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 La Maison Noire

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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSun Dec 21, 2014 4:50 am

(I do not like to waste some Characters I made - so I waited, if there was something reviving, but Scryangi seems to be `out of the Game´ so far. So I decided to do a little Time Warp - and here we go... Hopefully with some People which do not disappear without a Trace.)

In Sight of the Motamo Docks, at one Night appeared a new Building with a deep Rumble - on a Spot, where a huge dark Dolorite Rock preexisted.  And at the next Day this Rock seemed to be transformed into a... Castle. It was dark grey, nearly black and it looked like a sharp-spiked Mountain made of Myriads of small Towers, Oriels and Gargoyles, sometimes pretty disturbing looking. The best Way to describe this shadowy looking Minster was... Ultra-Gothic.


After a long Journey to the Outskirts of this legendary huge Citystate called Negav, that stretched from Horizon to Horizon Ivy, Shelley and Donna Diana finally arrived in a nearly-normal Land, where everyone seemed to be as normal as possible. A Description, that Ivy gave a knowing Smile - although Donna Diana showed them both a Trick to collapse their Wings again, each one of this three only looked nearly human - without being human. But as a Matter of Fact, Donna Diana was the keenest one, when it came to magic Terms, she even managed to quit being a Vampiress - instead she decided to be a Sorceress again. Of Course there were her Teeth - and the Fact that she likes Darkness more than broad Sunlight - but hey: No one said that the World is a Garden full of Roses, right?
After forming this Castle - the `Black Manor´, Donna Diana was pretty exhausted, but happy: "So now - this will be a fitting Home for us, I think! I even managed to care for some Furnishings and Stuff, hehe..."
While Shelley only stood there with Eyes the Size of Wall Plates, Ivy asked: "Is this not a little overdressed?"
"The Home of a Sorceress - or maybe a Vampiress - is her Castle. Something less would be an Embarrassment to myself. And this... is ME. I AM this Castle - it is Part of me. This is a stone made 3D-Version of my Mind. As long as I exist - this Castle will exist." Donna Diana explained and Ivy got Goose Bumps: "Mind, if I look for Tents to rent?"
"Hohooo! No Way! C´mon - this is great! We gonna live in this freaky Castle, theheee!" Shelley fetched Ivy´s Hand and ran over an impressive Bascule into the Castle - where Donna Diana then heared many OOOHs and AAAHs, which pleased her much. Then she walked over the Bridge - where she strew a Handful of black Sand into the Moat: "Only to be a little bit assured, hehe..."
So the first Bats arrived at this Castle - and Donna Diana could manage to transfer her entire Household
(and that of her two new best friends) into the Castle - before she opened the...



