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 So apparently its Vore Day

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5 posters

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So apparently its Vore Day Empty
PostSubject: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2014 3:02 pm

Yeah, just found that out earlier today. It's Vore Day...So um...happy vore day, and enjoy the noms. X3
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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So apparently its Vore Day Empty
PostSubject: Re: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2014 4:42 pm

I have experienced a disappointing lack of vore this vore day. <.< Welp, time to change that. *pulls out Zelkova and Beryl and goes hunting for vore*
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Great warrior
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So apparently its Vore Day Empty
PostSubject: Re: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2014 10:48 pm

-autohits Nyaha and Nergal and vores-
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Mara's snack

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So apparently its Vore Day Empty
PostSubject: Re: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2014 8:32 pm

Happy b-lated vore day. I got announcements all over deviantart about that o.o
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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So apparently its Vore Day Empty
PostSubject: Re: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2014 4:46 am

I missed it? Damnit, I'm gonna be down in the mouth all day because of this.
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PostSubject: Re: So apparently its Vore Day   So apparently its Vore Day Icon_minitime

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