Hello everyone! I've decided to join the cool kids and make a public RP thread on the forums. I'll be briefly describing everything here, but for more information, you can go here:
https://felarya.forumotion.com/t3761-looking-for-any-sort-of-rp-to-help-flesh-out-my-storiesOr simply ask me! So first let's get the boring stuff out of the way and explain why I'm doing this. I'd like to write a story set in Felarya, but I can't go it alone. So I've been recruiting help from some wonderful Rpers to help bring the characters in my story to life. That's the gist of the RP I want to have here – it will be the basis for my story.
What does that mean, exactly? Well, ideally, I'll copy everything from the RP as directly as possible. Same characters, same dialogue, actions, etc. The only major change, in the best-case scenario, would be that almost everything would be slightly re-written for the sake of a more consistent point of view.
But things may not go ideally. I trust all of you not to god-mode or do anything too silly, but if somebody should have to leave the RP, or vanish without explanation for a length of time, I reserve the right to have your character removed from the final draft of the story. I'm not going to tarnish the reputation of any of your characters by having them do anything you wouldn't have had them do, but in the event that a vital character's player goes MIA, I may be forced to replace them with an OC of mine in order to preserve their interactions with other characters. In any event, everybody who participated will receive credit.
If any of that sounds scary or you're not sure what I mean, ask!
Now, onto the setting itself. In my story, a cruise ship from modern-day Earth carrying 8,000 people finds itself beached on Felarya overnight. Specifically, on the beach right around here:
https://i.imgur.com/vBgeHvG.png (image not to scale, and position may not be 100% accurate).
As you might imagine, this is a bit of a game-changer for Felarya. Suddenly the largest concentration of humans outside of Negav (If I'm wrong in that assumption, please let me know) simply appears, and they're all-but-helpless, at least in the beginning. There are roles for all sorts of characters to play, from hapless human passengers to hungry predators to members of various Felaryan factions who may want to help protect the survivors for various reasons. I really don't want to place any stipulations on what your character is allowed to be, so you can use an established OC or invent somebody new, it's your choice.
As a result of how open-ended this is, I'm not actually going to post my own characters quite yet. This RP could take several directions, perhaps multiple at once. Do we want to start at the beginning, documenting the passengers' first forays into the Felaryan forests? Do we want to play as a group of friendly predators, casually chatting as we feast? I've got several ideas and characters in mind, but I want to hear from you guys, first. Let your mind run wild, see what we come up with, and I'll make characters to match what we want to do. If that proves to be too daunting, broad, or vague, I'll suggest a few ideas and characters of my own.
I fear I'd risk boring you all if I continued much further with my explanations, so I'll hand this topic over for public discussion. But once again, please please please talk to me, either through this thread or PM, if you've got any further questions.