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 Choya Citidel

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Would you want to visit Choya or write stories about it?
Yes! Sounds like a fun place!
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 80% [ 4 ]
Maybe....If i was an elf.
Choya - Choya Citidel Vote_lcap20%Choya - Choya Citidel Vote_rcap
 20% [ 1 ]
No. It's okay but I think it needs *insert comment here* (write it!!)
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Choya Citidel   Choya - Choya Citidel Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2015 2:59 pm

Okay I didn't get any comments on my Choya Citadel on my ideas page. None! This is unacceptable! I demand at least a bit of critism. <.< Or...Uh I'll tar and feather your nagas! Yes that'll do. So unless you wish to have sticky snake girls, comment. =P Note the new system to measure population may be slightly inaccurate and I'd love tips on how to balance that better if you got 'em.

Choya Citadel
Race Mix:
Elf: 60% Neko: 30% Other: 10% (mostly non-humans)
Function of Structure: City and trading post.
Exports: Mundane Magical Items, Minor Magical weapons and Elvish Lore
Imports: Food, Medical supplies and building supplies and tools.
Map Coordinates: i-4 (Between The Grove of Carnivorous Plants and the western side Frost Peak)
- Description -

Choya is a leftover fortress from the Elvish Empire at it's height and as such it's breathtaking to behold. The buildings are made of tan stone which nearly blends in with the dark bark of the tree's that grow around and through most of them. This may make you think of vine covered ruins with tree's shooting out the top and extending to the stars but you would be wrong. Elvish architecture is such that it moves with growing, living plants and Choya is a fine example of this. The five walls that surround the inner most citadel were molded so that tree's would grow right beside the battlements and around them providing additional structural support and defense capability. The tops of the wall are also not lined with row after row of spiky thorns making scaling the wall with traditional siege tactics a difficult prospect at best as the only entry way into the city is created when the greenery of the walls part to reveal it.

The citadel's longevity is shocking to most considering most Post War of Darkness structures are either dilapidated or totally destroyed except a handful of towns and castles and only a few of the great cities known. The reason for this structure's continued longevity is attributed to the fact it's still populated by elvish folk. Yes you heard right a mixture of survivors of that terrible war and refugees from Felarya's harsh wilderness have banded together and have restored the citadel back to it's former glory back when it stood amongst many like it.

The citadel's layed is that of a five walled structure with the outermost walls and inner core being strictly for military use only whereas the inner structures have been rearranged to accommodate a slowly expanding population of merchants, farmers and other tradesman. The "civilian" areas however are not totally without defense. Every homestead, inn and even the lowliest of pubs is linked to a network of underground tunnels large enough for human sized creatures and nearly impervious to predators except for smaller ones like fairies. For those there are a scattered number of guard towers powered by elvish archery.

- Elves Only -
Under the administration of Lord Zaleron Starshine, one of the last known Elven Generals left after the war, the Citadel was first re-founded as a elvish colony only for elves and no other races. This worked fine with many old school elves but allot of the younger folk who barely had a millennium or two under their belt felt it was wrong in the eyes of the gods and thought at least they should allow other races spend their coins to purchase supplies and keep revenue flowing. 'Ol Zal didn't like this idea at first but when scouts returned saying the whole of the Empire was gone he reluctantly agreed and so human, nekos and other civilized races were allowed to stay if they had the coinage or materials to barter which could benefit the citadel.

Time went on and soon a traveling troupe of Rosaic nekos came to stay and graced the city with their music and were so well loved they wished to live int he citidel forever. 'Ol Zal wouldn't bend knee at first but soon it became apparent that the people would not be swayed so he once again bent knee and made it so other races could own land inside the citidel walls, but only a small portion and they had to do more than sing for their supper dammit. To his suprise the leader of the Rosiac nekos Shinya Twinebat agreed with his rules and restrictions saying it was a hell of allot better than the way they'd be treated in Negav. In agreement for allowing her tribe to stay in the city she agreed her musicians would preform in the city center every night, her scouts would help spread the word to other colonies and trading posts to bring in more revenue and supplies and she would wed him. The latter he attempted to forgo citing custom forbade him from taking a wife, but Shinya told him it was neko custom to wed two powerful figures in order to preserve peace. The old bugger sighed and reluctantly agreed thinking he was going to elvish hell for sure....when in fact he discovered on his wedding night he was headed for neko heaven. He's been much more amenable and easy going ever since strangely and seems to have developed a affection for neko culture for some reason. The citadel is now open to all kinds of races but mostly is made up of elves and nekos and some furry eared and be-tailed races.

-Green Cloaks and Wood Weavers-
Green cloaks are the citadel's main military force. They started out as a few hundred elves under Zal's strict command but after his marriage to Shinya soon had their ranks filled out with nekos and some other races. They are stealth unit that uses agility and gorila warfare to repel predators and other hostile forces as well as maintain peace inside the city. Their weapons of choice are smoke bombs, throwing knives as well as a bow and arrow. It should be noted the Green Cloak's capes are not actually colored green, but more a brownish grey. The "green" comes from the plant life that sprouts from the cloaks over time. The more you have the longer you lived and the higher ranked you are. Being a decorated officer means your cloak may be more moss and leaves in a dazzling display of forestry than gold or silver buttons.

