Subject: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:28 pm
So today I was wondering about the Succubuses. (Based off of Check and Mate). Since bad souls in Felarya go to Felarya Hell where the succubi are, and they (the human, or other i guess, souls) are pretty much doomed to be eaten by them, what happens after they get digested in the stomach?
I'm assuming the souls in Hell are still flesh and blood (or some solid matter). Usual digestion would mean their nutrents go to the predator and the rest leaves through the back door. But since these are souls, would it be different? Simply, what would happen to a soul after it gets digested? Would the soul just be in an area of nothingness (Like if you got eaten by a Gloutoux) or would it be a consious part of the pred, or simply digested as normal humans would be? Or would the soul reform in some capacity?
Shady Knight Lord of the Elements
Posts : 4580 Join date : 2008-01-20 Age : 34
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:31 pm
I assume nothing. Literally, all consciousness is lost, and everything is void. You're basically deader than dead.
dragon808tr Survivor
Posts : 936 Join date : 2014-10-30
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:36 pm
So as in the white space that one feels if a Gloutioux ate them? (I wonder how they know that? Ghosts maybe?)
Thywolf Great warrior
Posts : 561 Join date : 2012-07-12 Location : The great white north
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:37 pm
well you can say the soul is energy and it just changes form, so like a battery it just gets used up
you could always say that not all the soul is adsorbed and the pieces of left over soul create a new one, and thus lesser demons are made
Bandur Khan Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1694 Join date : 2014-11-10
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:18 am
I would say this happens to any Soul of a Victim dying in a Stomach. Because there is 'no Way out' for a Soul to transgress, surrounded by another one. So any Chance of an Afterlife or a Reincarnation is gone. That's it. Future has to get along without You. Oh yes, the Plural of Succubus - which is Latin, I think - would be ' Succubi'.
Archmage_Bael Mara's snack
Posts : 4158 Join date : 2009-05-05 Age : 36 Location : Shatterock Caldera
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:38 pm
Actually, going off the idea of one soul being incapable of escaping another, the essence of your soul gets absorbed, so you'd feel yourself still in the succubus getting digested, or just somewhere in her, but being incapable of leaving. The only way after that would be if the succubus dies, then the remains of all the souls of the succubus leaves the form, and is able to be 'recycled' as it were, going into some kind of repository in heaven.
I like the idea of an eternal cycle where a soul can go back and forth between heaven and hell, being constantly recycled over and over again until it finds stability in a new form of life.
Though this is all speculation of course. There's nothing canon on what actually happens to a soul yet.
Thywolf Great warrior
Posts : 561 Join date : 2012-07-12 Location : The great white north
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:33 pm
I'm probably going to say the soul is just destroyed and it merges with the succubus' soul increasing her magical capacity and such, and probably the same as an angel digesting a soul
Just like how a soul in hell eventually becomes hell...
permadeath is still available in the afterlife~
Like the wall of the faithless from Faerun:
Quote :
A Faithless soul receives only one sentence when it reaches The City of Judgment on the Fugue Plane: the Wall of the Faithless. The soul is bound onto the wall by a green mold that binds The Faithless (and only The Faithless) to the wall.Over time the soul dissolves into the very substance of the wall.
The faithless were absorbed into the wall of souls and wholly become a part of it. Those who examine the Wall of the Faithless can see the faces and skulls of the countless souls absorbed into the very fabric of the wall.
The part of them that make a soul becomes nothing more then a brick in wall. I assume thats what Karbo was after when he said souls where absorbed into hell.
so being eaten as a soul by a succubus would mean you get to feel yourself get digested as a soul then what ever made you a soul is gone and all the lifeforce or what ever you want to call the engery that a soul is is gone.
dragon808tr Survivor
Posts : 936 Join date : 2014-10-30
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:35 pm
Umm, Thy, thats actually pretty creepy. As in original cell from DBZ creepy. Please tell me that that isn't anywhere in Felarya (I know of swallower walls, but I dont think they would be too slow or show the remains)
tkh1304 Temple scourge
Posts : 747 Join date : 2010-02-18 Age : 35
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:52 pm
I think Hell is a sinner-purifying factory, where sinners go, suffer to atone their sins for many years until they completely clean to send back to the cycle of reincarnation. It is hard to know when sinners have their soul clean enough, though, so the progress may be forever.
