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 How fast are giant human hybrids.

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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2017 2:04 pm

With the largest predators being a 100 feet tall(except for a few exceptions). They would have a top speed of 300 mph, and an average walking speed of 60 mph. There must be some aspects lessening their speed, but still they would be incredibly fast. A predator going as slow as they can would still outpace a sprinting human.
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Great warrior
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2017 2:26 pm

Huge ass vegetation, unstable footing, especially as a giant with a high center of mass (less so when youre quadruped or a naga or something) the need for you to watch out for other preds, as even giants arent entirely safe. Just a few suggestions here.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2017 6:23 pm

Amaroq wrote:
Huge ass vegetation, unstable footing, especially as a giant with a high center of mass (less so when youre quadruped or a naga or something) the need for you to watch out for other preds, as even giants aren't entirely safe. Just a few suggestions here.
Quadrupeds would be even faster... Didn't even think of that. Unstable footing would limit their speed. Humans would stand no chance against one of those beasts.
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Felarya cartographer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2017 6:35 pm

Are you accounting for gravity in those calculations? Also if you're saying it's unrealistic for the human to get away well that's the same as trying to argue a T-Rex should be able to outrace a human in Jurassic Park. Logic dictates Ian Malcolm would have been eaten long before the flare went off. Alan Grant? So gone. Elly? Raptor fodder and those cute little kids? Shreds. Bloody shreds. But that would've made it just another horror film wouldn't it? If it even got approved. You have to think about somebody like a stubby human dodging Crisis' reaching fingers and long, long, long, long tail as plot armor. The hero gets free saves that defy logic or the film dies in the first scene.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2017 8:31 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Are you accounting for gravity in those calculations? Also if you're saying it's unrealistic for the human to get away well that's the same as trying to argue a T-Rex should be able to outrace a human in Jurassic Park. Logic dictates Ian Malcolm would have been eaten long before the flare went off. Alan Grant? So gone. Elly? Raptor fodder and those cute little kids? Shreds. Bloody shreds. But that would've made it just another horror film wouldn't it? If it even got approved. You have to think about somebody like a stubby human dodging Crisis' reaching fingers and long, long, long, long tail as plot armor. The hero gets free saves that defy logic or the film dies in the first scene.
I just scaled up the speed proportionate to the height. A human could escape as there are alot of small spaces in a dense jungle I bet. As a T-Rex can only walk 12 mph a human could outrun them. It's kinda obvious that humans would stand no change against a giant in an open space, but over 100 mph seems excessive. I'm assuming that the physics would be different at that size.
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Seasoned adventurer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 27, 2017 3:28 pm

Amethyst wrote:
I'm assuming that the physics would be different at that size.

Careful. Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

As for the actual question, I think a roughly linear function of size would work for speed for fully humanoid giants. Nagas are known to be fast, especially in wooded areas, and most sorts of taurs are quite quick. Harpies, of course, probably outpace all of them in open terrain. So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.
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Felarya cartographer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 27, 2017 10:27 pm

Gamma wrote:
Careful. Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

It doesn't exist in Felarya. We really need to have some kind of documentation so people understand they are in a world of high magic and tech that is less science fact than fiction! XD

Gamma wrote:
So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.  
True but Transonic speeds are mostly accomplished by some kind of engine. One lucky lightning strike, some magic sucking flowers or a magical elemental for those pesky jetbikes.....
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Mara's snack

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 28, 2017 2:52 pm

Right, humans would be very slow in comparison. That's why hiding and stealth is the biggest factor, the ability to run away. This is something people have talked about before, and when authors like Shady Knight write content about human sized creatures trying to survive, they don't take a sword or gun to kill the predator. They take the tools they need to survive - which is usually something that can help them run away, or stay hidden.

There's actually merchandise in Negav that can help someone suppress their magical energy - a lot of it comes from the joke shops though, I think. Razz
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 28, 2017 5:23 pm

Gamma wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
I'm assuming that the physics would be different at that size.

