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 Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!

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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 8:22 pm

So this is for discussion about star wars...could be anything, but I intend for it to be those of us who have seen Episode 7.

So what did you like about it ? What didn't you like about it?

Beyond this point, reading anything here without seeing the movie first puts you at risk of spoiling yourself.

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 11:11 pm

Force sensitivity could explain saber combat for the trooper
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 4:14 am

Huh thy wolf? Are you talking about the one with the Vibro blade or Fin? If the first one, I'm guessing after a long while about hearing of Jedi the first order would train some troopers in close combat weapon skills. If it's fin, LOL I don't think he has the force man. More like he was swinging a weapon he doesn't know how to use and giving himself the courage to fight against his self esteem and fears.

As far as more criticalness goes. I have to agree with Bael, Rey learned her powers way too quickly. I would rather have it that For a person who's learned the ways of the force for years even if hurt, kylo Ren should have won that fight, then it would also excuse him of getting off the planet with less then a minute to respond to the supreme leader and his general lacky.

Other than that , this movie was great! The only thing that could of done better was more deviation from the plot of A new hope but i can guess and that it's kind of implied that they were trying to play it safe. However the next movie can't be like Empire strikes back if they are going to continue with this, Has to be something original but better than the last sequel, the plot that is.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 9:34 am

I'm not a big fan of it. Too rushed, not enough time to give everything a chance to breath.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 10:08 am

Yeah well I thought there was a pacing problem as well, though most movies nowadays are all like that. They are quick and a bit shorter, giving less time to breath, almost all action oriented movies are following that pattern I notice. Pretty much every movie is critiqued with "pacing issues". Which kind of presents a problem for movies.

But yeah really the only thing that annoyed me was how quickly Rey learned her abilities, and the fight that ensued in the forest was a little weird. Otherwise it was rock solid...

The IMPORTANT part here, the reason I think they didn't deviate from A New Hope, was because if they did their own thing, people would automatically relate it to Phantom Menace, just by not being part of the original trilogy it would be doomed, so they had to relate more to the original trilogy so people would give Star Wars a chance. I think they couldn't have pulled this movie off with such the favorable reviews as they got without doing that.

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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 2:42 pm

My Father (who plays the Cello professionally) says `a Critic is like a Goat - always bleating and no Milk at all.´
So I wisely decided to skip all the Crap of pseudo-deep Plot Analytics and nerdy Arguing about irrelevant Detailz and say only this: I just loved it! The Millennium Falcon with the new Radar (the old one lost at the Death Star), all these unique Beasts´n Stuff - this all just had the... uhhm - `right´ Feeling! Haha - guess, what - I have the same Light Saber - it looks exactly like the one Fin was given... Tomorrow I´ll make a Pic of it!
And I liked Rev´s silver-coloured Pistol - a really cool designed Block! My Palz´n I - we love these Kinda Films for the pure and almost insane Gigantism! Oh, hey - here we have a small habitable Planet - let´s dig out this Continent and build a huge Weapons System 80 Miles deep into the Crack - with a Barrel the Diameter of Luxembourg to create a Quantumpowered Plasma Accelerator. It´s the next best Thing You can think of, if You ever find an earthlike Planet in the outer Rim of a Goldilock Zone, right?

Man, You just HAVTA find this super-hefty! THIS is exactly the Stuff´n Reason why I go into Movie Theaterz!
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 5:02 am

And here´s the promised Pic:


It´s big, it´s blue and it´s BOOYAH! lol!
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 9:16 am

That's really sick bandur! lol nice!
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 9:53 am

Yeeahhh... That´s why I plan to start an RPG in a more advanced World. But since I´m bad with designing this Forum-Stuff, I have to quit it. If we find enough Guyz who would like to try it out we could ask Karbo to create an... uhhm... `Future Version´of Felarya - or so. Like...

The negavian Space Force started to defend the conquering and pillaging Troops of the Romunilian Empyre. Arch Admiral Valkarii knows well their Main Goal - to get Access to the Ascarlin Mines. With this Energy Sources the Empyre would be able to deliver deadly Force throughout the whole Galaxy - and probably even beyond that. So they had to stop their Fleet of huge Invasion Motherships...

Something like that. I just love Space Opera Power - but with quite a bit more Backbone in it than Star Trek, You know...
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 1:45 am

The pacing and convenience of certain scenes were my two major gripes as well.
I feel this movie would have gained a lot with, say 30 more minutes added to it.

