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 Forum submenues

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Forum submenues   Forum submenues Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 8:57 am

I think it would benefit the forum if each forum thread were organized into subcategories, based on the specifics of each discussion. For example: in the "changes/suggestions" menu, suppose you want to look at just the threads that talk about particular species, or just the threads that talk about changes to the layout of the wiki itself; the corresponding discussions would each be organized into their own submenu, and each list of submenues would be linked to one of the existing links on the front page.

your thoughts?
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Forum submenues   Forum submenues Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 10:23 am

I think this is a nice idea, but I'll wait for the forum to grow more before looking into that.. I am not sure that this kind of organization is possible with forumotion though.
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