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Did that make you cry a little?
No! I hate Dridders
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Yes! Poor little things. T_T
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 80% [ 4 ]
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Material Focus   Material Focus Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2016 9:46 am

Okay while I was writing in the artist comments of my new bio for Mobius about how I'd actually said what his ring and staff were made of and even detailed some of what the gems on his robe where it made me realize something. I couldn't say what the robe itself was made of cause nobody has even speculated what Negavians and other humans make their clothes from. Maybe we could have some brain storming there? I'll start.

PS If you're a dridder fan this will make you cry probably. =P

Dridder Silk
Source: Dridders
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Dridder silk is a natural wonder found on few worlds. I mean allot of worlds have spider silk, but dridder is in fact stronger,easier to enchant and most importantly stronger than spider silk. As such armor made from dridder silk is highly coveted and sought after but not impossible to obtain, after it's said the legendary elven thief named Fulmina. However obtaining it in the past has been a problem due to the fact that harvesting it from uncivilized or giant sized Dridders often lead to the seeker being invited into the Dridder's parlor for drinks and dinner. But after the Motamo Docks were founded many human sized Dridders found themselves without an Empire or as much freedom to pressue as many trades as they'd like with high salary. So they sold the only thing only they knew how to make: silk.

While smaller and more time consuming to create they don't involve nearly as much trouble in finding new transporters. However because human sized Dridders are, well human sized, they cannot ingest their own webbing in as nutrition and survive off high protein diet of humans make more as easily and thus can only produce so much before they start to starve their bodies of nutrients. Being that Dridders have a higher birthrate than other humandoids they have allot of mouths to feed as well and many Dridders work themselves to death trying to making enough Skevols to put food on the table or get their daughters and son's better education in an already prejudiced Negav.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Material Focus   Material Focus Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2016 11:19 am

That's pretty grim.

Still nowhere near enough to provide enough clothing material for the rest of Negav. Plants should be used as well. The Dridders seem to be suffering from racism a lot, showing the disparity is a good example of how the minority races are suffering.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Material Focus   Material Focus Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2016 5:29 pm

I think Dridder's silk is like... you know, breastmilk, which will go excessive after a while and need to get out.

A Dridder would need to do something with her excessive silk, or it would be a waste. Making clothing, toys... might be a way to pass time and practice for most of Dridders, especially ones who live in settlement where they have less chance to make use of their silk, like in Motamo Dock.

However, when a Dridder decides to mass produce their silk, then it would be a different story.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Material Focus   Material Focus Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2016 7:21 pm

Interesting.  Perhaps higher-grade dridder silk can be obtained by feeding the dridders specific protein formulas?  I'd also assume that starving dridder silk could start to have quality issues, so they might not even be able to starve themselves too much before their silk stops passing muster.

Now for my own material idea.  The Vishmital have plenty of different materials, but there are some that are common enough that they make good trade goods, and a few types of cloth they make en masse see decently common use in Negav due to a relative abundance in the marketplaces.
Rarity: Ubiquitous (Vishmital) to Uncommon (Negavian markets)
The Vishmital made a variety of cloth types for use across their empire, and many of those types can still be produced in Felarya.  While at the height of their empire, automated looms produced clothing perfectly tailored to fit an individual with no need for seams or hems and with each section of the outfit a different weave optimal for the location, for trade purposes only the most well-off foreigners can afford this, and even most Vishmital on Felarya will only have a few such outfits.  Instead, the looms can rapidly churn out bolts of the fabrics of relatively uniform properties for more conventional tailors to use.  Made primarily from carbon, synthcloth comes in a variety of types of varying texture and thickness.  The densest weaves can be layered to form a solid airtight self-sealing material used for spacesuits, while the same base strands with different doping and a thin, open weave can make cloth that breathes as if it weren't even there.  Synthcloths sold for trade are generally doped to be able to easily take common dyes, though some are sold pre-colored with super-repulsive coatings that prevent any possibility of staining.  The most common weaves to be found on the Negav markets include the following:

  • Standard: Sometimes called "stansynth," the standard weave is so common in part because of its ease of production.  It has no complicated doping and is a relatively medium density weave, giving it a smooth, silky feel and a small amount of breathability.  It is useful for casual and semi-formal clothes, and has even found use in work clothes due to its durability.
  • Light: Similar to nylon or lycra in feel and use, various light-weave synthcloths see use in activewear, summerwear, and similar applications that require a high degree of breathability.  Prior to dyeing, the thin weave makes this type of cloth translucent, with the lightest practical weaves, bordering on mesh, being almost completely see-through.
  • Stiff: A thick, dense weave with a gap-filling dope, stiff synthcloths are often used as reinforcements, heavy-duty straps, or even layered to use as light armor in and of themselves, capable of stopping small-caliber bullets.  Depending on the dope, they can be more or less breathable, but they can all get rather hot if worn for extended periods of time.  In Vishmital outfits, an additional layer of wicking synthcloth would be interwoven to solve this problem, but few non-Vishmital have access to those kinds of advanced techniques; a few tailors have managed to get a similar, albeit less efficient, effect using more conventional techniques and other wicking fabrics.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Material Focus   Material Focus Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2016 7:30 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
That's pretty grim.

Still nowhere near enough to provide enough clothing material for the rest of Negav. Plants should be used as well. The Dridders seem to be suffering from racism a lot, showing the disparity is a good example of how the minority races are suffering.

