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 Why am I so effected by all this?

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Posts : 936
Join date : 2014-10-30

Why am I so effected by all this? Empty
PostSubject: Why am I so effected by all this?   Why am I so effected by all this? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2015 1:38 pm

I wanted to post this here instead of DA.

A few months ago, a shooter went in to a west coast classroom with a gun and asked the students if they were religious, and then said to the ones that were "You are about to see God in 5 seconds" before shooting them in the head. There are many shootings here in the US, but that one bothered me the most.

And last night, well, I don't think I can express the horrors that happened in Paris, where 2 of my internet friends are (Karbo and Aegy). I was out at a sports bar, celebrating a well done physics exam when I heard the news. It was hard to not think about it, I prayed they were ok. (And they both were, although shaken, as most of the world is)

I went to bed at 12:30, early for me beacuse I have been staying up late (1-2am is my usual). And apparently, at 5 am I screamed in my sleep, waking up my mom. She ran to my door, but just heard the sounds of me sleeping peacefully. I do not remember dreaming about much, except something about Felarya and darkness. (which could be because of something else).

I just don't know why this effects me so much. I'm like shaking over here, trying to find out as much as I can about what happened (and not this conspiracy bull$#**). I guess I could use someone to talk to about it. Please don't think of me as weak or a pussy or anything.
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