Hey everyone (and yes, i'm quite bored today).
Now first off, I'm not really that big of a guy into conspiracy theories. IE. Reptillian obama/Bush, FEMA (Which is more of a creepy pasta IMO), and that we didn't go to the moon. But I do beleive in realistic theories (Notably, that the goverment has advanced tech and keeping it secret. But it's not exactly a theory as the US has done it since WW1 If not earlier.)
Also, Im from The US so if your from somewhere else, im sorry but I don't have any more info on this type of thing from other countries.
Now i'm sure you've all heard of NSA spying. Now, it is good to monnitter terrorists with a high chance of actualy doing something. What you might not know, as it is usially tiny blips in the news, or in the news at all, is the bad that has came of it. First, if you own any electronic, the goverment is seeing what you are doing 24/7/365. Even webcams can be turned on with no indicators.
Secondly, you might not have heard of the arrests from this. Besides innocent arrests, recently, an NSA male employee was fired (or i hope he was fired) for turning on cams to watch these college age girls change. More common examples are NSA employees groping females, which they claim to be part of their "job".
Now today, while browsing yahoo, i came across this.
So, now the goverment is flying above us, seeing what we are doing. Collecting all cell phone data and pc data. Yeah, you read that right. As if that's not enough.
Does this all sound familiar? If you have ever read Orwell's 1984 it should. Basically, it is about a "Big brother" Goverment who is always watching. You must do everything correctly for the goverment, even think correctly, free of any impure thoughts. Failure to follow the rules results in imprisonment, torture, and brutal deaths. And I beleive, that the US is going quite quickly in that direction.
Oddly enough, when watching anything from Half life, The Combine quickly come to mind, both as 1984, and as new government policies. And if youve played or heard of half life, you know what i'm talking about. Heck, our 'generous' Goverment has even tried to censor the internet!
Now, if you dont belive me, ask yourself this; Think of how active the goverment is (IE President and Congress). They meet often, with breaks of course. New policies and laws are passed each day. The biggest ones, the ones they want you to know about (Gay rights, Equal opportunity rights exc.). But Surveillance laws are never mentioned in the news. And if it's not mentioned in the news, how would you know?