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ravaging vixen
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 9:45 am

As the title says. everyone have a different username and i thought it would be fun to know if it had any background to it and also fun things to know about it etc.
it started off with me and SaruHachi discussing our usernames so we thought it would be fun to share.

Allow me to Start:
My username have been with my since i were six. it all started when my brother wanted me to play heroes of might and magic III with him. And he didn't want me to use my real name so instead he looked out of the window and saw a lilac. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syringa_vulgaris
Now the swedish word for lilac is Syren. After that when i got more into gaming i changed the name to Zyren and later to iZyren (mostly due to my brothers name was iSnitch i also wanted to put an i in front to be more like him.)

I got asked once if i were from Syria and that were probably the strangest thing i've been asked. but i can see why the person thought so.

I have one more username that i also use. Zhariar. The story behind this one is simple. i came up with it when i couldn't use my normal one because i had made an account on that name and forgot the details about it.

Thats the story behind my name and i look forward to see yours. Very Happy

Last edited by iZyren on Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 9:55 am

(Swedish?  for lilac?  I didn't realize)

And now for my username.  SaruHachi Is pretty straight forward if you're familiar with some basic Japanese.  "Monkey" and "Eight".  My original username came from when I started playing games on xbox live.  With "MonkeyGamer88"  as what i picked because I like monkeys. I'm playing a game.  And random number at the end so i can actually use the name.

I stuck with that up until recently when I tried getting into playing LoL, where I made an account and then didn't log in for several months.  They updated their security during that time, so now if I wanted to log into the game I had to sign into the website, and since I made the account when i did I had to sign into the game to access the website...  (Or vise versa, I forget)  So with "MonkeyGamer88" Stuck in limbo I pulled out the monkey and the number eight, put them in Japanese, and it's stuck so far.  Sounds alot better now too if you ask me.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 9:58 am

Mine was actually the name of a Neopet of mine. It's an avatar that you raise from birth, and then use to play games ranging from dress up to sports. It looked like a praying mantis, and when I could not find a good name for her that was not already taken, I just made up a word and thought "Scryangi" fitted a praying mantis. Only later did I attribute the meaning "scrying for angels to it". Eventually I grew out of the game when my sister left, but kept the name as it's rather unique.

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 10:35 am

my name orginally was just Blade_9001 (yes I was over 9000 before it was cool -hipster glasses-) when i first ventured into chatrooms on a fancy windows 98 computer ( you know when that was a new thing D: -makes dail up sounds- ), til i got into gaming coming up into the the early 2000s and starting running the name Wolfy Silvanos on a couple rp forums, Then when I started to play Tibia, The second male character I named was Thy Wolf (for the old english meaning of Thy), who became more popular then my other characters and became my main, then i started to use the name elsewhere, til around mid2007/2008 there I started using Thywolf as one word, Which I still use, but often tag Thespian on the end in otherplaces. Meaning "Your wolf from Thespa" :3
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 2:10 pm

Heh, my name's origin is a bit dull. I came up with it while making an online name for Star Wars Battlefront 2. At the time some of my biggest interests were Star Wars and Fire Emblem, so I figured I'd make a name out of the pair. I originally named myself Darth Nergal on SWBF2, but when I eventually made a name on Deviantart back in 2009 I found that name was taken. So being the uncreative fellow that I am, I simply changed it to Sithlordnergal.

When I was finally brave enough to try and join the Forum, I tried to use the name Sithlordnergal. But for some reason that user name was never activated. Even now I can't use sithlordnergal for some reason. So I tried again two months later with Darth_Nergal.
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 2:23 pm

just my main oc's name, but my earlier username, Hoof Held is the name of my OC i use almost everywhere else.

here's a pic:
Background of username 4d43e834-5304-49f4-896a-0e7313135258
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 7:32 pm

I've used a few different usernames. I think the first was LaughingMan13. I had recently watched Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, way back when I was starting puberty and first discovered partial nudity existed in anime. XD And even though I was too young to understand the complex narrative of the series and never actually got to see Makoto's boobs (just sideboob at the end credits), I really liked the moving logo that the 'cyber terrorist' The Laughing Man used. Added the number thirteen in an attempt to be unique and edgy, since everyone knows 13 is unlucky. Cool

The next username I used, in an MMO called Fiesta, was Urahara Kisuke's name from the Bleach series. Still with 13 in it. 'nuff said.

After that, I started playing as a girl online. Basically, I figured since my personality wasn't masculine, people would like me better as a girl. I had also recently discovered my interest in vore, so I used the name Hungry_Catgirl. Xp Anyone noticing a pattern of super unoriginal usernames? It doesn't get better. After a while, I made up a second persona for some reason, I guess to test out how people would react to a boy with the same personality as Cat's, which is to say, my own. So I came up with the persona of Nia, a brother/childhood friend of Cat (I don't remember which). They would play the MMO on the same keyboard, through a single player character. ^^; Eventually my mom caught me, we had a long talk about it, and I learned that not only is it deceitful to lie about any part of who I am, even if it's just my gender, but I learned that friends weren't worth having if I had to pretend to be someone else to keep them. So I promised myself that I would never again be dishonest about myself, not even to myself. I told my 'friends' on that game what I'd done, and who I am, and though some of them took it well, many disappeared (avoiding me or simply busy with life), or stopped talking to me. I quit that game soon after and started focusing on Felarya.

