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 Enduring Male Pred Persecution?

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 8:59 pm

So I was talking with somebody on Skype and we were discussing the community's old reaction to male preds and I kept thinking I was sure it hasn't gotten worse, I mean I've received no bad word on Kharl or Anthony , but I began to wonder as he revealed somebody I know for years and years who'd never said anything but had said to him "Male preds have no right to be in Felarya." She'd never said anything like this I can really remember so I wondered what are the current community's attitudes towards male preds?
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 9:07 pm

I don't mind male preds.  Heck, it's nice to have some variety in gender.
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2014 9:23 pm

Me, too. There is no Problem with that. I think we can be sure that especially in Felarya there will be no fat, ugly and stinky Guy around. Because here resides a special aesthetic Standard, if that would appear the most feared Reason against them.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 12:19 am

I believe in Felarya's reality, gender ratio is pretty balanced, or it will be hard for a species to survive, considering the harsh nature of the world.

It is just that a lot of people who prefers female preds, due to Karbo's influence and their own tastes.
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ravaging vixen
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 12:20 am

I personally wouldn't mind it. You get both types of fan service available. Though to be reasonable and realistic it won't me as dominant as you see with females Razz

tk1304 wrote:
I believe in Felarya's reality, gender ratio is pretty balanced, or it will be hard for a species to survive, considering the harsh nature of the world.

It is just that a lot of people who prefers female preds, due to Karbo's influence and their own tastes.

Actually there's more woman when it comes to predators.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 3:44 am

" it won't me as dominant as you see with females Razz"
What do you mean, Vix? :O I thought you wanted male preds? xD

And I think male preds are alright, they fit into the setting well enough xD
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 4:01 am

Eeyup. No male predator hate from me either, and they should be equal in number to females unless predators are polygamous.

However, females are the basic form of all beings, with even human males starting as girls in the womb before being specialized into boys, so it's definitely possible that many species are functional hermaphrodites, and thus look like strong females. For all we know, some use magic to impregnate each other?

Well, that, or the males are the hunters and protectors for the females, and so they die so often that females outnumber them?
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 5:20 am

No, it literally all boils down to female having more representation due to personal tastes. Those who say there are no male or very few male predators have no hard evidence to support their claim. Remember that 90% of what you see on Deviant Art that's Felarya related is fan content, the only real "evidence" they have is that Karbo prefers cute, female predators, which he himself has stated that's only due to personal preference, yet some less-than-bright people on the net see his work as some sort of gospel for Felarya. There is no in-universe explanation to why males are less represented, it's just the authors' preferences out-of-universe.
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ravaging vixen
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 5:24 am

hhhat09 wrote:
" it won't me as dominant as you see with females Razz"
What do you mean, Vix? :O I thought you wanted male preds? xD

So the think that kabro agreed on, is the the predator populations is literally over flow with gals. more so then males in felarya.

Regular people that are prey (humanoid) have a balanced ratio.

Scryangi wrote:
However, females are the basic form of all beings, with even human males starting as girls in the womb before being specialized into boys, so it's definitely possible that many species are functional hermaphrodites, and thus look like strong females. For all we know, some use magic to imp
regnate each other?

Not in this world...what you see are girls are most likely girls and boys are boys, it's pretty traditional in that sense with aesthetics. The ones with hemaphs are rare though like chimeras and such.

As for why there are more female predators, i forgot the reasoning totally but there was a thread on it long ago why karbo gave out his reason for that (partially due to the fetishism but there were some other factors).[/quote]

EDIT: pretty much what shady said is also a huge factor.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 6:20 am

Smaller male pop would explain why none of the large amount of giant pred species disn't grow large and staeve themselves out.
Still find it weird tho, tbh.
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 6:42 am

I have no objection to male preds, I just find it a case of trying to make them as equally appealing in a way that makes sense. They should feel like male counterparts to the female preds, not just naked dudes.

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Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 7:15 am

I think it probably would be a lower male to female ratio in actuality, just because why not, there's tons of other things that break reality as we know it, why not break it more with a lower male population of preds.

DarkOne wrote:
They should feel like male counterparts to the female preds

How WOULD males would work as giants and "feel like male counterparts", though? Would they treat other female preds badly?  Would there be misogyny, catcalling, and other stuff, or would male and female preds be seen as equal?  Also maybe think of how human-sized people would react.  Would they be more intimidated by a male pred, generally?  It just brings up lots of questions.
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Roaming thug
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Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 7:49 am

LordTrainz wrote:
I think it probably would be a lower male to female ratio in actuality, just because why not, there's tons of other things that break reality as we know it, why not break it more with a lower male population of preds.