Careful.  Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

As for the actual question, I think a roughly linear function of size would work for speed for fully humanoid giants.  Nagas are known to be fast, especially in wooded areas, and most sorts of taurs are quite quick.  Harpies, of course, probably outpace all of them in open terrain.  So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.
Haha yah I mostly ignore the implications square cube law would have on earth based biology, I just tell myself that Felarya is different and giants can somehow function. Transonic speeds seems way to much. I can see preds going 60+ mph but anything above 100 is just to fast.

Last edited by Amethyst on Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 28, 2017 5:24 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Gamma wrote:
Careful. Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

It doesn't exist in Felarya. We really need to have some kind of documentation so people understand they are in a world of high magic and tech that is less science fact than fiction! XD

Gamma wrote:
So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.  
True but Transonic speeds are mostly accomplished by some kind of engine. One lucky lightning strike, some magic sucking flowers or a magical elemental for those pesky jetbikes.....
Square cube law most definitely exists in Felarya, it's just that stuff in Felarya works differently to somehow allow Giants.
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Great warrior
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 4:48 am

We could reason, as a compromise, that because of the square cube law, giant preds need more of their muscle power to sustain their own weight, which results in them moving slower than they actually could be, if they were just scaled up. Its sorta a reverse type of explanation, where the reason is more or less added to the wanted result, but in our fantasy, we have giant preds that dont seem to be crushed by being too big, yet they dont move nearly as fast as we would expect them to, considering their size. Linking those two seems like the general proper solution, since we have to exclude any external factors such as atmospheric pressure or resistance. Compared to a human size, the distances covered still seem extremely fast due to the size difference, but the size to weight ratios would differ massively. Movies and even real life agencies do this all the time, most commonly by using backronyms. So why shouldn't we? besides, i think the explanation makes sense and should in fact be partially true.

You could even go further by stating that this is aalso the reason most preds eat living creatures instead of just eating giant plants, which would be more time-efficient - they need the proteins to sustain their muscles.
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 7:19 am

Gamma wrote:
Careful.  Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

Amaroq wrote:
We could reason, as a compromise, that because of the square cube law, giant preds need more of their muscle power to sustain their own weight, which results in them moving slower than they actually could be, if they were just scaled up. Its sorta a reverse type of explanation, where the reason is more or less added to the wanted result, but in our fantasy, we have giant preds that dont seem to be crushed by being too big, yet they dont move nearly as fast as we would expect them to, considering their size. Linking those two seems like the general proper solution, since we have to exclude any external factors such as atmospheric pressure or resistance. Compared to a human size, the distances covered still seem extremely fast due to the size difference, but the size to weight ratios would differ massively. Movies and even real life agencies do this all the time, most commonly by using backronyms. So why shouldn't we? besides, i think the explanation makes sense and should in fact be partially true.

You could even go further by stating that this is aalso the reason most preds eat living creatures instead of just eating giant plants, which would be more time-efficient - they need the proteins to sustain their muscles.

ah fuck, you've let it loose.

Last edited by DarkOne on Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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Great warrior
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 7:22 am

At least I add something useful to the conversation, unlike you.
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 7:32 am

Amaroq wrote:
At least I add something useful to the conversation, unlike you.

it's not useful and you know it, it's an excuse to have an nerd compulsion
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Felarya cartographer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 10:44 am

Amethyst wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
Gamma wrote:
Careful. Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

It doesn't exist in Felarya. We really need to have some kind of documentation so people understand they are in a world of high magic and tech that is less science fact than fiction! XD

Gamma wrote:
So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.  
True but Transonic speeds are mostly accomplished by some kind of engine. One lucky lightning strike, some magic sucking flowers or a magical elemental for those pesky jetbikes.....
Square cube law most definitely exists in Felarya, it's just that stuff in Felarya works differently to somehow allow Giants.