At the beginning of my time as a member of the Felarya community, I went by FurryKurry, mostly because it sounded cfunny to me (and not because that's how a stereotyped Asian person would pronounce FLCL). I then based a super sue-ish OC/inster on the name, called Kuro (Japanese for 'black'. ooooh, edgy!). I think I tried to make him work for a while, but then scrapped the idea. Not sure if it was in response to criticism. I think After that is when I first came up with Nyaha, based on the cliché "nyahahahaha" neko laugh. It was cute to me, and again, sounded very fun and lighthearted. For a time, I frequented the IRC, where I was introduced to RPing. There I took the name VampireNyaha, or VampireNeko. Something like that. I was a neko who also was a vampire. Vampire craze.

After I graduated High school and got off my ADHD meds was when things really got interesting. I suddenly started feeling so much more creative, and full of vigor! Since I was out of school, I had plenty of time to devote to Felarya, more than ever before! I scrapped the vampire neko idea (wanting to distance myself from popular fads like vampires) and started creating diffent OCs, starting with what was meant to be a more well-rounded self-insert, Naharou. As I developed as both a writer and a person through online interactions and video games, learning more about the world, and my relationship with my mom, I've come to view Nyaha as a perfect name for myself: simple and easy to remember and type, yet not overused and easy recognize. ^_^ I use it everywhere, except boorus.

Hope that wasn't too long. ^^; I got caught up reminiscing...
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2015 7:58 pm

Bandur Khan is the Name of my Characters in one of our selfmade RPs - the Doomsday Clock.

It´s her Name:


Koona Bandur Khán, Imperial Chief Admiral of the 6th Santovasku Home Protection Fleet.

No one to mess with. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2015 12:18 am

I read one of my parents' old college biology textbooks as a child and thought the paramecium was the coolest thing, until I got a bad reputation for pedantry at school. When the time came to sign up for AOL Instant Messenger (ahh, memories...) it was the most appropriate handle I could come up with and since then I haven't thought of anything much better so it stuck.

Boring story, I know ;P

P.S. Ever have one of those days when you have to go back and re-type things 50 times because you keep making the same typo over and over despite going back and re-typing specifically to fix that typo? -_-
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The Ultimate
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2015 10:22 am

I'm a massive Sonic fan, and if you are one too, you'll know Shadow the Hedgehog is titled "The Ultimate Lifeform" so during a time when I was thinking of a new Xbox Live name he came in to my head, I thought "...Wait... The Ultimate Lifeform... What if I take away Lifeform... My God it's the best name I've ever came up with." And yea from that day the peeps online all call me The Ultimate, was good choice.
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2015 5:03 pm

Mine wasn't that complicated. I had found out what vore was thanks to a friend of mine, and it led me to Karbo first thing. So I peeped around, lurked for a while, and joined the IRC back in the later months of 2008, when I was looking for a chatroom. I used to connect through a site that is defunct now (felarya.greatnuke which no longer exists. Anyway...).

When I first logged on as "guest" I wanted to choose a unique name for myself. I wanted it to be something felarya related. I had "AndurilWielder" my DA username, but wanted something I could identify separately, that people in our community could recognize me as. Most people on the IRC seemed to name themselves after a character. We had Xiao, Claire, Tuc, Nyaha was on when I first joined, Leorina (a kid from 'somewhere in asia' Wink ), all except ExpiredPopsicle and Macdaddyv. So I came up with a character that would be an archmage, without any prior information on the society of Negav or Felarya. Since not much had been created regarding the mages at that time, I was free to assume my character wasn't a magiocrat, was high ranking enough to be unique, and nobody else had the prefix of "Archmage" so I thought it was perfect. "Bael" was only there because I was thinking about Batman at the time and spelled it differently because I didn't want it to be so obvious(Why did that even matter, in hindsight?). Later on I tried to find an elven name, and a reason why Bael would all himself such.


So Archmage_Bael became the person I RP'd as on the IRC, later introducing other characters in meaningless ways. First additional Was Janev, not Mara, because Mac wouldn't play with Masumi at all, I created a giant naga myself and had it attack our little group. Mara's introduction was...embarrassing, as I look back on it...

Anyway, now you know. tl;dr - I just wanted to be recognized easier. pfft.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2015 5:13 pm

For me. Well I guess my user name started in college. It was a time when i was sharing a house with 4 other roommates. Awhile before that though, i was already looking at some of karbos art and stories out of self interest. My roommates had the unfortunate privilege to see me doing this, but luckily they didn't care. So i decided between too of them that we would share a forum name. Which was at First Ravaging vixens But over time one of my room mates made her own idea then it primarily stuck to me through out further usage. However the name itself was supposed to be rather humorous.