If eating souls make them just simply vanish, then the Hell's punishment does not sound very hellish enough to me. I think eaten souls will not have their existence wiped, but instead respawning in Hell, just to get tortured again and again.
Thywolf Great warrior
Posts : 561 Join date : 2012-07-12 Location : The great white north
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:53 pm
all of hell is like that as felarya lore goes x3
Quote :
Contrary to popular belief, the torment is very long but not eternal. At some point, the soul breaks down and is, in effect, destroyed, its essence merging with that of Hell. If the soul is judged to be less dark and of a lesser value, it is fed to a succubus and, once digestion occurs, the soul is also destroyed. In the end, the two outcomes are similar but, in the former case, it comes after an excruciatingly long time of torment and suffering.
Stabs Moderator
Posts : 1875 Join date : 2009-10-15 Age : 34 Location : The Coil, Miragia
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:30 pm
dragon808tr wrote:
 Umm, Thy, thats actually pretty creepy. As in original cell from DBZ creepy. Please tell me that that isn't anywhere in Felarya (I know of swallower walls, but I dont think they would be too slow or show the remains)
That´s in Faerun, Abeir-Toril. Not Felarya.
It's creepy, yeah, but basically it's an in-game explanation in the Forgotten Realms as to why people who worship no god cannot be brought back from the dead except by the mightiest magic. If you're not willing to trust a god with your soul, that... thing... takes it instead. And it's clingier than any of them.
I don't really know why would they come up with that thing. Maybe to explain why people in Faerun are religious, in spite of gods not being really that amazing when you know there's hundreds of them? By entrusting your soul to them, you avoid that... thing. Even the evil gods, who offer you an afterlife that basically amounts to forever working in hell to make the whole world a more rotten place, aren't antediluvian mold infestations trapping the unwary, defenseless immortal aspects of every atheist simply for mindless feeding.
I prefer the eternal destruction by succubus thing, myself. Makes everything more final.
dragon808tr Survivor
Posts : 936 Join date : 2014-10-30
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:47 pm
Never played it or heard of it. Being stuck to something like that (Like glue) has a history of creeping me out. I find glue a little gross i guess (and some things like it, but not being tied up). There was an instance where i had an accident when hearing "Jhonny dont lick that pipe". It wasn't pretty.
But in all honestly, that is really creepy and would be terrible to experience. I would totally go with a succubus instead! (preferably Chasyliss )
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:12 pm
So...Yeah, a long time ago, hat and I came up with a system concerning this. As felarya really kind of doesn't explain too well what happen to a soul other then it's dead, but it leaves loopholes of other things that do exist. Such as people coming back from the dead in Hell/heaven realms and ghost. So Here's what we came up with...
When a soul gets eaten by a spectral sensitive being (IE Daemons, Angels, Other spirits) in the mortal realm, They are then marked or rather their souls. The souls do not dissipate fully, they still have the potential to become a ghost but that's for another time to explain****. What happens to a soul when it is consumed by an Angel, Daemon, or Soul vampire of a sort and they are still in their mortal state, Their soul becomes marked for those predators who can't store their food that way. When the soul goes the spirit world plan. (Same dimension but different plane for the dead or of interacting with souls/spirits) plan, on the other side but still on the same plane that we know, Felarya. It is then marked by that predator. It may be restructured in The same spot to dwell for a while, but it will be increasingly noticeable by the nature of said predator. Lets take an angel for example. If an angel eats a mortal (We can guess out of guilty pleasure) that person can be more "marked" by other angels. But the originator or that predator that ate them initially will have an easier time finding them if the soul of the prey is released from their mortal body. It will then have a chance to get eaten then, and yet again to belong to the collectives of the heaven or hell verse.
