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 Contradicting Felarya! :B

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Mara's snack

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Contradicting Felarya! :B Empty
PostSubject: Contradicting Felarya! :B   Contradicting Felarya! :B Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 1:34 pm

This is sort of a joke.

We all know not to take too seriously the 'no disease and dying of old age' thing, its nice and all, but biologically impossible. So here's a place to talk about it if you so desire. (Who'd be interested anyway unless you're an extreme nerd? :B )

Biologically speaking though you need bacteria in an environment, it helps your body function and do certain things. You have to have plant cells, animal cells, and bacteria, and therefore, you also need to have a body decompose after the person dies, assuming they dont get eaten and are lucky enough to leave a corpse behind in the first place (interesting idea, would a corpse not degrade in felarya if there's no disease?).

So, by definition there has to be diseases for felarya to function naturally.

Of course Felarya operates on a totally different level of existence than we understand. I will reiterate this is a joke thread - that's why I put it in the off-topic thread and not in general discussions.

I just say its fun to think about. Though aging is a different problem than diseases.


Also another silly idea!

If you take a person's soul and bind it to a corpse you get a lich. You're technically not raising the dead, bringing people back to life (well, not the normal way you'd think of), so if you did that, suddenly felarya gets a 403 error? X3
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Great warrior
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Contradicting Felarya! :B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contradicting Felarya! :B   Contradicting Felarya! :B Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 7:43 pm

Felarya bolsters the immune system. so you could be picking up all sort of deadly alien stds..i mean diseases that you wont notice you have til you leave the world, cause you are too healthy for them to have an effect on you.

Edit: for the other note

Anything that is not necromancy works for restoring life to the dead MUAHAHAHAHAHA
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Mara's snack

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Contradicting Felarya! :B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Contradicting Felarya! :B   Contradicting Felarya! :B Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2016 7:57 pm

> Making a golem by taking a soul and putting it in an inanimate object.
>puts its in a corpse.


Though, yeah as for the immune system thing, it would have to bolster the ability for the immune system to catch on to any virus or bacteria that mutates too quickly, like cancer or aids.
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PostSubject: Re: Contradicting Felarya! :B   Contradicting Felarya! :B Icon_minitime

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