DarkOne wrote:
They should feel like male counterparts to the female preds

How WOULD males would work as giants and "feel like male counterparts", though? Would they treat other female preds badly?  Would there be misogyny, catcalling, and other stuff, or would male and female preds be seen as equal?  Also maybe think of how human-sized people would react.  Would they be more intimidated by a male pred, generally?  It just brings up lots of questions.

Just going to point out here, in species of Spiders and Snakes(Same could be said of Dridders and Naga), males are smaller than the females and the females are the stronger gender of the two.
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 7:53 am

LordTrainz wrote:

How WOULD males would work as giants and "feel like male counterparts", though? Would they treat other female preds badly?  Would there be misogyny, catcalling, and other stuff, or would male and female preds be seen as equal?  Also maybe think of how human-sized people would react.  Would they be more intimidated by a male pred, generally?  It just brings up lots of questions.

Well I would guess their behavior would varey depending on the races. But what I meant is that for example, if faries are surposed to be naive and childlike, then surely the male faries should be like that too. If the female predators are generally cute and sexy, then the males have to be attractive in their own way as well and so on. Otherwise they might as well be a completely different race.

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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 8:25 am

I'll just say that I'm one of those people who prefer female preds over male ones. That's not to say I think they shouldn't exist, though. They have a definite place in the setting, as long as it ain't near me. XD
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 10:20 am

Quote :
I think it probably would be a lower male to female ratio in actuality, just because why not, there's tons of other things that break reality as we know it, why not break it more with a lower male population of preds.

The idea of a lower male to female ratio is taking circumstantial evidence and twisting it into hard evidence.  From a narrative standpoint, having a lower male to female ratio because "why not" serves no purpose.  Yes, it would be different from having a balanced gender ratio, but if it's not going to affect their character or their "culture" then that quirk may as well not even exist.  Beyond that, it's really no different from Nagas or Fairies having more representation than Centaurs or Sphinxes, or white people having more representation than black people or people of other ethnicity.  By that logic, it means that fairies and nagas are far more numerous than all other hybrid predators because, let's face it, they're the most popular predators, and that centaurs, sphinxes and most of the minor races are almost non-existent by comparison due to their lack of representation.

Quote :
Smaller male pop would explain why none of the large amount of giant pred species disn't grow large and staeve themselves out.
Still find it weird tho, tbh.

No, it wouldn't.  This fails to take into account the fact that some animal species reproduce more frequently than others and there is no hard evidence of a big boom in predator population every year or something.  It also fails to take into consideration upbringing, as it's never been made clear if giant hybrids raise their children the way we humans do it.  For all we know, it's possible that predator parents teach their children the skills needed to survive on their own, and then encourage them to leave the nest at what we would consider to be an absurdly young age.  It also fails to take into account how often youngs even make it to full adulthood in Felarya because, let's face it, the jungle is no rainbows and sunshine for them either, and in general it's only a matter of time before they either run into a bigger fish or end up with really bad luck during hunts.

The only predators outright stated to have an "imbalanced" gender ratio are Harpies, Dryads and Slug Girls.  Harpies because they're the only ones to really adhere to the original myth that they're only female and so they instead mate with males of other species, and the child that hatch is always a harpy.  Dryads and Slug Girls because being trees and slugs, they are by all rights genderless, but because they have an obviously feminine appearance, they are referred as female for convenience.

I hate to be a broken record, but the gender imbalance among predators is nothing but a myth with no evidence to support it.  The closest argument that can back up that claim is that people prefer to write or draw female predators, which doesn't make for good proof because it's largely personal preference, and as I said before, most of Felarya's content on deviantArt is fan made.  I think Karbo may have even gone on record in the past somewhere that the gender ratio is at most 40-60 in the females' favor, not counting the three aforementioned races, which is fairly stable all things considered, but don't quote me on that.