A Few Months later Donna Diana showed her `Business-Woman-Side´, by making this Castle into Kind of a Shop for magical Items (Buy and Sale), Magical Items and Enchantations on Demand, Swords and more (in the Cellar, where Ivy´s Forgery also heated the Rooms), a Tavern (where Shelley runs the Show - after a Crash Course in advanced Magics from Donna Diana) - and even Rooms to rent for some Nights. Do the best You can - and You will live just fine! This was Donna Diana´s Slogan - which astonished Ivy the most. This dark catlike Woman actually was very lively, kind, generous and... well, as altruistic, as someone like her can actually be. So one Morning Ivy woke up, because she couldn´t breathe right - and then she saw Donna Diana astride on her Chest - smiling at her: "Heheee... `morning, You brawny Sunshine!"
Ivy frowned: "What´s up?"
With a skew Look Donna Diana replied: "What´s up? Is this a Way to greet a Friend? I have done You some Favors - I hope they will please You - at least as much as they will please me, hehe..."
"Oh? What could this be?" Ivy asked - and had to admit in her Thoughts: She liked Donna Diana just where she was now - doing what she was doing now. So Donna Diana´s Face came close to Ivy´s, her silvergrey, wolflike Eyes gleaming with Pleasure at the upcoming Revelation: "Well, as You know - I was a Vampiress for some Years - and not the shabbiest one. And some Vampires can read Minds."
Ivy blushed on the Spot. And Donna Diana laughed her crystal clear, oddly innocent sounding  Laughter: "No need to worry - we all know: Gods exist. This is the Assurance our World gives us - and as for their Servants - even they really exist - like You. And they have real Bodies. Brains, Desires and Dreams. Like You. And I have the Opportunity to make some of them reachable."
"Like what?" Ivy asked - and Donna Diana pointed at her Mouth: "Oh I have given You an `Interieur´ like Shelley has - You seem to like that a Lot."
Ivy´s Eyes got big. Donna Diana nodded: "You see - Shelley had no Idea about Magic - but one Trick she could handle from the Beginning - Flesh Forming. So she formed her Body to her Needs - and Pleasures. Hey - You want some Horns and red Skin? I could do that..."
Hastily Ivy lifted Donna Diana down from her Chest and began to pull her Clothes on - when she noticed something strange about them...
"AAUGH! What´s with this Outfit?!" she shouted and Donna Diana thought, seeing the athletic Forge Angel from behind: `Man - what a hot Back - she really is something!´
Ivy turned to the blackhaired Sorceress - and Donna Diana smiled: "What? It´s like Your usual Dress - but made out of Snakefish Leather - see, it´s more heat resistant - Your Jeans Stuff was full of little coaled Holes!"
Then she crawled over Ivy´s Bed - her Face near Ivy´s Belly Button: "And it´s tight - and elastic. Now You fit exactly between Shelley and me, heheee..."
"Somehow I feel... a little misused..." Ivy blushed again and Donna Diana was surprised: "Oh no - YOU are the one to misuse US! And I think without knowing it! You´re the one temptating us. You are just too nice and kind. All we can do is trying to say `Thank You´ for Your endless Patience with us - in our Way. So let us do this, will You?"
Slightly confused Ivy took her new Clothes, when Donna Diana leaved her Room while saying: "And learn to accept Your Desires - and stay to Your Dreams. In long Terms this will liberate You - and You will get even stronger."
Meanwhile Shelley prepared the Tavern for a new Night - and new Guests. A new promising Morning has broken. The Bascule went down over the deep Moat - and some Adventurers left this Castle, which awaits new ones.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSun Dec 21, 2014 1:25 pm

After some Time a mighty Tribe of Tinies arrived at this Castle - almost unseen, they managed to climb over the vast Bascule into the inner Hall - which seemed so cyclopic for them they wondered that there were no Clouds under the Ceiling. This was like a Mountain full of Hallways, Rooms, Chambers and... small, secretive Ways. Just as if they were made only for them into the massive Stone. And indeed - Donna Diana had Plans with them - and for them. But she was also surprised to see that these Tinies weren´t this tiny after all - they measured between 5 and 6 Inches.
