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 How long would you last in Felarya

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PostSubject: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 9:43 pm

Hey all.

Just curious, even with knowledge of Felarya via the wiki, how long do you honestly think you could survive in the wilds of Felarya? 18 minuites? 2 hours? 5 months? 8 years? Indefinately?

Also, what would your strategy be? Hideing in the jungle? Making friends with preds? Getting some friends for an adventuring party?

Im curious what you all would think.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 11:14 am

2h 14m 69ms

Then i shall die, and become a god of metagaming :v ...so to speak...
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 2:41 pm

I'd probably die as soon as a predator would find me.

Totally gotta record that for statistical purposes!
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 5:13 pm

I will bring out my vodka, take a sip, and lit up my cigarette, take a whiff, before pour the vodka on the nearest giant tree and burn it with my cigaratte. Since I'm going to die, I will take as many things as possible along with me a long with the fire.


The only problem is that I don't drink and smoke...

Last edited by tkh1304 on Fri May 15, 2015 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 5:24 pm

-Shrugs- id probably survive for a good hour or so.... depends if im lucky enough to find a village in time before something finds me. and IF i do get lucky enough to get to the village, get as much info as possible and start making friends.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 12:30 am

Since i got military training in a ground recom batallion I learned about surviving, navigating and staying unseen in the wilderness, even against infrared sight and other things, finding and identifying potential threads, as well as my ability to draw and remember maps, i consider myself being quite capable of surviving. Naturally it all depends on what gear I have on my body and WHERE exactly i'd end up, so a huge amount of luck is also involved.

Having the knowledge of most of the wiki entries, I would probably be able to circumvent quite a few dangers just by looking at them and knowing what they do and what they are. The problem is, without detailed knowledge of where one would end up, it is impossible to predict any chances or times. Ending up inside evernight forest is certainly more deadly than ending up in the misty glades, and depending on any possible equipment, the ascarlin mountains might be a breeze or lethal with the sheer environment involved. The chances of meeting known characters are also higher in specific areas, and as soon as one meets them and uses their knowledge to make them allies is very important as well. So naturally Locations such as the giant tree, chordoni waterfalls or Negav are easier to survive in than some random wilderness near fairy kingdom.
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 2:02 pm

With my knowledge, I might be able to last a day, possibly two. If I run into a pred though, I'm practically a goner, unless I can convince them I'm a friend of Crisis, or some other major character.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 3:48 pm

Darth_Nergal wrote:
[...] I'm practically a goner, unless I can convince them I'm a friend of Crisis, or some other major character.
Dalia is the one you are looking for.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 6:55 pm

way to self advertise amaroq Razz. Anyways I would probably fair in snowy areas since i've gone on long camp out a for a month or two with what I had In russia before, Either that or timberline. Very circumstantial but i think i'd last realistically a month on my own but after that i would be going to a point of insanity if i didn't interact with someone.
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 10:50 pm

First thing I would do is construct some kind of implement I could use to kill myself in a pinch if I didn't already have one, and I'd be sure it'd be somewhere I couldn't lose it or be restrained from using it. Then it'd be a matter of trying to get to civilization.

If for whatever reason I'm forced to live out in the wilderness, I'd go downhill quickly. There's no way in hell I'd be able to sleep in such a dangerous place, so my mental condition would probably deteriorate rapidly. Even if I didn't encounter anything awful or deadly, and I probably would, there's a good chance my increasing paranoia would result in my suicide within several days.

My only real chance to last longer than that in the wild would be to find 1-2 skilled allies and work with them. I wouldn't trust them, but as long as there were mutual benefits for protection, I might be comfortable enough to get some rest and maintain my sanity. Especially if one of them had an objective we could work toward- something better than just staying alive for the sake of it.

By myself, I would never be able to rest out of fear of what I'd find when I wake up. If I joined with a big crew, it would welcome predators. Under no circumstances would I seek out any of the giant characters. If I encountered them and had a chance to make an appeal, I could try it as a last ditch effort, but I have little faith in that working and would be ready to end myself on a moment's notice if I saw a hand even flinch in my direction. Even if I found one on the "safe" end of the spectrum, I would not want to stick with an ally who could eat me in the wrong circumstances. So I think sticking with a small talented crew would be my only real shot at making it past a few days. Probability of that happening is probably less than 5%.

My estimate would have to be a distribution, not a single number, and it'd have a high standard deviation dependent upon the specific circumstances. But the mean is likely a low number.
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2015 6:34 pm

Meh. I'll die, but with a gun in my hand and an injury to the pred's eyes.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: How long would you last in Felarya   How long would you last in Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2015 8:28 am

It's a crapshoot, but I think I might just have a plan.

It is mentioned in the wiki that part of what makes fairies see humans as food it that humans act like food. Hiding, panicking, running, struggling, begging, these are things that prey does, so doing any of these things only makes it easier for you to be associated with prey. Most characters seen in Felaryan stories are a similar case. So if I saw a predator, especially a fairy or someone I recognized, my plan would be to actually approach them and try to strike up a conversation. Since I'm the one approaching them, with any luck I'll have caught them at a time when they're not hungry, and even if they are, I'm not acting like prey. I'm making no attempt to hide or protect myself, which just might throw them off long enough for me to even make a friend!

Like I said, this is a total crapshoot. It's been mentioned that the sapient predators that you can talk to are actually somewhat rare, and against the far more likely regular old beast I wouldn't have a prayer. Also, while most predator characters we've seen have been fairly sociable and potentially open to the idea of friendship with a human, it's likely that this is the result of selection bias; friendships and complex relationships simply make better stories, so the predators who never consider having a human friend just don't make for as good stories, even if they might be more statistically numerous.

However, if by some fluke I manage to cross this first hurdle and make a predator friend, I think my chances for survival improve drastically. Once you have one friend, you can meet their friends, and then the friends of their friends. Make sure not to stray too far from someone who will keep you safe, and try to make as many connections as possible. Can you sing, or dance, or tell a good story? Take advantage of any talent you have and try to build yourself up as a local celebrity, if you can. The more connections you can make, the more ingrained in the predator social network you are, the safer you'll be, because any predator who knows you is unlikely to eat you, and even if they simply recognize you they'll be more hesitant than they would be to gobble up a total stranger. It won't keep you safe forever, eventually there will be someone who just doesn't care, or is actively out to spite whatever group you've integrated yourself into, and in the end it only takes one, but trying to get in with the predator crowd instead of hiding from them could make the difference between surviving only a few hours or days and surviving for years.
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