Also the Starkiller weapon just felt very artificial to me... A thing much much bigger than the death star, even deadlier and when several planets get obliterated... no one seem to actually care. There is no grieving no.. nothing o.o
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 12:12 pm

I'd have to echo both the complaints about how quickly Rey learned and the pacing; Finn, at least, had over a decade of military training and we do know the First Order does keep melee weapons around for stormtroopers, and despite that, Kylo Ren still had the upper hand in that battle. Then Rey picks up the lightsaber (never mind how she did that, it took Luke an entire gap between movies to be able to do that, and never mind how Kylo Ren, with actual Jedi and Sith training, should have had no problem grabbing the lightsaber himself) and somehow manages to take Kylo Ren on. Plus, of course, a Jedi mind trick is not that easy to pull off (plus, she had her hands restrained, so she couldn't wave them). As for the pacing, there were some parts that were fast, and at the same time, some shots (mostly of people looking at each other) that seemed to go on a little long.

My biggest complaint, though, is that J.J. Abrams seems to have brought over his Star Trek galactic scale. I can accept that the Starkiller Base is a hyperlightspeed weapon (though previous examples of planet-killing hyperspace weapons have been missiles), but that in no way means it should be visible from wherever that bar was, nor should the explosions have been visible unless that bar was in the same system as the targets. The shot with multiple planets exploding, all in view of each other, would indicate that we're really looking at one planet and four moons (or five moons), and even then it's iffy. Hyperspace times are way too short; unlike in Return of the Jedi, here they bring down the shield before even launching the attack waves, which somehow get to the target before someone notices and brings the shield back online. Speaking of time: J.J. Abram's watch is broken. Seriously. It was almost Dragonball Z bad.

On the good side, though, the effects were, for the most part, very well-done; there were only a few times where the practical effects looked obviously bad, and those tended to be used for a few seconds in a single shot. The space and air battles were pretty well-done. And, of course, the destruction of Starkiller Base was handled better than either Death Star, both in the explanation why and in how much it took to bring it down (though there is the question of why they didn't bring in capital ships and glass it from orbit after bringing down the shields).

More nitpicks:
  • Exiting hyperspace inside an atmosphere is outright impossible; the gravity well of the planet prevents it. That's actually how interdictors work.
  • Either the system Starkiller Base was in was originally a binary system, or else it has a hyperdrive in it somehow; it was daytime during the first firing.
  • After what they pulled, isn't the Republic going to be a bit pissed at the First Order? I'm talking Pearl Harbor levels of pissed off. Is the First Order really strong enough to take the Republic on in a full-scale war?
  • Speaking of which...why is the Resistance so small? The Rebel Alliance, by the Battle of Endor, had full capital ships. Isn't the Republic supposed to be supporting them in a proxy war against the First Order?
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 1:12 pm

Well, I think this is, why there will be at least 2 other Films. You ask Questions like why something is the Way it is? Ask the Script. Very Happy
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 2:15 pm

Some of them can be answered khan, but you have to admit there are some inconsistences that don't make sense.

Such as the whole Resistance fighting a proxy war for the Republic and yet they didn't (or did they???) know about a planet being carved to make a super weapon in the past 15 years yet for some reason it didn't worry the republic too much until they used it on them.

Which funny thing, Coruscant didn't get blown up so there's still a power vacuum that probably number 2 will explain.

Kylo Ren was injured but it was kind bullshit how Ray pulled that off, she should have just lost (but still in tact) and let the planet fissure separate the two so that she has a more better vendetta to train against Kylo Ren with Luke and vice versa for him.
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 4:26 pm

Additional nitpick: some of the guns, especially the ventral turrets on the Star Destroyer, stick out too far. Star Wars turrets are generally very WWII-looking in design; either close to the hull, or on a tower thicker than the turret. This movie had a few that stuck out too far, again looking more like something from Star Trek.
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 4:41 pm

Well, I think in an Universe full of habitable Stars there are many Weapon Manufactories. And even an evil Bigwig has to go where he can get effordable Access to heavy Weaponry. So... as long as the Spaceships don´t look like the Enterprise we can be quite happy.
It´s almost like Warhammer .40K - they honestly tell us about Millions of Worlds - and a few Tank- and Spaceship Designs... ? And no Cars at all in the imperial Cities? Just like the Imperium does not know about a simple Wheel...
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 6:07 pm

No...It's not like that because you have a Galactic republic and the resistance constantly trying to keep an eye on them incase something fishy happens. It explains it in aftermath (terrible book btw) and lost stars (Great book btw!) that they kept a close eye and the Remnant and used Leia to keep doing that because of her suspicions. Now if it explained that it evaded the republic by having the planet move constantly, sure i'll buy that, but it didn't. In starwars when someone is up to something that nefarious, information gets leaked out rather quickly in either rumor or reality because you have a large central body that's made for things like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!!   Star Wars conver - SPOILERS!! Icon_minitime

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