Not long after this, wild black Wine and dark red Roses began to grow up the Walls of this Castle - and the Tinies learned to be self-sufficient. Mushrooms, Vegetables and Herbs now grew on the narrow Strip of Land between the Castle and the Moat. And they even tamed the big Bats in the Roofs - and learned to fly them. So Donna Diana got her own secretive Air Force and Surveillance - and she loved equipping them with Things little People can need - like Furniture, Dishes, Cutlery... and their own small, but effective Weapons - just in Case of...
So one Day she supplied them with freshly miniaturized repeating Arbalests: "These are for You all. Be careful with the Bolts - they are highly poisonous. It is a magical Venom I created. You hit one Human with one Bolt - his Muscles will fail. Two Hits - his Breathing stops. Now figure... See, Necromancy does not work here - but You can be killed in many Ways in this Lands, as You surely know..."
"We know, Donna Diana." said the Leader of the Tribe Warriors. They all were gathered in her Bedroom, where the blackhaired Sorceress impressively throned on the Edge of her vast Tester Bed. To have an entire Battle Group between her two Shoe Tips was somehow... exciting for her. So she looked at them, knowing this unusual Symbiosis will work out just fine. This Castle may be vast and most of the Time empty by now - but this was Sort of a Start.
Meanwhile there were also some Neeras in the Ranks. Not as big as the others - but very agile and fast. Some of them were looking with some Unease towards this Sorceress - okay, she had no Ears and no Tail like a Neko - but her Face had much in Common with them - even their Teeth. Donna Diana however had no Intention to hunt them down - it would have been futile - she can´t digest them. She only is able to live on liquid Stuff like Juices, Wine, Liqueur and... Blood. And the vast Amount of raw Magic that rushes towards this Land. The Exception of this was... raw Meat - the bloodier, the better. And the bigger the Chunks, the more Fun it was for her. So - she actually COULD dissolve small ones - by ripping them to Shreds before devouring the Remains... One Taint of Darkness always will remain - not that she ever was the shiniest one, to begin with.
"Another Term - how are my Accessoires? You like them?" Donna Diana asked with a nice Smile.
"Yes, Milady. To have such sophisticated Things like this fine Furniture, good Clothing and fine Equipment is very convenient." the Leader answered and Donna Diana was pleased. For her this new `Hobby´ is like a Real-Life-Dollhouse. She liked this a Lot and so she replied: "Good - You know; You aren´t `working´ for me like Bondsmen do - You are free to do as You please. What You really work for - is the Security of Your Home."
"We are aware of that, Milady. " the Leader replied - and ordered his Men to leave.
`This is great here! No Way I could accomplish so much in such short Time at Home!´ Donna Diana thought, while Ivy was leaning on the Wall right behind her: "I have to say; It was good to do not hastily judge over You. You are... quite nice."
"Quite nice? Interesting Description!" Donna Diana rose a Brow, not without a Smile. Thinking of how often these two were crossing their Blades in the Past... She looked at the Forge Angel - who was pointing at a certain Spot on the Floor. And right in Front of Donna Diana on the Floor - there was still a lonely Neera Boy, looking up to her with an Impression on his Face, that surprised even the former Vampiress: "Oh... say, what can I do for You? You wish for something?"    
The Neera Boy blushed. Donna Diana suddenly began to understand - and looked for some Help from Ivy - who rose a Brow herself, saying: "This... could be interesting, I guess..."
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2014 3:28 am