However this, unlike the mortal body, doesn't mean they permanently go away. They will return; most likely near the predator again, only to be consumed for a second sitting, then a third, fourth and so on. This can happen to a soul tens of several of times. But each time the soul begins to lose it's presence the personality and looks of the soul begins to go into a more vegetative state. Like an actual body, the visage of the soul continues to fight on to preserve it's looks and itself. But each time it's eaten notable signs of the avatar of the soul from appearance can make it look fatigued, as it's essence is being drawn away from its image and now into the energy essence of the predator. Once enough sittings have been done, It's been told by accounts that the soul will give one last struggle before it fully gets assimilated by the predator to fuel their essence. Once done the Predator will get a large burst of spiritual presence and it will make the predator, in a sense stronger to weild the effects of the celestial or paranormal, normally regarded to as 'holy' and 'unholy' magics. The more souls one eats, the more it reeks with power and pressure. It also seems to act as a "lure and bait" mechanism as more spirits are drawn to the predator that has consumed many. How ever this is also a double edge sword to the predator as they may switch the role to prey and get eaten themselves. When this happen the predator will consume all the souls and transfer to that person's body.
As you may have noticed, this could result in the being becoming very powerful on the spectral and even sometimes physical plane. In order to prevent this, The scapes or the beings themselves and it's denizens sometimes make up interesting developments. Some come in the form of "Spiritual saunas" Where a predator will sit in a contained area and leak out all the soul essence while at the same time refreshing them to a base level as to keep control how much one consumes, This can be most commonly found in the hell verse. Normally these 'saunas' are magma flows (see Karbo's Hell Bath picture for reference) and occasionally will have multiple demons inhabiting a single sauna. Another method is by act of worship or spiritual right, The constituents will perform a ritual on a soul swallowing object. If performed right. It will take the soul essence from ones body and put it in the artifact or construct. This method is common in heaven when souls that deem themselves "ready for mutual ascension" can be addressed. Both methods and some others can be found everywhere, how ever depending on the means of the predator depends on where the souls eventually go. It should be noted that despite these methods, all souls return to the eternal Lydus sea. To be a part of the universe and help involuntarily or not make the reasons of how life around the Multiverse function on the mortal planes and the spectral planesl.
Now as for ghosts. Ghosts have a chance to materialize again in the mortal realm. However they still have some properties of spirits as in they can use the effects of the spectral plane to "Phase in and out" willingly, Meanwhile they have some properties from mortality to interact with objects or even possessing the living. When they are eaten by a predator though, They don't have the chance of being marked again when materializing like normal souls. They have it all in one sitting. The soul and apparation's body will get consumed and digest at once and won't materialize again to go through the spectral digestion system. They go in all at once. However it's different when a predator eats a ghost as opposed to a soul. It's been told to be more sweetening and even filling. (Through power and through meal satisfaction) and will immediately have a tendency to revitalize a predator to a more energetic and voracious state,sometimes even addicting.However, similar to souls, the more a ghost is consumed, the weaker it's benefits would be to any one predator. Eventually, the ghost's power would fade, their abilities weakening alongside the desire of predators dropping.
Alongside those of the real work, there are also Predators that can be spectral as well, such one as a preadator. Others may and can grow in power, through the consumption of fellow ghosts or the (rare) successful attempts to magically 'steal' a lower demon/angel's power. If a ghost is successful, they may grow in power. Never to reach the powers of a simple grunt in Heaven or Hell, but able to pose genuine threats to mortals. (Liches and Wraiths being two common examples throughout Felarya's history). However, they are still able to lose their power by way of spiritual consumption, or being banished (Really, sent back to Lydus/The Astral sea) by mortal paladins. These ghosts can come back, much like how normal souls 'become' ghosts. Hence why legends and myths on Felarya never truly die off. Decades, a month, or centuries. The ghost's will to return is what aids it in reforming.