Wood Weavers are spell castors skilled in Nature Magic who serve as guards on the wall or near the gate and have the power to actually command the greenery of the city and use it as a both defense and weapon. Those atop the wall can enchant vines or thorns to wrap around predators or hurl large stones. In addition they also are in charge of opening the "gates" of the city which consists of thick vegetation that covers the open gates like a portal and is so tick even a predator with a good stone tool couldn't cut it all away before a Green Weaver's spells repaired it which they are also in charge of.

-Treat with Thorns-
Because of the large population of elves the citadel seems like a giant candy bowl to most predators and thus predator attacks are uncommon but rarely are largely successful. The only ones who are difficult to repel are aerial threats but Erinel and her Banshee lend a hand when those get too heavy.Failing that the Green Weavers magic and the combination distractionary efforts of the Green Cloaks sneaky subterfuge can be dizzying to most predators. If that's not enough a face full of thorns or a arrow in the eye tends to be a descent deturant to even the most stalwart of predators.

-Services and Goods-

Being a elvish city, even a military one, there's a variety of goods and services to be bought or bartered. Among these include:

Elvish Food and Wine:
The fabled drink that is much less rare in the citadel than outside of it and in more vintages than even the Lit Ciggy can hope to offer. If you happen to be more inclined to vegan cuisine the taverns also have that in abundance.

Elvish Artifacts and Art:
Rare and difficult to obtain artifacts are much easier to find in the city and may cost you less than at a Negavian antiquities dealer. However that's not to say they are in abundance. The great war robbed the world of many craftsman skilled in the old ways but apprentices of old masters still churn out Living Bow and Arrows, that can reshape themselves or regrow, Enchanted Felarya Silver artifacts, such as swords and protective amulets and even poetry, literature and other fascinating services as well as true relics dating back hundreds thousands of years. One should keep in mind however 'Ol Zal still keeps a good chunk of the better stuff from the olden days for his forces.

Living Weapons:
Living weapons are immensely useful because unlike other weapons they need no oiling or sharpening because they are in fact,as the name implies, alive and growing. Living weapons are made from wood that's been enchanted to regrow if it breaks, change size and shape to match the wielder and even take some additional properties of the wood their made of. For example a staff made of Batal Wood is a strong as iron, but a Living Batal Wood Staff is as a strong as forged steel! It should be noted they are rather expensive and without a small charging period can wither and as living weapons are less resistant to diseases like blight and deforestation spells.

Felaryan Silver Mine:
The mine is a few miles from the city but elves adore it's magical power and beauty and one way to live in Choya is to work their mines and transport it to the citadel. Be warned it's a high paying job for a reason. Due to it's proximity to Frost Peak the mine is a treacherous place before you even descend to the depths not to mention bandits and cave ins there's also a number of dridders and other underground predators and creatures to worry about...Then there's the long walk home. Without machines.

Elvish Lore:
Many historians make the dangerous trip from Negav to Choya simply because it's Elvish Archives contain more surviving lore than any other settlement except for Morokyo but mostly that's just cook books and elvish porn as depicted by fairies.

Because the city is also populated by a fair number of neko's as well there's some neko services that are offered too:

Rosiac Music EVERYWHERE:
Because Shinya, the wife of 'Ol Zal' ,is a Rosiac Neko tribe leader you can find Rosiacs in any part of the city singing and dancing.

Song Magic and Music Lessons:
If you wish to learn it? No problem! Rosiac's are natural masters of it due to their mastery of instruments and vocals. Just want to learn to sing better or play a instrument well they can offer you that as well.

Neko Scouts On the Cheap:
Neko's of all kinds followed Shinya to this wondrous place and some are the wild neko's who run the forest everyday as part of their routine and are more than happy to accept favor or coin in order to acquire their valuable services for far less than they charge in other isolated places.

-Laws of the City-
Now the place may be a peaceful and easy going settlement but most beings tend to find their laws...well odd.

No Machines:
Elves have little interest in mechanics and both neko's and elve's ears are harmed by loud engines so they tend to hate the dreaded noisy things. Golems only are prohibited but mostly restricted to certain areas and traveling with them will cost you a heavy fee.

All Sale Elvish Lore Predating the Great War of Shadows is Forbiden:
Zal being a lover of history believes that it belongs only to the survivors and that imperial texts and elvish lore older than most human cities and even ruins like Ur-Sagol must be preserved by ELVES. Thus many a Negavian historian and tomb raider has fallen prey to this law. Those who have tried have been known to simply dissapear. Even the citizens don't know what the punishment is and quite frankly don't care to ask.

No eating of Tinies Inside the City Walls:
This law strangely holds despite nekoes making up the second largest population due to Shinya's love of tinies and her tribesemen being so fiercely loyal...mostly. There are rules and of course nekoes not loyal to Shinya's tribe may hunt as long as they obey this law to the letter. If a tiny is dwelling within the city they are afforded every right as a normal citizen. If they leave,even temporarily they must obtain a token to wear to show their citizenship and thus immunity to preying while out in the wild. Those without it are fair game OUTSIDE the city. Any neko caught breaking this law will be fined four times every one year of the tiny's age.

