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 Doing anything for Halloween?

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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 6:18 pm

So, what are you all doing for Halloween?

As for me, this might just be the first year I don't Trick or Treat... I mean I'm 21 and am way over the age most people stop. And in recent years, I've been going as Elvis (I have a full face mask, wear a leather Jacket and jeans.) My younger brother might go out though. Besides, I'll probably have homework I need to get done. At least a few professors have been nice enough to give out some candy (and I have some flavored candy corn at home). Unfortunately, I'm not really popular enough for any Halloween parties outside College, and there was one today that I caught the end of since I was coming from lab. It was held by the English department and the professors dressed as characters and Authors. There was 2 from Hamlet and Yoric as well as Captain Ahab (I think).

So what are the rest of you doing for Halloween? Hopefully not being Messyan's treats! Hehe~

((In all seriousness though, please watch out for clowns and tell others to do the same. Its been rumored they are planning a massive attack.))
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Lockheed X-17
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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 1:00 am

Well... I am having my break...

And I used to love clowns a lot, and sometimes, I want to be a clown. Like Joker.
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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 4:18 am

We´ll hava big PARRRRRRTY! cheers

And all next Week to rebuild the Shack. Very Happy
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Tasty morsel

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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 9:46 pm

I just realized we don't have any candy for Halloween, this might be the first time we do bugger all about it. WHOOHOO!
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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 3:13 am

Xelon wrote:
I just realized we don't have any candy for Halloween, this might be the first time we do bugger all about it. WHOOHOO!

give them live spiders and insects,

"Here's your trick! Well you didn't say who should be tricking who."
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Doing anything for Halloween? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 9:30 am

DarkOne wrote:
Xelon wrote:
I just realized we don't have any candy for Halloween, this might be the first time we do bugger all about it. WHOOHOO!

give them live spiders and insects,

"Here's your trick! Well you didn't say who should be tricking who."

Hey that reminds me, A few houses down from me there was this old lady who dressed up as a witch. She had different cauldrons out every Halloween. She had candy of course, but she also had things like spider rings, plastic insects, and plastic reptiles. It might sound silly, but to my kid mind that was the best! She was super cool and even let you take more than one! I dont know what happened to her.

And while I'm on the subject of Halloween memories, further down the street was this guy who turned his driveway into a haunted house like path with smoke, tarps, lazer effects, working guillotine, fling bats, strobe lights, the whole nine yards! I only went a few times beacuse I was too scared. I didn't for the longest time. The year I finally got the courage to go, I was met with a man sitting on the steps with a simple bowl of candy and no Halloween decorations. My brother and I asked what happened, and the man said that the guy who put up the decorations died of a heart attack earlier that year. Ever since around Halloween, I keep thinking of that house and those decorations. Sometimes, I see them for a brief second.

Although, I did have a really bad memory, and whi I am probably so scared of jumpscares. I was 7-8 and went to a house just up the road of me. They had some decorations and I went up and got my candy like normal, but on the way down, there was a guy (had to been a highschool student or early college) hiding in a coffin where the door could swing open. So he jumped out of the coffin and scared me so bad, I dropped my bag of candy and ran to my parents crying (they were with me at the time). The guy felt awful and gave me a ton of candy, and I eventually continued on and that house never did that again. (Honestly who jumps out at a 7 year old?) Even in my recent years of trick or treating, I always hesitate and let my brother go first in areas of darkness or if something might be motion triggered that I dont see.

Well, I feel better getting that out there! Anyone have any interesting Halloween memories? Also, did you eat your candy all in one night, or did you save most of it? I would save mine for school lunches and whenever I felt like, only eating a few peices of candy actually on Halloween.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing anything for Halloween?   Doing anything for Halloween? Icon_minitime

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