Again, This all really depends in perma death or reanimation of oneself still like he did in his first story feauturing Menyssan. Do people come back or is their essence permanently part of the predator and simply destroyed. What Hat and i came up with is more catered to how the lore function and might be a possible explanation to what happens with souls, of course this might be added on to. But it seems the most reasonable way of explaining how people come back in forth.
FattyHatty's Note: The reason why we're posting this despite the wiki stating that souls are destroyed is that we, and many people on the chatbox (and elsewhere) generally see the current process strange. A punishment in Hell is meant to be eternal, and as such, reliving your worst (dying) moment once, if vored, or whatever other punishments exist, doesn't seem like a fitting thing. Perhaps as a one time punishment for lesser dark souls, those who barely qualify as dark and Hell worthy. But for beings such as mass murderers, warlords, warlocks and witches, etc. etc. A way to bring them back and back and back again for punishment... And maybe a way to unintentionally unleash them once more, if their will is still strong after ending up in The Astral Sea/ Lydus.... Seems fitting.
dragon808tr Survivor
Posts : 936 Join date : 2014-10-30
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:34 pm
Woah. @Ravinging Vixen. Good explanation!
One more question though, what would happen if a angel/demon in a physical plane such as Felarya swallowed a human?
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:53 pm
It explained that. The human body would go into the spirit plane/side of felarya and become marked by the Person or being who ate them to interact with them in their soul form, again (Mostly for feeding so we think). Infact that's what the first and second paragraph was about, please read carefully.
dragon808tr Survivor
Posts : 936 Join date : 2014-10-30
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:56 pm
Sorry, I must have missed it. Its pretty interesting though. If i got to Felarya, I'd likely be seduced into feeding them (Or Elle)
Jormungdang Great warrior
Posts : 491 Join date : 2015-02-12 Age : 34 Location : Wrapped around the world
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:58 pm
I have a question of my own. Is it even possible to eat a ghost? Wouldn't they just become intangible and phase out? Or does the ghost begin to break down immediately upon being consumed?
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:00 pm
Yes it is possible but it would Mostly depend on creative and fictional properties you want to set to make that happen. With my character Nivex for example (The avatar you see me use) She uses Foxfire to touch spirits and make them physically tangible. Angels and daemons should have no trouble with this as they already associate and surround their bodies with the spectral. What's i'd most like see is depending on who eating the ghost, My character burns down the essence so they can become tangible again. Angels and Daemons might have some way of absorption and assimilation like i said earlier. Ghost are are special because their properties still make them hold on reality in some way. That's what holds them on the halfway mark.
Last edited by ravaging vixen on Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Scryangi Veteran knight
Posts : 290 Join date : 2014-10-10
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:10 pm
I thought we were going to make daemons good? While they may eat you, it's meant to digest you so the soul energy is recycled back into nature, instead of lingering around as some malicent spirit. The idea of punishing people only really holds out if they can learn from it and do better next time, which implies that they move on and this is not how Felarya does things. Alternatively, purifying the spirit sounds like something good and natural, though then I wonder why the spirit somehow reforms again and again instead of being digested?
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:26 pm
That honestly depends how karbo depicts, then I went everything based on his depiction and information of how everything is. And i wouldn't necessarily say make them good. These gals and guys in the heaven and hell verses know they're doing but how they interpret good and evil is what different. I made the option of how things run course naturally after you die. That's the only thing explained. What's good or bad depends on how the person views it. This was all based on that scry.
I'm entirely not too sure why that is but that's the best explanation of how i can give your question to you since i had the same in mind.