One Night Ivy had to do Shelley´s Job - because she was extremely drunk. So the Forge Angel did run the Tavern in a pretty rigid Way, while Shelley sat on the Bar in all her Glory - with her Chin and a broad Smile on the Bar Desk.
"You are unbelievable!" Ivy grumbled, while polishing some Glasses and Shelley smiled: "Theheee... Thanx! You luv me!"
"I didn´t mean this in the good Way! And then look at all these little Guys around You!" Ivy hissed and the Tiny sitting on Shelley´s Head like in high white Grass, pointed with his Bottle towards Ivy: "Hey! What´s wrong with -HIC!- us?"
"Yeah - what do YOU want?" the one, sitting directly in Front of Shelley´s pleased looking and broad smiling Face asked. Her big Eyes looked up to Ivy with Amusement, as the Forge Angel realized a third, muffled sounding Voice: "You know - You should learn to -HIC!- relax once a While - just like I do!"
Ivy frowned: "Where... did THAT came from?"
Shelley thought about it - and said: "I think, there is one of them somehow on my Barstool..."
"YOU are on Your Barstool!" Ivy replied and the muffled Voice said in Return: "Me, too... and I must say - I like it here."
And a Shelley in good Spirits wiggled her Butt on the Barstool, letting the black Leather of her Pants creak even more - and making this Voice say: "Woow, Guys - too bad, You can´t see, what I can see right now..."
"They all are groping and pawing You!" Ivy said to Shelley - and the Snow Fairy smiled even more: "Yeeeahh... I know... what´s up? Jea-HIC!-lous?"
Rolling her eyes, Ivy went on with her Job as a Bar Woman, while Shelley managed to put a Straw from her Whiskey Bottle deep into her Mouth. Her Face lying on her Underarms was further inspected by the tiny Man. He touched Shelley´s Cheeks and was fascinated by this intense bluegreen Colour of her opalish Eyes: "You sure, You´re a Fairy?"
"Nheheee, yesterday I -HIC!- still was one..."
"Hey, I mean - You really are -HIC!- cute... but pretty... should I say, `mature´?" the Man asked and Shelley´s long, pointed Ears sank down: "...You sayin´ I look old?"
"No, I mean You look more like a Woman than Fairies usually do!" he hastily replied and his Pal on Shelley´s Head pointed again towards Ivy: "No Way - THIS is a Woman! And a real Hardbody, too!"
While Ivy was blushing on the Spot, the muffled Voice said: "What I can say from -HIC!- down here, Shelley is totally a Woman - with allllll... the whole Shebang! And she bangs a Lot, I can tell!"
"You all are totally hammered!" Ivy hissed and the tiny Man on the Bar Table grinned: "So what? This is a Tavern, is it not?"
"And You have to be totally drunk, to be -HIC!- able to bear this extraordinary Sight. If I were not - I would have to explode on the Spot!" the muffled Voice tried to explain - what Shelley proudly rewarded with a broad Grin - and an even more wiggling Butt. Then the Guy on Shelley´s Head said to Ivy : "By the Way - did anyone tell You yet, that You are absolutely gorgeous, when You look angry?"
Putting a Liqueur Bottle back on the Shelf - Ivy was baffled. What should she answer to that? The small Guy continued: "Okay - You are the Tallest of all three, You are really huge-ass gigantic in our Eyes... but -HIC!- Pardon me... I have to say: You big Blonde are a real Hottie!"
Ivy was surprised. Okay - she was pretty athletic, due to her Forgery Work and her Swordsmanship. But she always thought, her hard and serious looking Face and all the clerical Tattoos across her whole Body were... uhhm... the Opposite of being `a Hottie´. So she feeled really flattered, even if this Compliment was coming from a Guy five and a half Inches tall - and drunk. With a deep red Face she went off to serve some Drinks - and Shelley, still lying with her Chin and her Underarms on the Desk said to the Guy on her Head: "Just look at You - You really know the Buttons to push, don´t You?"  
"Hahahaaa... This Babe is gonna be mine, I swear!" he drank more of his Booze and grinned optimistically. The young Man in Front of her Face asked: "So how come, You are so -HIC!- different from the other Fairies?"
Shelley sucked on her Whiskey Straw - and said: "Uhhm... I´m not from here... OUR Fairies are... fair. Think this is, where this Word comes from. Pranks - okay, why not? But the Rest here is more li-HIC!-... a laughing Nightmare to others. More Sort of a Curse, I would say."
She smiled: "A few of them are slightly okay - but most of them are like brainless, overpimped Brats without any -HIC!- common Sense - in short: Dangerous, without realizing it."
"So You don´t hunt and eat other People?" the Man asked - and Shelley´s Smile grew extremely broad: "Do I hear Disappointment in Your Voice? You would only drown in my Belly - or die of Alcohol Intoxination inside me, if I would devour You now, theheee..."
"So You do..." the Man got pale and Shelley said hastily: "No Way! What do You think of me?!"
Then she whispered: "But sometimes... I put... Things into my Belly - it´s like a secret Pocket, You know?"
"You can do that?" he asked and Shelley pointed at Ivy: "Yeeah - it´s a funny Feeling! And SHE can do that now, too!"
"REALLY?! Man - this blonde Super-Babe is getting hotter every Minute! SHE could -HIC!- put me into her secret Pocket any Time she wants!" the Guy on Shelley´s Head stared at Ivy in Awe, while she went from Table to Table. Shelley smiled: "Yeahh... she may be a bit stiff, serious and Stuff - but she really rocks!"
"Hey - shouldn´t YOU run this Boozebox?" the Man on her Head asked and she replied: "I am too drunk."
"Good - just stay, where You are - it´s all okay for now." the muffled Voice said and Shelley sucked on her Whiskey Straw, wiggling her Butt. A good Evening so far.