Last edited by Shady Knight on Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 1:11 pm

I'll pitch in my vote for "it's fine" too. It's also fine if we want to explain the gender imbalance in the lore with something about how nagas have similar breeding habits to uh... well I forgot which fish, but there's a certain fish and a few other animals that have a small number of males that breed with a large number of females.
Or maybe most of the male nagas were killed in the naga-dridder war? I dunno.
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Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 1:16 pm

Actually, I would like to see a few more male preds (there is like 2 on the wiki total). I know many are in to giantess and vore, but honestly, ive seen some great vore with the guy as the pred. Its just what you like.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2014 12:52 pm

Obviously most of the male giant predators starved because they couldn't hunt worth a damn while being surrounded by topless bombshells. And if they did catch anything Vivian or Malika would just wink at them and bam there goes their hard earned meal. XD

But seriously people write about females because not many people find male nagas and other giant species pleasing (Maybe because they picture them with their dongs just flabbing around, even though I always envisioned males as having their genitalia tucked beneath their scales like snakes).
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 12:17 pm

Grave wrote:
Obviously most of the male giant predators starved because they couldn't hunt worth a damn while being surrounded by topless bombshells. And if they did catch anything Vivian or Malika would just wink at them and bam there goes their hard earned meal. XD

Roflamao. This should be a sceintific theory in Negav. A peice of lore somwhere in the Wiki. Oh my sides!! Another would be the "reward" for bringing Vivian or Malika something to eat would result in much, much, much, much pleasure. Perhaps too much for the little dudes to take. XD They may keel over from exhaustion. Laughing

Grave wrote:
But seriously people write about females because not many people find male nagas and other giant species pleasing (Maybe because they picture them with their dongs just flabbing around, even though I always envisioned males as having their genitalia tucked beneath their scales like snakes).

XD Yeah I suppose so, but I don't think that's a problem. I believe most males, and even females have evolved to have their junk covered. You live in the place with thorns, bark and strawberries that burn whatever their juices touch? You learn to protect your vulnerable parts. Even the non-scaled or tauric ones I'm sure have learned the value of a basic loin cloth. ^^;Just cause Jerrid's Manly macho dude punches sharks out with his dong doesn't mean all male giants do, heck I'm sure not every man in Felarya measures up thr standards the ladies set. XD Which brings up another reason to invent pants or loin clothes: pride.
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2014 9:44 am

Enduring Male Pred Persecution?

Someone should talk to Kaiman. He got lots of hate for Kai even existing. He got death threats too, as I recall, from fanboys in the community who believe Felarya should be a female pred only society. I cant even understand this sort of behavior. If you want females nagas so much, go look for them. They're everywhere. I mean, there's so many things wrong with what happened to kaiman that it would take me into the latter half of the next century to finish writing it all.
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 14, 2014 8:45 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Enduring Male Pred Persecution?

Someone should talk to Kaiman. He got lots of hate for Kai even existing. He got death threats too, as I recall, from fanboys in the community who believe Felarya should be a female pred only society. I cant even understand this sort of behavior.

I don't understand the belief that Felarya should be a female pred only socitey either, there's just something terribly Misogynic in the concept that the biggest threats in Felarya are all women...and not just any women, women who are free from society!

Which is okay as long as all Felarya stories are primely femdom fetish fantasies where the idea that merely walking into the forest will result in a massive girl whisking you away and dominating you once and for all (the appeal of vore, it's surposed to be abstract metaphoric repersentation of an BDSM fantasy)

But where does that leave the people who arn't into femdom and wants to write a normal 'fantasy adventure story'...well they end up writing a story about a world where all the monsters are literally naked women, and there's no erotic subtext to explain why that should be.....and heaven help them if they unwittingly write a all male military group fighting said all female monsters. 'unfortunate implications' all around!

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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Enduring Male Pred Persecution?   Enduring Male Pred Persecution? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15, 2014 9:27 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Enduring Male Pred Persecution?

Someone should talk to Kaiman. He got lots of hate for Kai even existing. He got death threats too, as I recall, from fanboys in the community who believe Felarya should be a female pred only society. I cant even understand this sort of behavior. If you want females nagas so much, go look for them. They're everywhere. I mean, there's so many things wrong with what happened to kaiman that it would take me into the latter half of the next century to finish writing it all.

It does boggle the mind that anybody would want to kill somebody over something that happens in a fictional universe, no matter how ridiculous their reasons for doing so are, doesn't it? And it is truly a ridiculous reason.

DarkOne wrote:
But where does that leave the people who arn't into femdom and wants to write a normal 'fantasy adventure story'...well they end up writing a story about a world where all the monsters are literally naked women, and there's no erotic subtext to explain why that should be.....and heaven help them if they unwittingly write a all male military group fighting said all female monsters. 'unfortunate implications' all around!

XD Actually I find the idea of a team of comando type-masagonists to be hillarious as a comedy idea! It'd be hillarious to have a whole company of dudes who are always getting tempted by the ladies while their grisly older commander is like "Don't even think about it! Remember they have have tits the size of mountains, but their stomach are bigger still!...Plus they're the enemy!....Are you listeniong to me, Hawkins?!"

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