Caster Elves
Caster Elves may be found in a variety of locations throughout the many worlds thanks to the wide variety of magic they posses but they are mostly found in Deeper Felarya. They are very rare and elusive. They are usually encountered singularly. They don't have an established territory and are nomadic in nature.
Physical Traits
Caster Eleves are usually between sixty to one hundred feet in height and have light grey skin and silver hair. In rare cases some Caster Elves will have white skin and white hair the colour of clouds. Their eye colour varies but their right pupil is always star-shaped, begining with a five-pointed star at birth and more points appearing as the elf gains in magical power and experiance.
Caster Elves are Physically weak but almost impervious to any magical attack that they already know themselves.
Caster Elves tend to wear items of clothing that increases their magical ability in some way
All Caster Elves are male. They rarely travel in groups but it isn't unusual to find them keeping company with other races-especially fairies and dryads. Pairs of Caster Elves are usually father and son-although this is rare to see.
Queen Elves
Queen Elves live in Deeper Felarya and are rarely seen out in the open away from cover.
Physical Traits
Queen Elves range in height from eighty to one hundred and thirty feet. They usually have light grey skin with silver hair but some rare individuals have dark black hair and peach-coloured skin. Their eye colour varies quite a bit.
Queen Elves enjoy immunity to physical attacks but are curiously vulnerable to magical assault.
All Queen Elves are female and tend to live in small groups of five to twenty. They are rarely seen becasue most people have the good sense to stay out of Deeper Felarya! One the rare occasions that Queen Elves are encounted, they will always try to gently persuade their new "friend" to tell them all about the outside world. Few people can refuse a one hundred foot tall naked lady!^^
Special Note
Both Caster and Queen Elves are allies to nagas, drayds and fairies because of events that took place during the great war between the nagas and the dridders
I realy dont think Queen Elvses is a good name but besides that i think everything is ok but I wanted more that two opinions.