My intent was that all of us would cause some mischeif and ruckus in the community with ideas, keep in mind the giantess fetish i had and the other two complied. But I guess it didn't turn out like that and it became a hilarious funny name that fitted with my ravaging personality. Vixen was because as like now, I intended this user name Alias to be suggestive but also part in a Kitsune-ish attitude. Which i guess it is now, since my character Mod Alias is Nivex. Which is now funny because i grown a liking to playing out predators when roleplaying or writing. So i guess I am quite the Ravaging Vixen indeed xD
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeMon Mar 02, 2015 5:24 pm

I originally used hhhat09 as a handle for Runescape, then steam, way back in 2007. Beforehand, I had another account that is now inactive, but I believe I lost the password for it, or had not used steam in months and had thusly forgot the Password. (I was like, 8, 9? don't judge.)
Of course, hhhat09 was a strangely appealing name for me, and it stuck quickly.
It was strange but recognizable (Hat, duh) and was unique enough so that people I met occasionally noticed me and said hello, which is a concept I enjoy heavily related to nostalgia and lost memories/friends/etc., and thus I enjoyed.

Now I'm starting to augment it with other usernames, of course, but that's the basis xD
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2015 4:21 pm

When I first joined DA in 2011, I was going to go with my SB Nation (back then it wasn't as big) name of Southman, or at least something similar to portray my Southern heritage.

But, then I started thinking about how people would be stupid enough to get pointlessly offended by me paying my respects to my Confederate heritage (one of my ancestors was one of General Robert E. Lee's two personal physicians) so I went with AmericanHero, and added my favorite number when I found just that was taken. Now before you go bat shit insane, I don't agree with the PC version of what the Confederates were fighting for, slavery should only be in place to those who have a debt that they can't pay off at all, and nothing else. But that doesn't mean I can't respect it enough to say "Hey, I'm Southern, but I'm not ashamed of it, rather I am proud of it."

However I have been pondering changing it to what my youtube username is now: TheDixieNutjob
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2015 5:04 pm

My original username was armouredking, my email address for signing onto America OnLine back in the 90s for dialup. It's from Tekken - Armor King was a character. I still use this username today, and it is one of the few external email accounts I still have active as well. My nostalgia prevents me from deleting it, and if nothing else it houses a great deal of spammage.

My next username was GenVolkov. From Command & Conquer, General Volkov is the 'uber' unit of the Soviet war machine. Then when I joined the USN in 2002 it became Admiral Volkov, and I put my first name in it ( Russian version of it anyway ) to make it more personal - Admiral Mikhail Volkov.

The next iteration is the one you still see now. I picked it in 2006-7ish I think. Aether Navale is a Latin phrase, translated literally it doesn't mean much. My intention was to figuratively create a "Star Fleet" name, during my Latin peak interest. Edit; a side note. "Star Fleet" does not refer to Star Trek. The original intent was a play on my user rank during my GenVolkov days on TGU ( a massive UK gaming board for the HW universe ) which was "Shadamar Fleet Commander". The Shadamar were energy beings ( like the Dredge from Titan AE ) who relinquished their immortality to settle on a 'perfect' world. They were punished for discharging their 'godhead' status by other members of their species, and their utopia was trashed. Then the Taurans came along and stole a stone they considered to be the source of their power ( most of them having forgotten who they once were ) and enslaved them to fight against humanity during the Haven conflicts ( Shadamar engineers were used to create a microsingularity under a flag of truce / peacekeeping mission that devoured the mighty Maatsusony-Laanson Corporation warfleet humanity was preparing to use to strike against the Taurans ). In the second Haven conflict, some of the Shadamar rebel against the Taurans to join the humans in eventually overthrowing and eliminating the Tauran menace. This is a Shadamar for the curious.

It has changed quite a bit on the side as I would look to finding new idents; I've retained armouredking and aethernavale but the rest have all come and gone.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Background of username   Background of username Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 11:05 am

I've only really had two names. My oldest, Sparky, came from my tendency to be really hyper when I was young and my fondness for electrical things, both in real life and in media. Even today I've still got some of that, though it mixes into fire, and, when playing Pokemon, a tendency to add in Psychics and Ghosts.

My newer name, newer only in that it's like a year older than my original one I used a billion years ago, is a somewhat subtle pun. BoltAscendent: Bolt for electricity, and Ascendent can be taken as "one who ascended". That was, in turn, picked due to it having holy connotations, as the name is a play off the term "divine spark". The exact order came from the style of naming in Homestuck; there's no real meaning there, I just thought they sounded cool and had a bit of a snappy sound. The first draft was in reverse, "AscendentBolt", but I felt this one flowed much nicer.
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