Last edited by Bandur Khan on Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2014 6:21 pm

The Town on the flat Main Rooftop of the Castle was thrieving and bustling. Here the Tinies (or Not-So-Tinies) and the Neera lived together, provided with small Bricks, Cement and little Planks of all Sizes. On the vast open Plain there were cultivated Fields with Water Cress. The `Grass´ in Front of the Houses actually was Moss, the Flowers were little Specimen of dark-winged Orchids and the Trees were Bushes - but generally it was a healthy and lively Town. Then there was the Main Gate to the `Hangars´ where the Bats lived and the vertically built Ventilation Shafts, where the Elevators were.
Directly under this Town there were... the Barracks for the Warriors. And small Forgeries and Workshops, too. And this is where Carula lived. The impressive-looking, nearly 6 Inches tall Girl was one of the best two-handed Fighters of her Generation. Despite her fierce Look with the left black Eyepatch, the red Headband and the short, spiky caramel-coloured Hair she was astonishingly kind and caring. Usually wearing a wide black Blouse, a red Sash with two Khukrie-shaped Blades and thin black Leggins to give her Moving Space and Agility she was a Sight to remember - even for human-sized People. In her free Time she liked to relax between the Bushes on the Rooftop, smoking a longshafted pipe.
But one Day she heard something - there was a Neera Woman, looking for one of her Sons. With her Man missing since the Journey to this Mountain House she was really troubled about the Whereabouts of her oldest Son. Since a few Days he went out of the House at Night - and vanished.
"Oh - he always comes back - but I am a Mother - and I care, You know?" she said to Carula. She scratched the Back of her Head: "Uhm, I see... Say, what are his Interests? I would search for him at a special Pattern, You know..."
The small Neera Woman, barely reachiong to Carula´s Belly Button, saw up to her in Hope: "You really would do this?"
"Sure - why not? It´s the Duty of a Warrior to care for the People, is it not?" Carula replied. She knew this Boy anyway - she thought, he was totally cuddly. And he was curious - unhealthy curious sometimes. So she was worried herself to look for this adventurous Guy, who wasn´t even as half as big She was. She remembered: "Volg was his Name, right?"
"Yes! He is 20 by now. But he is still like a Child..."
"I can tell. So be assured - the three Hugies, who live in this Mountain are harmless - but he still can get lost - there are many Ways to loose Your Way - it is a really huge World down there..." Carula said - and went to start her Search. Hard to find a Guy, who is so young he is still interested in nearly everything. So she went into the nearest Tunnel. Carula have to admit - these Tunnels go everywhere in this Mountain World - even into the huge Chambers the three Biggies live in. The most of these Chambers even had Balustrade Courses carved into the Walls, roughly in Eye Level with the Hugies.
`They really care about us, I have to say.´ Carula thought, while she was going down with one of the Elevators. They seem to be nice - she has only seen them from far away by now - the somehow creepiest of them was this blackhaired, extravagantly styled Neko-like Woman, then there was this strange Fairy with her brown Skin and the white Hair. Hard to believe, that she was a `good Fairy´, but there weren´t no sudden Disappearances so far...
So she went for the Tavern first. The big one. Near this Tavern there was a small one for her Kind, too. Carula knew that in the early Mornings some drunken Comrades love to mix with the big Guys in the big Tavern - out of Curiosity, or out of some... special Interests, like a few of her Fellow Warriors. As she arrived, this Tavern was nearly empty - only the biggest Hugie - this blonde Warrior-Giantess was there, cleaning up the Mess from last Night. Weirdly enough Carula considered her of all people to be the most trustworthy and honest one of these three Oddballs. Probably because she was much like Carula self a... Warrior of a Kind. She was said to forge Swords - with her bare Hands. Awesome. So Carula managed her Way to the Bardesk and observed her.
As Ivy came back, she discovered the small Guest on the Bar: "Oh! Hello - as I can see You for a Change are NOT drunk. Good to see..."
"Yes - I am not. So You know about my `special Comrades´?" Carula asked, not without a Smile. This Woman seems to have a nice dry Sense of Humor. Ivy sighed: "Oh, Yes - the last Time they examined Shelley very intensively... One of them even managed to get under her Butt for some Reason..."
"This must be Farn. He likes... Butts." Carula mentioned blushing: "I apologize for my Comrades, if they have behaved... unappropriately."
"Oh, it´s okay - perhaps I have to get used to that. Now, as I think of it, it was kind of funny - there was also a Guy saying, that he... You know... likes me." Ivy replied, also blushing. And Carula laughed: "This surely was Bron - he is a Fan of big, strong Women."
With a shy Smile Ivy cleared away some Mugs and Glasses as Carula asked: "But I am searching someone - have You seen a small Neera Boy? He is recently missing at Night. No one seems to know where he is going every Evening..."
Ivy´s Eyes got big, as she remembered something: "There is... oh... say, is he perhaps half Your Size with dark brown Hair nearly like Fur, big brown Eyes and wearing grey Pants and a white Shirt?"
Carula nodded alarmed: "You have seen Volg?"
"Last Time I saw him, he was in Donna Diana´s Bedroom..." Ivy remembered - and Carula was surprised like Heck: "WHAT?!"
Concerned she asked more: "Do You think this Donna Diana..."
"No Way!" Ivy repelled automatically - but there still was this lurking Darkness around the former Vampiress... Perhaps...
"We should go and have a good Luck." she decided and Carula nodded: "You first - I don´t know where we have to go!"

