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 Shrunken IRL Vore

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PostSubject: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2015 8:50 am

Hey. I was wondering something. If yo somehow shrunk IRL, what would you do? Would something or someone eat you? Would you give yourself up to something or someone to be eaten? What about the opposite, finding a shrunken person. What would you do?

If i shrunk, there are a few people interested in eating me (after much play of course Wink ) But there is one who seems pretty deserving and would love to have me in their stomach (they know who they are). But who knows what could happen?

If I found a tiny person, I'd try to help them, unless they asked to be eaten. It would be hard for me to eat them, beacuse I have trouble swallowing things whole. Besides, im not too much of a predator anyway. Id much rather prefer being shrunken.

For this question, I was assuming about 1 inch tall. If i could chose, id probably be around that size, maybe a bit smaller. What size would you be?

I look forward to seeing your answers!

Moved to Offtopic, since it doesn't have to do with Felarya itself.
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Veteran knight
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Shrunken IRL Vore Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 1:41 pm

I think I like living too much too consider being eaten, but I would like to be taken care off or take care of another. I think it would be neat to still be able to use smarthpones at the very least, so maybe 5 inches at the most? 3 if need be. 5 is also a very convenient size for other things, as it's comparable to a certain toy and body part. Wink

For eating someone...mouthplay and no vore until they are ready to die, like in depressed suicide or old age.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 1:52 pm

Lol i'm very much with scry on her conditions and size preferences, thought the subtle suggestion of being provocative was funny there Razz

(I know what your thinking gutter head lol)

but yeah I'd love to take care of a tiny if i knew i could on occassion say some magic potion or science. Go to theirs or my size temporarily and on rare on a rare occurrence.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2015 12:25 pm

Great minds think alike? (^-^;)

Say, I just got the greatest idea for a Rp? A couple of shrinkees discussing their respective caretakers? Want to join me? It could even be on the chat?
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2015 3:05 pm

I'd run like hell to find someone who wouldn't eat me
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PostSubject: Re: Shrunken IRL Vore   Shrunken IRL Vore Icon_minitime

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