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 I'm sorry, but I do have morals

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I'm sorry, but I do have morals Empty
PostSubject: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2016 1:21 pm

First off, i do want to appoligize for the recent events here. However, I do NOT appreicate the bullying here over my depression and issues. I am on here to talk about Felarya, make some friends, and possibly Roleplay. Since NONE of that is happening on a large scale, I will only be around marginally, mostly to check on the chatbox. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if you are. Although to be honest, I really dont know how well Felarya is going to do, given Karbo's frequent absence, despite Felarya being, and I quote, his "Second job".

You are alloud to think what you will of me, if I'm a nice guy or annoying or a terrible person, but I do not take kindly to being treated like trash. Its kind of the same in a fight, if you punch me, I'm not going to just take it, i'm going to punch right back. However, if you don't punch me in the first place, I have no reason to punch. I hope you understand that.

Now, I will probably be less active on here for sure, not like there is much activity to begin with. But from time to time, I may post something in the comedy thread we have going, and post an idea or theory If I think of one. However, given the extremely slow stream of cannon content by Karbo, this will probably take some time.

On a bright note, My recent rage about Felarya made me inspired to think of some new stories for it (Since my Horsemorphs seem to have no interest, although I will probably do a story or so and see how they do). It will likley be set as a pirate theme, with me creating some characters and preds (I won't use cannon preds unless someone says that it is ok). And, given that I was recently given the software, I am going to be beginning a game called Felarya: Rebels. The game will play very similar to House of the Dead series, except as preds instead of zombies. (It will also look similar since I will be reusing assets and sprites from the game). I would be interested to see if there is any interest in it. Programmers and game makers are welcomed, as well as female Voice Actors.

Anyway, I hope we can move past this issue,as I am still a fan of Felarya and always will be, regardless of fanbase.

TL:DR I'm sorry for the issues, and I hope we can move past it. Dont bother me and I dont bother you. Although< as stated perviously, I still think more needs to be done, or Felarya will lose relevance.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2016 10:32 pm

I'm sorry you were bullied. That's never fun, and as someone who has been bullied myself I can understand the frustration.

Though I do think you have a bit of a point when you say more could be done for Felarya. A long time ago, it was a lot more active because people came up with more ideas at a faster pace and we all read and commented on them frequently. That's not really being done now. Not many ideas are being posted and not a lot of people, if any, post on them. Everyone could put in a bit more effort, but between work and school its hard to find time. So there's that also.
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 5:59 am

dragon808tr wrote:
Although< as stated perviously, I still think more needs to be done, or Felarya will lose relevance.

Too late, it already has.

Archmage_Bael wrote:
That's not really being done now. Not many ideas are being posted and not a lot of people, if any, post on them. Everyone could put in a bit more effort, but between work and school its hard to find time. So there's that also.

I'd say it's lack of enthusiasm caused by disillusionment, now it could be possible that I am projecting but things really look that way to me.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 9:49 am

DarkOne wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
That's not really being done now. Not many ideas are being posted and not a lot of people, if any, post on them. Everyone could put in a bit more effort, but between work and school its hard to find time. So there's that also.

I'd say it's lack of enthusiasm caused by disillusionment, now it could be possible that I am projecting but things really look that way to me.
Despite the risk of repeating myself, the main issue is Karbos lack of activity, especially here at the core base of the fandom here on the forum, as well as the lack of peoples ability/permission/opportunity to really contribute to the universe as a whole, be it the inclusion of characters, stories or elements into the overall world.Even though there are exceptions, it holds true for the vast majority of people who would love to just get one thing canonized - and those loose their hope and interest after a while as their contributions often fall on deaf ears.
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 5:00 pm

Amaroq wrote:
DarkOne wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
That's not really being done now. Not many ideas are being posted and not a lot of people, if any, post on them. Everyone could put in a bit more effort, but between work and school its hard to find time. So there's that also.

I'd say it's lack of enthusiasm caused by disillusionment, now it could be possible that I am projecting but things really look that way to me.
Despite the risk of repeating myself, the main issue is Karbos lack of activity, especially here at the core base of the fandom here on the forum, as well as the lack of peoples ability/permission/opportunity to really contribute to the universe as a whole, be it the inclusion of characters, stories or elements into the overall world.Even though there are exceptions, it holds true for the vast majority of people who would love to just get one thing canonized - and those loose their hope and interest after a while as their contributions often fall on deaf ears.

You are all correct. I don't know what happened to Felarya being his "Second Job". Sure his art is quite nice, but he really needs to do much more for the community than a pic about every 2 weeks or so.
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 9:28 am

Amaroq wrote:

As well as the lack of peoples ability/permission/opportunity to really contribute to the universe as a whole, be it the inclusion of characters, stories or elements into the overall world.Even though there are exceptions, it holds true for the vast majority of people who would love to just get one thing canonized - and those loose their hope and interest after a while as their contributions often fall on deaf ears.

I never really understood the need for people to have their work "Canonized". Given it all really means is geting an page in a wiki that most people don't read, and mabye a small cameo in Karbo's tomes which hasn't been updated since 2012. It's really overrated in my opinon.

And of course there's pleanty of reasons as to why Karbo might not canonize something, such as to prevent the risk of causing further inconsistancies in tone in the world he wants to create...but everyone is doing mental gymnastics to ignore that matter for some reason. Given how many members in the community there are, it's a given that only so many people are going to have something canonized, and it's obvious that the contributors that fit his style are more likely to get to the top.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 11:13 am

I was stating the issues as they are / are percieved, I wasnt complaining per se. Personally i got a whole lot canonized, but i consider myself an exception to the regular "i wish something i made makes it into the wiki" i often hear from others during chats and I very well remember back when I myself had the very same thoughts.

Whether to come up with solutions and how those should look like, I did not debate here. <.<
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PostSubject: Re: I'm sorry, but I do have morals   I'm sorry, but I do have morals Icon_minitime

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