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 Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)

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PostSubject: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 1:57 pm

Recently, in my minds random engine of thinking of ways to stop me from working, I thought about the scariest video I watched as a Child. It was Called Pooh's grand adventure. It was a scary-sad home movie that featured many scary scenes and near deaths of the characters. One Key feature was the horryfing monster called the Skullosaurus. And as you can see from the attached video clip, it was certainly scary for the 6-7 year old me.

I still remember it all, down to the sound effects and music. I don't know who approved it.

Where we see Tigger get drpressed and almost die.

THis song, I still remember it. WHile it had a good spirit of adventure, the skulls were a little much for a little kid.

(There are some more like the upside down rock and thorn forest scenes, but I wont bore you all with the videos, you can easily find them off the other videos)

I also was scared of the Poultra scene in Jimmy Neutron movie, although this likely lead to my vore fetish when I was younger. Apparently if you fear something so much, it can develop into a fetish in the future.

There was a HUGE mawshot of Poultra opening her maw over the sacrifical humans below. THe video appears to be taken down, but it was likely that moment.

EDIT: Found it! Its not Youtube, but it should work. Its in the opening seconds and is quite the detailed maw! https://vimeo.com/9353733

So, what cartoons scared you as a kid?  Courage and "Return the Slab?" Spongebob? Watership down? (REALLY Hope no one saw that!) Let me know in the comments and what fears you might have gotten from that.
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PostSubject: Re: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 3:01 pm

Watership Down FTW!

Ren and Stimpy!

And these arn't cartoons, but I bloody well watched them when I was very young and they creeped the hell out of me.

......Kinda explains alot now that I think about it.....
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Roaming thug
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Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2015 4:26 pm

It's funny that you should mention that a fear can become a fetish. I used to be afraid of quicksand. I couldn't even step into mud without getting frightened. But now, I love the idea of the earth swallowing me.
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PostSubject: Re: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 4:34 am

Oh, Gremlins was another one. Always ruined the tone for christmas time.

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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 4:44 am

For me, it was the Music of Bolero (Maurice Ravel), which I knew out of the Mind since I was three - this was creepy, but also fascinating for me - as well as `Night on the bald Mountain´ (Modest Mussorgsky) and Firebird (Igor Stravinsky). Then there was the Series V...

And for my Mother: Her ghastliest Nightmare were Thundersounds, streaking Lights in the dark Sky and strange howling Sounds - Years later she realized that these were nightly Bomb Raids over Bonn...
And what makes her gettong Goosebumpf til Today is `Danse Macabre´ (Camille Saint-Saens).
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PostSubject: Re: Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons)   Things that scared you as a Kid (or disturbing cartoons) Icon_minitime

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