Last edited by Bandur Khan on Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2014 4:39 am

Ivy went down into the so-called `Crypt´, where Donna Diana usually sleeps - well, she has a Tower Room, too - after all, this is her Castle, so theoretically she has ALL Rooms... She loves to sleep in the Tower Room with it´s wide, unglassed Windows, it´s dead Leaves on the Floor, and when it is stormy and dark - to hear the fierce Wind in the Trees, to see the restless grey Clouds... but Ivy is sure to find her now in the Crypt. It was Morning after all - and Donna Diana didn´t like Sunlight that much.
Carula followed this energetic, mighty Blonde still with Ease - she was agile and could run for Hours. So she looked up to Ivy - and wondered about all these finelined Tattoos on her Body - they look as if they were sorta magic...
Then the Forge Angel arrived at the Door - and as usually - this Door was unlocked. Ivy always had the weird Idea, Donna Diana would like Visitors... in a strange Way... She opened the Door - and Donna Diana laid on her vast Bed - as usual looking nearly dead, when she sleeps. While asleep she didn´t move a Finger. She really appeared like a dead one. Carula was concerned, as she jumped on a nearby Chair: "This does not look... right."
"Oh, it is... as right, as a Vampiress can be." Ivy stared at the serene looking Face of Donna Diana. This Girl looked like formed out of Rose Quartz. Wearing a Top made out of black Lace and her beloved, almost indecently tight black Leather Leggins she at least had managed to get rid of her Overknee Boots - and instead showed some cute red and white Marigold Socks.
"What´s a `Vampiress´?" Carula asked frowning and Ivy said: "Usually something more bad than even a Demon - but Donna Diana is an Exception - in many Ways."
How were they supposed to wake her up? It is difficult - once Donna Diana sleeps, she usually needs 7 Hours Minimum to wake up again. There she lies, with a decent Smile on her cute Face - and extremely spread-eagled - as if she fell asleep while stretching. Near her were Comic Books lying around - which was unusual, because normally she read Grimoires and Stuff. Ivy frowned again - there was a Towel lying across Donna Diana´s Belly - and something beneath it... moved. Carula has seen enough - she jumped from the Chair on the Bed and tore this Towel aside - to see... Volg.
Lying flat on Donna Diana´s well-shaped, light rosy, almost white Belly - there lied the missing Neera Boy sleeping - and he also looked peaceful. Ivy was slightly confused - what could this mean? Then she saw some small Sheets of Paper - with incredibly small, crude letters and Words on them - and she asked: "Say - can Your Friend read, or write?"
"No. Nearly no one can among us. Why?" Carula answered - and Ivy showed her the small Sheets of Paper: "I think I know at least a small Part of what´s going on here."
Carula´s Eyes got big: "You-have-absolutely-no-Clue! And I thought..."
"Me, too. I should have known better. I think this Volg somehow is ahead of us two." Ivy felt guilty. Carula looked back at this unusual Scenery and decided: "Okay - I know, what to tell his Mom. He is learning Literacy. I am off now."
So Ivy and Carula went back to the Tavern - and the small Girl said: "I wish I would be drunk, too."
Ivy smiled: "This... can be arranged, I think. And I also think, I will join in..."
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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2014 7:46 am

(So are you just RPing by yourself here? You know that's called "writing a story", right? Maybe this should be moved to stories discussion?)
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2014 7:54 am

(In Fact I am waiting for some Guys to show up. And I am bored as Hell. So I am sorry, if I made a Mistake.)
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ravaging vixen
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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2014 8:13 am

(Well just a general rule of thumb, make sure you have some friends or peers in the first place before multiposting, And even though you're bored, don't rp on a site with no one to rp with. If you want i can move this to the story thread if you'd like or until you find some that wants to join in. It's ok though, consider this a friendly reminder instead of an outright warning.)
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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2014 8:17 am

(Then let us do this - without the first Chapter, okay?)
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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 1:26 pm

Valandiul looked up at the building he was polanning to stay in for the next few days. "Huh, much nicer then I thought it would be." Grinning slightly, the Elf walked to the door and knocked on it.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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La Maison Noire Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 1:43 pm