It is depressing and doesn't exist I would argue but I'm trying to embrace all dis new age stuff of not bickering. I will point out that the square cube law is destined to go the way of Newton's Third Law. geek Oh what a fun day that was. cheers And that's in our world with physics as the supposed guide book on how things should work. Felarya is populated less with physics than it is fantasy made solid. If you start trying to do death battle type calculations you'll get a headache. Predators should win every foot race if we listen to logic.

Oddly if you think about it though in mainstream Felarya how often does prey actually escape? I'm the manga we've seen a Psion and a Battle Mage do it and a little of Leá during the incidents of the third tomeI think. Not that's 100% cannon let's go to an example of 75% say French's stories ... One example maybe? Oh wait nope. That was a sparing moment with Isham. He technically was caught by Milly...sweatdrop Hmm well can't think of a single human who has survived.

[Spoilers to some well known Felarya Fan Fics Ahead]

let's go 50% To Prinny whose Rachel and Naora. The only too OCs he has that have survived outside a Red shirt connected to Rachel's storyline and really how often.did running work? Once Rachel out ran Anko by water walking BARELY and she's battle mage or veteran hydromancer level. Noara uses tricks, veteran experience and terrarain to her advantage and still has lost most of her team in nearly every story.

Shady? Sean and Lester mostly survive each story by the skin of their teeth and dumb luck at best. Marina WAS EATEN and would have been fairy hip fat if she hadn't gotten the attention of an Arch Mage mastering in phase shifting magics and being a resident of Kortriki.

Reemus of Silver Scales may survive from panel to panel but again dumb luck or accumulating knowledge are his two go to's. Occasionally a Shadow of the Clossus style battle XD

I used to depict that running away on foot worked myself but after 'Squamataurs Can Suck It' you may have noticed a keep lost the foot race to a Sqaumataur. A trend I plan to keep showing off. Predators are dangerous foes to face abdbtgey aren't even the most commonly encountered ones! Heck out running a Naga is great bragging rights but if you run too fast and a Doormat or Earthouth is waiting you likely won't be bragging.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 3:27 pm

DarkOne wrote:
Amaroq wrote:
At least I add something useful to the conversation, unlike you.

it's not useful and you know it, it's an excuse to have an nerd compulsion  
I liked the idea. If you don't, be polite about it please.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 3:34 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
Amethyst wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
Gamma wrote:
Careful. Down that train of thought lies the most vile hobgoblin that is the Square-Cube law.

It doesn't exist in Felarya. We really need to have some kind of documentation so people understand they are in a world of high magic and tech that is less science fact than fiction! XD

Gamma wrote:
So yes, humans on foot need to find a hiding spot, and very quickly, but magic or technology can easily swing things back in their favor; especially in the air, where very few predators can even reach transonic speeds.  
True but Transonic speeds are mostly accomplished by some kind of engine. One lucky lightning strike, some magic sucking flowers or a magical elemental for those pesky jetbikes.....
Square cube law most definitely exists in Felarya, it's just that stuff in Felarya works differently to somehow allow Giants.

It is depressing and doesn't exist I would argue but I'm trying to embrace all dis new age stuff of not bickering.  I will point out that the square cube law is destined to go the way of Newton's Third Law.  geek  Oh what a fun day that was. cheers  And that's in our world with physics as the supposed guide book on how things should work. Felarya is populated less with physics than it is fantasy made solid. If you start trying to do death battle type calculations you'll get a headache. Predators should win every foot race if we listen to logic.

Oddly if you think about it though in mainstream Felarya how often does prey actually escape? I'm the manga we've seen a Psion and a Battle Mage do it and a little of Leá during the incidents of the third tomeI think. Not that's 100% cannon let's go to an example of 75% say French's stories ... One example maybe? Oh wait nope. That was a sparing moment with Isham. He technically was caught by Milly...sweatdrop  Hmm well can't think of a single human who has survived.

