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 WWIII Imminent!

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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 12:39 pm


Whelp, Its been nice knowing you all! Only a matter of time now.

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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 1:07 pm

That's a very idiotic post. Not yours but the one from this journal writer. As in the comments, it's american clickbait using russian propoganda. Nato has similar warheads and logistic capability (scarier than that plane) to do something. What you should be hoping for is that if WWIII did happen that orbital nuclear exchanges wouldn't be going off. Plus The U.S. already developed a system from such a thing happening (which is technically banned by the U.N. for lack of better explanation of being "unfair" in the state of a minor or global conflict.

Doing the M.A.D. doctrine would be unreasonable for anyone. WWIII will likely be mostly conventional and some nukes.
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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 1:24 pm

Which would be more than enough. They even do not have to hit any City - the EMP-Effects will grill anything more advanced than a `40´s Radio. Yes, there were Anti-Missile-Systems - first invented by the Russians. Then the U.S. came up with the MIRVs. One Rocket - more Warheads. You would have to build Yourself sick with Anti-Missile-Systems.
Now there is the famous Radar-Phalanx-guided System, which annoys Uncle Putin and his former KGB-Palz. But it doesn´t work properly. So what? You still can sell this Thing, pretending it DOES work. Because if not, there will be no one left to argue about that. Ckever Trick, in Business-Sense...
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 2:34 pm

The U.S. has a good laser shield defense system similar to the phalanx but more close to the old starwars system. Believe me when i say it works at shooting down any and many intercontinental ballistics. What it doesn't work against is planes and more low atmospheric conventional fighting that delivers a nuke to the intended target. Which why you still have a conventional airforce backed by a conventional navy and a ground screen etc.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 3:10 pm

I think, what we all know is that we don´t know what they are capable of doing - or not. But in the worst Case we soon will learn about all this. Hopefully this Day will never come.

So there is obviously no Reason in wondering and presuming about what-if-Cases - Fact is, there are many Idiots posting anything in the WWW - and it´s up to You if You believe all this Stuff - or not.

And You have to be careful about that - because You should be warned that a huge Pile of Bullshit´s comin´ down da Road... And I mean all this Conspiracy Stuff and all the other Big Time, Major-League-Bullshit.
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 3:51 pm

Bandur Khan wrote:
I think, what we all know is that we don´t know what they are capable of doing - or not. But in the worst Case we soon will learn about all this. Hopefully this Day will never come.

So there is obviously no Reason in wondering and presuming about what-if-Cases - Fact is, there are many Idiots posting anything in the WWW - and it´s up to You if You believe all this Stuff - or not.

And You have to be careful about that - because You should be warned that a huge Pile of Bullshit´s comin´ down da Road... And I mean all this Conspiracy Stuff and all the other Big Time, Major-League-Bullshit.

I dont think its Bullshit. Thing is, a nuclear attack is just a matter of time. It's not like the rest of history on Earth will be nuke free. And if you beleive that, then you are crazy. Imagine if ISIS or a terror group gets their hands on a nuke (Or even nuclear material) then they could do massive damage to anywhere. (FYI, with their cash, ISIS can actually purchase nuclear material or even a bomb for that matter.)

Also, since the Iran blunder, I know a nuclear strike on the US is immenent, especially with President Pussy in charge!

My advice? Fuck, drink, whatever gets you happy. Beacuse none of us are going to live into our 50's. I'd bet my bottom dollar on a nuclear attack and/or WW3 before I turn 50. (and I'm 20).
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 4:16 pm

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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 5:03 pm

Third time's a charm, you know. Maybe this one will result in world peace. That, or it results in another space race. Either way, it's gonna be interesting to watch.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2015 10:53 pm

I somehow doubt this is true. Why then have I not seen it on the front of every major newsletter? This is the kind of thing that would be headlining everywhere.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2015 1:33 am

Let's avoid this kind of threads please.

The source on the plane is highly suspicious. A lot of it appears to come from RT which is a direct Kremlin propaganda outlet.

Moreover the threats of nuclear war comes from Zhirinovsky who is a know Russian nut job who has been advocating nuclear war for years now ( among a lot of others crazy things like having the army shooting down flocks of migrant birds in order to avoid the spread of bird flu ), that few people in his country take seriously any more. The very notion that Russia would wage a nuclear war just because they have a plane that would allow them to stay in control when all their cities are devastated is ridiculous...

Last edited by Karbo on Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2015 2:54 am

Okay - so what?

Building such a Plane means nothing. The U.S. has at least four of them. Building one is no big Effort; Get Yourself a friggin´ Airliner, pump it up with State-of-the-Art Communications Equipment and defensive Technics like FLARE and Stuff - and Congratz! You got Yourself a goddamn Doomsday Plane.
Yes, the Russians now have one, too - to pose around a bit. Because it´s a Must-Have.
Because even if there´s no cold War in the Moment - there still is the Need to stay in the `Superpowerclub´. So they build some modern Fighters like the Sukhoi-Stealth-Jet, some new Missile Cruiserz and a brandnew MBT like the ARMATA-14.
And oh, bad Newz: The Chinese have done the same Thing - so now we have 3 Superpowerz. Lucky us...

And India is on the next Way to do it...
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2015 4:53 pm

Oh, and something else I saw coming...


If leaders call ISIS cancer, than why not treat it like cancer and nuke the shit out of it? WHEN will world leaders realize that ISIS needs to be nuked? I know Obama (AKA President Pussy) dosn't have half a ball to do anything militarily offensive, so my money is on Putin to NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF ISIS LIKE WE SHOULD BE DOING! Oh, and for those of those worried about the "innocent bystanders" Consider this, would you rather it be them, or you?
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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2015 4:56 am

Right, because ISIS hangs out all together in one place in a clearly signposted fort.

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PostSubject: Re: WWIII Imminent!   WWIII Imminent! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2015 2:01 am

Well if I were you guys, the last place to go seek informations is on social medias and conventionel media (tv, newspaper, radio) except if you want to know the name of tom cruise's baby.

things like that world war 3 thing is kinda funny, though. it just adds to the global paranoia. we all know that something is wrong, so the best way to solve it is to create a false-fake answer (like Isis, like russia, like china) instead of looking at what the real problem is.

but i agree with karbo: we should avoid this kind of thread.
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