Scryangi Veteran knight
Posts : 290 Join date : 2014-10-10
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:35 pm
Thank you for summarizing it to me then. But it's just too sad. It's the Wall of the Faithless all over again, and even if the ethereal creatures do not view it as kind of is. I mean, how does this work for the angelic side of things then? Diminishing them with every stomach trip does not sound like reaching ascension, even though it's consensual. But it's for their own good?
My head canon was that spiritual energy with a very strong ego could not 'let go' as it were, and would be doomed to both wander around, but also clog up nature by defiling its surroundings with it's influence--too much of a good thing, or perhaps a nascent psychopomp? Hence why both positive and negative spirit eaters were needed. The angels to help the good spirits move on, and the devils to let the bad ones. It kind of sounded like this made vore a good thing.
*Edit* Too much of a good thing, like strong bonds of love making you haunt your loved ones even though the presence of a ghost can be damaging. However, in a spiritual place or one filled with life and love, this spirit's influence is compensated for, and can then be a protector spirit.
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:48 pm
Well scry it's fetish fuel. You just gotta remember that. Also The angels are aligned good and will do so to make things good, but what's obvious good and bad is denied because of fetish fuel. Now the explanation you explained:
Scryangi wrote:
My head canon was that spiritual energy with a very strong ego could not 'let go' as it were, and would be doomed to both wander around, but also clog up nature by defiling its surroundings with it's influence--too much of a good thing, or perhaps a nascent psychopomp? Hence why both positive and negative spirit eaters were needed. The angels to help the good spirits move on, and the devils to let the bad ones. It kind of sounded like this made vore a good thing.
That's how i would see it with logic applied. What i didn't say is how magic application to make things run functions, you honestly might want to tal to Ilceren about that. He's working up something nice to explain the nature of magic. This is how it could be applied with the magical nature of felarya. What i stated above has more to do with theology and ethics of why it's needed possibly. Like with your explanation. I could say that angels purify one in their stomach, and that doesn't necessarily make them mad if they're assimilating the essence for that reason. While a daemon does it for one self gratification, while at the same time, applying endgame punishment. They don't see it as that because in a sense it's not, they're feeding off the negativity as for vice versa the angel feeding off the positive. To people like us though that's going to be trivial because we're the victim in a good or a bad way. And what that person did during their life is going to draw that predator towards where they will end up. That's my creative spin on it mixed with yours. By logic but by still keeping the nature of felarya of being vored.
Scryangi Veteran knight
Posts : 290 Join date : 2014-10-10
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
Thank you, dear Arvi.
I try to see it in a natural way, as in all beings being part of the big whole that is the setting of Felarya. Worlds with creator gods and Good vs Evil always sound so...artificial. No matter what story, it never works out. All Good has to do is manifest one angel per major city--which doesn't seem hard seeing that devils manage to get in / are summoned into Felarya--and spread goodness. People would get healed, empowered, filled with positive thoughts, etc, and everyone would like it. Support it even, as now their city is blooming. Blessed they could start raiding Felarya, kill of preds, etc. Really, it's a bad idea.
TL; DR: picture 'corruption'. Now turn it around to 'redemption'. "Bam, you're good now. And you, and you, and you."
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:14 am
I'm honestly a little confused to what you mean.This sounds like a different case then from the main topic too so, lets not digress to far off xD
Last edited by ravaging vixen on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Scryangi Veteran knight
Posts : 290 Join date : 2014-10-10
Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus? Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:24 am
ravaging vixen wrote:
I'm honestly a little confused to what you mean. You this sounds like a different case then from the main topic too so, lets not digress to far off xD
Oh, I simply meant: natural, as in beings eat to sustain themselves, but in turn sustain others in an eternal cycle. There is nothing evil about eating. It's a necessity. And the process creates fertilizer.
Mufasa can explain it better.
Skip to 0:40 Mufasa: Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
Young Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life
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Subject: Re: What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus?
What would happen after a soul gets digested by a succubus?