Explosives of a Certain Grade are Prohibited:
Because the city depends on it's living walls and defenses fire is always a massive danger to the citidel's continued existence and as such incendiary grenades, missiles or any other form of high yield explosive is confiscated and disposed of upon entering the citidel. A fine will be placed on those who attempt to bypass this law and those whom are innocent of knowledge will merely receive a tap on the wrist and will receive some compensation for their loss. Usually a few night's free at one of the smaller Inns.

Predator Races are Forbidden:
Even friendly fairies will be shot on sight if they enter the citadel. Predators who are friendly and wish to deposit their charges within the citadel must leave them outside of the walls and wait for a neko runner team to come and retrieve them and should know that they will be under extreme scrutiny. Even the citadel's one predator ally, a banshee who's friends with a local elvish girl, must obey this rule or suffer the consequences.

Everyone Must Work:
All citizens are required to at least pitch in and help maintain the city. Duties range from simple things, such as part time work at an establishment, to more tricky tasks such as maintaining livestock, scouting missions to attract revenue and resources and if in a time or war or extreme predation: military service.

-Known Citizens-
-Starshine Family-
Lord Zaleron "Ol Zal' Starshine:
The original leader of the city who continues to govern it in place of a true lord. Despite his near millennia of service he remains as fit an active as any other elf and more powerful magically than most even though he finds spellcraft tedious and boring. He is married to the leader of the Rosiac Neko tribe of the area Shinya Starshine. He has a great passion for House of Keng and owns a deck of exceedingly rare cards which he plays with many a challenge from near and far.

Shinya Starshine:
A vibrant and loud woman who is the leader of the collective Rosiac Neko tribes dwelling in the citadel. She is as fiery as her hair color and provides a foil to Zal keeping him balanced in the real world and is attributed to making him kinder and more fun loving. Her musical instrument is a Living Wood Flute which her husband gave her as a wedding present. Combined with her song magic it can do many marvelous things such as weave illusion and play sounds no other flute can make.

Shiza Starshine:
A half neko and half elf born to Zal and Shinya who looks a tad more neko than elf.Named after both her father and mother. She's as wild as her mother and as crafty and pragmatic as father. A gambler and musician who plays harp she is well known for traveling near and far searching for new sources of revenue for the city and also adventure and danger. Despite having magical parents her magic is only a mid level and seems to be oriented in growing plants by singing to them.

Erinel Kel-Andinel:
A local scout and adventuress whom along with her banshee friend Heather provide a sort of aerial scouting service that Zal reluctantly has agreed to since her great, grandfather stays in the city and is one of his dearest freinds still alive. Erinel is a mischievous young woman who acts more like a human than an elf her honored grandfather tells her often. She loves to wield her bow and arrow sticking them in bandits and predators who'd threaten the city alike. She is skilled enough in healing magic to be a healer but has more interest in flying with her friend Heather. How the two met and why they continue to be friends with one another is unkown.

Gorelo Kel:
One a prominent general in service to the Western Elvish Empire he now dwells as General of the Green Cloaks and helps coordinate the city's defenses in times of trouble and when there's not trouble he likes to do surprise inspections and needless drills. Octobac is his one vice and he keeps the farmers of it quite wealthy as long as they keep his pipe full. As agile as when he was a new recruit very few can match his skill with a bow and arrow.
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Choya - Choya Citidel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choya Citidel   Choya - Choya Citidel Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2015 3:52 pm

One of my main characters is an elf, so I have racial bias. :B

Anyway, I did a brief skim of it, and I like the overall idea to this. Keyword being 'overall', its a bit length for me at the moment, but granted that its a survivor the old war, I'm a bit hesitant about it "being restored to its former glory". What does that mean, exactly? What kinds of strengths does that actually give it?

The other problem is how impervious you make it sound. That is great, except with too much emphasis you make it sound as if you're designing it to have zero flaws and completely OP. Just keep that in mind.

Forgive me for not thoroughly reading and critiquing the whole thing, please.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Choya - Choya Citidel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choya Citidel   Choya - Choya Citidel Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2015 7:40 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
One of my main characters is an elf, so I have racial bias. :B

Anyway, I did a brief skim of it, and I like the overall idea to this. Keyword being 'overall', its a bit length for me at the moment, but granted that its a survivor the old war, I'm a bit hesitant about it "being restored to its former glory". What does that mean, exactly? What kinds of strengths does that actually give it?

The other problem is how impervious you make it sound. That is great, except with too much emphasis you make it sound as if you're designing it to have zero flaws and completely OP. Just keep that in mind.

Forgive me for not thoroughly reading and critiquing the whole thing, please.

Tis okay to skim long as you gave it your honest opinion. Hmm too strong of defenses? I hadn't looked at that. I know to try not to do that with OCs but I never thought to treat a place as an OC. o.o Hmm vulernabilites....I'll draw up some or add weaknesses to the current defenses maybe. Thanks! ^_^
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