottom half Mantoid was right in the middle of the cave's sandy ground, waiting for her best friend to bring in the food. The Elf walked closer to her Mantoid friend.
"I brought some humans for you, Kimama." The Elf said to her. She opened the bag her left hand held and took out three knocked out humans from the bag. There was no mark on them to indicate that the Elf hurt them to put them out. Rather, she used a sleeping spell to knocked them out. This was because Kimama had a soft spot for anyone who was as afraid of the world as she was. If she ever saw a human, a neko or any sentient being with fear or sadness in their eyes, she wouldn't dare to eat them, and she may stop someone else from eating them too. So, it was best to eat humans when they were asleep, for both Kimama and the others.
"Thanks, Kathleen." Kimama told her taller Elf friend. Kathleen was much taller than her, Kimama only at equal height with the Elf's stomach. Kimama happily swallowed the three humans. She relied on her friend to bring the food to her, since everyone else runs off to find their own. No one except Kathleen gave her time to hunt for any sentient being for her Mantoid friend.
Kimama was literally afraid of everything and would always back away from a challenge. She was also very shy with strangers. It was strange for a Mantoid to be so timid and afraid, it confused the other predators in Felarya, a disappointment to the other Mantoids. She was kicked out of her colony when the Mantoids saw no improvement and left her out into the world. She was lonely and afraid. Kimama thought she would die alone, with no friends to protect her or die with her out of pure loyalty. All that changed when she found this cave. It didn't make the situation much better however. Because she was so afraid to be alone in the forest, filled with dangerous creatures and monsters, she didn't dare to go hunting. The Mantoid would have starved to death if she hadn't heard Kathleen's cries. The Mantoid was shy, but not when it came to people who experienced the same emotions she did. She went to look for the source and found the elf. Kimama showed so much compassion for the stranger that she took her to the cave. It was then the two giant predators became the best of friends, each promised to be there for each other when it counted. Soon after the others joined in and they all became the best friends. They were so close that each of the person in the group considered each other family.
Kathleen took out some humans of her own and began to swallow them. A snore broke the silent eating the two had. Kathleen searched for the source and saw at the corner of the cave was their chilotaur friend. Her hair was black and her skin was fair. Her brown eyes were covered with her eyelids, indicating the Chilotaur was asleep, and her centipede half was colored red. Her antennae moved constantly as she slept.
"Did she crashed here again?" Kathleen asked. Though she knew the answer.
"You know Jazmine. Always getting high and then comes over here just to end up in our cave." Kimama said.
Jazmine was the only member of their family group that didn't live in the cave with them. She lived in a small cabin, which she built herself, and often smoked weed and got drunk on certain days. The weed was not native to Felarya. Jazmine brought it there when she got transported from earth to Felarya. She didn't smoked or drank as much when she was on Earth. But now she did it almost everyday, every time she was reminded that her old life would never return. She was a musician back then. She was composer and composed a variety of music back on Earth. Composing music was her own therapy and passion, it gave her a reason to live and be happy. And while most would forget about their fortunes and old lives once they are trapped in this land, Jazmine still thinks back and gets depressed, turning her attention to weed and alcohol to make her forget her lose. The group promised to find a way to take her back, but nothing could really be done. They tried to find solutions, but the solutions reassured them that the once human, Jazmine, is stuck in Felarya forever.
Though Jazmine does have her good times in Felarya, she was at least grateful to have folks like Kathleen, Kimama and the gang to make her feel less depressed. It worked, though the thoughts of her home always creeped up in her mind and made her depressed again. Though there was one person Jazmine couldn't stand. The human-sized neko that lived with them was always in her face and telling her to straighten up her life. Ayame couldn't possibly understand how it was like to have their dreams cut short and to not see their loved ones ever again, the Chilotaur thought in her sleep, the image of the grumpy neko making it's way into her thoughts. The thought of the neko and the loss of her older life made her less sleepy now.
The Chilotaur used her hands to raise herself up, she was sleeping on her front side, and looked at the two giant predators she considered friends. She yawned and stretched, popping her stiff joints in the process.
"Morning, ladies." Jazmine walked closer to them. She was a lot bigger than the rest of the gang. Jazmine stood 245 feet tall, while Kathleen stood at 78 feet tall and Kimama stood 45 feet tall.
"Had a nice sleep?" Kimama said to the much bigger predator.
"Sure did. I haven't slept like that in awhile." Jazmine smiled now that her energy has returned. Jazmine's stomach began to growl. "And, I'm hungry."
"Luckily for you I brought you something." Kathleen said. Kathleen always brought extra food in case her Chilotaur friend decided to crash in and sleep in their cave. The Elf took out a handful of fruits, nuts and some honeycombs she got from hives.
"Yum, thanks." Jazmine quickly ate them. Jazmine did not eat humans. In her mind, humans had a life like everyone else and they deserved to be spared. She was human herself at one point after all and knew what it was like to have a life ruined and to never being able to return to it. The Chilotaur stuck to strict vegetarian meals, though she occasionally ate animals when she felt her natural hunger for humans creeping in.
P.S. Felarya belongs to Karbo. The characters in this story are mine. I hope to post it soon.