Well, we missed the deadline to have a giant mecha fight in 2016 between Megabots and Kuratas. Might still happen but I'm betting more on 2017 now. Of interest is that other players are now getting involved, with a third mech unit group being prototyped / built. I need my Gundam carnage. And my backup job criteria met.
Additionally, it looks like the inertial propulsion fight is heating up (link for the uninformed). Pun intended. Inertial propulsion is like cold fusion; it's a great way to say "Wanna start a fight?" to your local science community. Ballsy of 'em to go straight for proving effect without known cause (and I use that loosely, EmDrive development / theorycrafting has been ongoing for years now), but I mean it's not like it's the first time we've done that *cough**cough*.