[Spoilers to some well known Felarya Fan Fics Ahead]

let's go 50% To Prinny whose Rachel and Naora. The only too OCs he has that have survived outside a Red shirt connected to Rachel's storyline and really how often.did running work?  Once Rachel out ran Anko by water walking BARELY and she's battle mage or veteran hydromancer level. Noara uses tricks, veteran experience and terrarain to her advantage and still has lost most of her team in nearly every story.

Shady? Sean and Lester mostly survive each story by the skin of their teeth and dumb luck at best. Marina WAS EATEN and would have been fairy hip fat if she hadn't gotten the attention of an Arch Mage mastering in phase shifting magics and being a resident of Kortriki.

Reemus of Silver Scales may survive from panel to panel but again dumb luck or accumulating knowledge are his two go to's. Occasionally a Shadow of the Clossus style battle XD

I used to depict that running away on foot worked myself but after 'Squamataurs Can Suck It' you may have noticed a keep lost the foot race to a Sqaumataur. A trend I plan to keep showing off. Predators are dangerous foes to face abdbtgey aren't even the most commonly encountered ones! Heck out running a Naga is great bragging rights but if you run too fast and a Doormat or Earthouth is waiting you likely won't be bragging.
Square cube law is basically just that surface area isn't linear with volume. So it still applies to Felarya, it's just that the physics are different in this fantasy world that voids the problem of scaling up in real life.
The point of this discussion wasn't to make preds slower than humans, it was just to gauge how fast they really were, and possible explanations to what limits their speed. Obviously humans would stand no chance in a race, nor should they, but 300+ mph is absurd.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 3:40 pm

Amaroq wrote:
We could reason, as a compromise, that because of the square cube law, giant preds need more of their muscle power to sustain their own weight, which results in them moving slower than they actually could be, if they were just scaled up. Its sorta a reverse type of explanation, where the reason is more or less added to the wanted result, but in our fantasy, we have giant preds that dont seem to be crushed by being too big, yet they dont move nearly as fast as we would expect them to, considering their size. Linking those two seems like the general proper solution, since we have to exclude any external factors such as atmospheric pressure or resistance. Compared to a human size, the distances covered still seem extremely fast due to the size difference, but the size to weight ratios would differ massively. Movies and even real life agencies do this all the time, most commonly by using backronyms. So why shouldn't we? besides, i think the explanation makes sense and should in fact be partially true.

You could even go further by stating that this is aalso the reason most preds eat living creatures instead of just eating giant plants, which would be more time-efficient - they need the proteins to sustain their muscles.
I was thinking of something along the same lines. That due to their increased size + weight they would have to move slower, but that the physics in Felarya still allowed for giants to be possible. Also with the large vegetation, and uncertain terrain limiting their speed except for in open spaces.
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 3:54 pm

Amethyst wrote:

The point of this discussion wasn't to make preds slower than humans, it was just to gauge how fast they really were, and possible explanations to what  limits their speed. Obviously humans would stand no chance in a race, nor should they, but 300+ mph is absurd.

176.4 mph according to this, if we go by 100 feet in size (crisis' size)  


so basically...

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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 29, 2017 8:30 pm

DarkOne wrote:
Amethyst wrote:

The point of this discussion wasn't to make preds slower than humans, it was just to gauge how fast they really were, and possible explanations to what  limits their speed. Obviously humans would stand no chance in a race, nor should they, but 300+ mph is absurd.

176.4 mph according to this, if we go by 100 feet in size (crisis' size)  


so basically...

Assuming a 6ft human can easily run 15 mph, that would be almost 250 mph for a 100 ft giantess.
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Seasoned adventurer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 02, 2017 3:17 pm

Hm...for a roughly physics-based explanation that doesn't actually involve mucking with predators themselves to slow them down...we're been neglecting air resistance. With predators having to displace more air, that could easily result in them gaining a bit of moving-through-water feel to their actions*. This would go well with them falling relatively slower (same speed in absolute measurements, which looks a lot slower when they're twenty times larger), and the slower deliberateness wouldn't hurt any grace in their actions. That could easily be enough of an excuse for, say, cutting a predator's maximum speed (not only land speed, but all movement) roughly in half of what it would be if it scaled linearly. This would also allow for something of a continuum, with the smaller of the preds moving closer to human relative speeds, and the most massive preds moving extremely slowly from a relative perspective. As air resistance scales with the square of velocity, this also hits faster forms of motion harder, which I think would help to keep our harpies and other flyers subsonic.