Because this Castle was built like her Mind, Donna Diana realized: There is someone knocking at her... Ear, it seemed. So she swung her Legs out of her Bed - then realizing that her Apprentice yesterday fell asleep on her Tummy: "OOPS! Oh, I am so sorry - hey, where are You?"
"Mh... domt morry - itch all oknay!" she heard his Voice - under her Butt. So she stood up and saw the tiny Volg - between the Comics and his Writing Exercises - and obviously happy. Donna Diana looked at him - and then at her Butt in her beloved Leather Leggins, smiling: "You like this? Theheee... Good to know. But now I have to go - we have Customers, it seems!"
Quickly Donna Diana fetched her Overknee Boots and her typical widecut Blouse made out of black Moirée Fabric. Then she vanished with an elegantly sounding FHOOF! - and appeared right at the Door to open it.
So as Valandiul was waiting, the Door suddenly opened and a dark but elegantly looking, blackhaired Woman with a somewhat catlike Face and grey Eyes like those of a Wolf appeared - wearing tight black, creaking Leather, silver Jewels, bursting with Opulence - and even where her Ears should be under her heavy Hair, there were Ear Hangers made out of Rock Crystal and Silver. Her Hairstyle was this of a Noble Woman and she asked with a cute Voice: "Welcome to the Black Castle, dear Traveler. I am Donna Diana - at Your Service. What can I do for You?"
With an elegant Bow she invited the Stranger to enter her Home.

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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 12:15 pm

"I was hoping I could stay here for a few days." Valandil bowed slightly in return. "I'm here in Negav on business. I'll pay you well of course." He steps inside, looking around. "You have a really nice place here."
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 12:34 pm

"Indeed - this really is my nice, little Place. More than anything else.." Donna Diana replied smiling. She planned to show him around, guiding her Guest along the vast, dark Corridors: "If You are not familiar with this Building, You can lose Your Way quite easily. We have an excellent Forgery, a Shop for Travellers, Adventurers, Scientists and even Sorcerers - and..." she showed down some broad Stairs with a nice Smile: "...even a Tavern. Breakfast usually is at 0900, Lunch at 1300 and Dinner from 1900 til... uhm - You could say `open End´, but Shelley, who runs the Tavern loves to say `til last Man standing´."
Wandering through the cavern-like Style of this huge gothic Building, decorated with all Kinds of shadowy Figurines and Statuettes Donna Diana explained: "A simple Night will cost about 13 Skevols - because 13 is my Lucky Number. Oh, yes - we have small People living here."
And then the not very big - but impressive, gloomy Woman said with a very wolfish Expression darkening her puppet-like Face: "And I know them all. Should I miss one of them, I will search for him - literally everywhere."


Smiling again she then continued: "I say this to everyone. MY House - MY Rules. I will define, who gets eaten around here - just for the Record..."
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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2015 12:48 pm

Valandil nods. "Fair enough, I'm not exactly a predator, so your tinies are safe here. At worst they might get tossed out of my room if they try to steal anything, but I highly doubt they would." The Elf grinned. "And 13 skevols is an amazing price." He hands her the skevols. "So, where will I be sleeping?"
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2015 10:29 pm

Donna Diana smiled at him: "Oh, You can choose! We have Rooms in the Towers, we have several Rooms with Windows showing Negav at the Horizon - we even have a verrrry special Room - with no Windows at all..."
"Which would be my Room." a remarkable, white haired Girl looked around the Corner of the Hall - and smiled at Donna Diana and her new Guest.


"Oops - right! So this very special Room is not available any more..." Donna Diana said regretfully - and the blackleathered Snow Fairy looked at the new Customer with some Interest: "Well, actually - this Guy can come to my `Luv Shack´ anytime he wants, theheee..."
With no visible Reaction Donna Diana introduced this unusually Person to Valandril: "This is Shelley Winterhawk - she runs the Tavern `Full House´..."
"...and when the Moon stands high and the Clock finally gives it up - not only this House is full..." Shelley mentioned.
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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2015 7:58 am

Valandil thought for a moment and bowed slightly to Shelly. "I am honored by the offer, but I'm afraid I'm a bit taken Miss. I'll have a room with a window please." He smiled to shelly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Valandil Nenharma."
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: La Maison Noire   La Maison Noire Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2015 2:30 pm

Easy to recognize - Shelley likes this Guy. He has Ears like she has. Donna Diana watches this unusual Scenery with Amusement, while a roughly 6 Inch big Woman with spiky, caramel-coloured Hair and a left Eyepatch appeared next to Donna Diana.
"Howz Volg?" she asked and Donna Diana smiled: "Oh - he just woke up. Don´t worry."
Then Shelley mentioned: " Oh, Windows... There´s a Room with Windows to the Woods - right next to the Stairs down to Ivy´s Forgery - perhaps You would like this Room, Lord Valandil?"
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