I know. T_T I was sad writing it but there's no getting around it in this human run regime sadly. Though we don't always have to show the grimmer side of being a mini pred I believe it helps hi-light some future concerns. Anywho back to Fibers/Cloth Materials! Also you're right I need to add the other part of that that dridder silk many goes to the upper tier for fancy panties and other wastes =P Hence why they charge a fair price for it

Yes plants are some of the most common sources for material for making clothing. They are abundant in Felarya as well but the question is should we make some new plants to use as a clothes commonly seen in Felarya or should we find a new purpose for existing plants. Honestly I'm surprised herbology isn't used more given Felarya's crazy amount of plant life and not all of it totally carnivous and the ones that are? Well if you can make a coat from Kensha fur why not a pair of pants from a pod maw? O U O

Speaking of gonna add another while I'm here:

Marsh Viper Leather

Source: Marsh Vipers ofcourse! =P
- -  - - - - - - - - - - -
So this one I',m surprised that nobody has ever thought of this one but me. Okay so here's the lowdown on Marsh Vipers, AKA Giant Marsh Vipers. They're big mean, nasty snakes. Problem for you and for some predators, though some think of them as excellent snacks or pets, and likely a confrontation with even one of these would pose you great challenge. But if you did kill it and this worked like a RPG? You'd get Marsh Viper Leather. Now why should you care? For one the average Moss Viper is fourty to fifty feet long! Add to this a quote from the Wiki:
The Wiki wrote:
Their scales are rough and irregular, giving them the appearance of a root when still.
Makes for very stylish and durable camoflauge me thinkin'. No? Plus leather often carries the smell of the thing that was killed to make it so you'd smell like a Giant Marsh Viper likely scarring off plenty of dangerous creatures! Win-win right? Well I mean that might attract Harpies but common if you're a Jetbike Punk in Negav wouldn't that be a pleasant experience? cat

Gamma wrote:
Interesting.  Perhaps higher-grade dridder silk can be obtained by feeding the dridders specific protein formulas?  I'd also assume that starving dridder silk could start to have quality issues, so they might not even be able to starve themselves too much before their silk stops passing muster.

Now for my own material idea.  The Vishmital have plenty of different materials, but there are some that are common enough that they make good trade goods, and a few types of cloth they make en masse see decently common use in Negav due to a relative abundance in the marketplaces.
Rarity: Ubiquitous (Vishmital) to Uncommon (Negavian markets)
The Vishmital made a variety of cloth types for use across their empire, and many of those types can still be produced in Felarya.  While at the height of their empire, automated looms produced clothing perfectly tailored to fit an individual with no need for seams or hems and with each section of the outfit a different weave optimal for the location, for trade purposes only the most well-off foreigners can afford this, and even most Vishmital on Felarya will only have a few such outfits.  Instead, the looms can rapidly churn out bolts of the fabrics of relatively uniform properties for more conventional tailors to use.  Made primarily from carbon, synthcloth comes in a variety of types of varying texture and thickness.  The densest weaves can be layered to form a solid airtight self-sealing material used for spacesuits, while the same base strands with different doping and a thin, open weave can make cloth that breathes as if it weren't even there.  Synthcloths sold for trade are generally doped to be able to easily take common dyes, though some are sold pre-colored with super-repulsive coatings that prevent any possibility of staining.  The most common weaves to be found on the Negav markets include the following:

  • Standard: Sometimes called "stansynth," the standard weave is so common in part because of its ease of production.  It has no complicated doping and is a relatively medium density weave, giving it a smooth, silky feel and a small amount of breathability.  It is useful for casual and semi-formal clothes, and has even found use in work clothes due to its durability.
  • Light: Similar to nylon or lycra in feel and use, various light-weave synthcloths see use in activewear, summerwear, and similar applications that require a high degree of breathability.  Prior to dyeing, the thin weave makes this type of cloth translucent, with the lightest practical weaves, bordering on mesh, being almost completely see-through.
  • Stiff: A thick, dense weave with a gap-filling dope, stiff synthcloths are often used as reinforcements, heavy-duty straps, or even layered to use as light armor in and of themselves, capable of stopping small-caliber bullets.  Depending on the dope, they can be more or less breathable, but they can all get rather hot if worn for extended periods of time.  In Vishmital outfits, an additional layer of wicking synthcloth would be interwoven to solve this problem, but few non-Vishmital have access to those kinds of advanced techniques; a few tailors have managed to get a similar, albeit less efficient, effect using more conventional techniques and other wicking fabrics.

Whoa nice going, Gamma! I hadn't thought about using Vishie tech but to be fair they are as much a part of Felarya's eco sytem as any plant or animal. I like how you varied the types by use and added a little bit of lore about the odl Vishie Empire in it's hayday while still staying on topic! Nice going! I also like the idea about what you feed a Dridder changing a Dridder's silk type! Might go back and add that in tomorrow. ^_^

tkh1304 wrote:
I think Dridder's silk is like... you know, breastmilk, which will go excessive after a while and need to get out.

A Dridder would need to do something with her excessive silk, or it would be a waste. Making clothing, toys... might be a way to pass time and practice for most of Dridders, especially ones who live in settlement where they have less chance to make use of their silk, like in Motamo Dock.

However, when a Dridder decides to mass produce their silk, then it would be a different story.

Oooooh you had the idea for feeding Dridders different types of material to get different webbing. Nice also like that analogy comparing silk harvesting to the way a cow makes milk, but I wouldn't say that to a Dridder. =P I'll add that too maybe. We can collab if you like, ya know like how you helped me expand the Bone Snatchers?
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