*The square-cube law is basic geometry. Fluid dynamics, however, is an unholy mess even when dealing with real physics. I'm not even doing back-of-envelope calculations here, just spitballing.
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Shady Knight
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 02, 2017 6:26 pm

Just want to drop my two cents on how I view speed from giants and general thoughts on the whole square cube law thing. I acknowledge that, from the perspective of a human, a giant would need to appear slow and lumbering. When a bog standard giant stomps by, the delay between each of its feet touching and leaving the ground needs to be ginormous. Likewise, the same happens when something tiny like a neera sees a human pass by. At the same time, I fail to see what makes Felarya so special that it needs to be put under the microscope in regards to the realism and plausibility of its giants, when giant monsters have been a staple creature of fantasy since the original myths, when practically every other fictitious setting where giants are a thing are never subject to the same amount of scrutiny.
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Felarya cartographer
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 02, 2017 9:51 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Just want to drop my two cents on how I view speed from giants and general thoughts on the whole square cube law thing.  I acknowledge that, from the perspective of a human, a giant would need to appear slow and lumbering.  When a bog standard giant stomps by, the delay between each of its feet touching and leaving the ground needs to be ginormous.  Likewise, the same happens when something tiny like a neera sees a human pass by.  At the same time, I fail to see what makes Felarya so special that it needs to be put under the microscope in regards to the realism and plausibility of its giants, when giant monsters have been a staple creature of fantasy since the original myths, when practically every other fictitious setting where giants are a thing are never subject to the same amount of scrutiny.

THANK YOU. That's what I was trying to say. I mean I get how it can be fun to quantify things but it doesn't serve any purpose sadly.
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Naga food

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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 03, 2017 6:23 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Just want to drop my two cents on how I view speed from giants and general thoughts on the whole square cube law thing.  I acknowledge that, from the perspective of a human, a giant would need to appear slow and lumbering.  When a bog standard giant stomps by, the delay between each of its feet touching and leaving the ground needs to be ginormous.  Likewise, the same happens when something tiny like a neera sees a human pass by.  At the same time, I fail to see what makes Felarya so special that it needs to be put under the microscope in regards to the realism and plausibility of its giants, when giant monsters have been a staple creature of fantasy since the original myths, when practically every other fictitious setting where giants are a thing are never subject to the same amount of scrutiny.
I just think it is good to know how fast the preds are.
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How fast are giant human hybrids. Empty
PostSubject: Re: How fast are giant human hybrids.   How fast are giant human hybrids. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 31, 2017 8:40 am

Actually, it does have consequences.

Faster preds control bigger territories more effectively, are harder to outrun, and aren't forced to give up on you until you're much further. I generally go with a square root of scale thing- less because of the energetic considerations I keep bringing up and more because of the fact that it gives me a value I can more or less use to justify the events that I need happening.

Slugs' top recorded speed is 300m/h, though most of the time they have trouble managing a fifth of that. Assuming a slug is 3 inches long, if you scale it up directly to 3000 inches long, we'd have a top speed of 300 km/h for your slug girl. That... is not gonna do it for me. Even a fifth of that is 60 km/h, still enough for Doppler effect! Half of that is still 30 km/h, you'd have trouble outrunning her on a vehicle. No. Just no. *shudders*

Rather than ask how fast the preds are, I'd rather you asked how fast do you need them to be. Do you need them to break the sound barrier? Do you need them to chase a jeep, or outrun it? Do you need them to match a plane? Then we can decide how fast they need to be, and how to add sense to that.
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