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 My depression is back (Bad stuff)

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Posts : 936
Join date : 2014-10-30

My depression is back (Bad stuff) Empty
PostSubject: My depression is back (Bad stuff)   My depression is back (Bad stuff) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2015 4:34 pm

Hi. Due to bad luck this week (in the form of parent fights nearing divorce most likely, failing grades, proffesors being *bleep* , friends leaving me IRL, pain from the tragic loss of my GF, and general bad luck (among other things I won't name yet)). It just sucks, i feel very alone. As of now, I only have 2 friends (online obviously) who care and Rp. My life is a wreck. Ive had . some very terrible thoughts during my first round of this in Jan-Feb. This time I'm honestly scared. As I stated in my topic in the Rp area, Rp is theraputic for me (as weird as that sounds). Sometimes I can't beleive (and laugh at myself) That the idea of being swallowed alive, digested, and pooped out calms me down (Scat optional if you dont like it).

If you'd like to help, Rp or talking, My information is available in the rp thread i made today (Or PM me if that works better). Due to my college work, I cont get on the site often, but I am more active in other places like Skype or steam or Google Hangouts or email.

Big thanks to anyone willing to help.
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My depression is back (Bad stuff)
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