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 Dimensional Pocket Storms

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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Dimensional Pocket Storms   Dimensional Pocket Storms Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2018 8:30 pm

So, I'm new here. I have an idea for a character that I want to write about, but I want to make sure I'm not stepping on any toes when/if I do decide to post it (doing something that's weird, against the setting, Mary Sue-y, whatever). I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and build on the world at the same time.

I apologize if the wiki is not canon/unreliable/whatever, but things seem a bit disorganized and I don't know what's official and what's not...but over in the Physics section, it mentions something called 'dimensional pocket storms'. It doesn't go into much detail, however, and just kinda says  'it's impossible to describe with words'!! (which, in my humble opinion, is kind of a copout).

Over on the Miragia Forest page, though, it goes into a bit more detail about dimensional instabilities - 'they could spirit you away, alter your physics, rearrange your anatomy, change the weather, temperature, or gravity, sometimes even twist time around with potentially lethal consequences'.

So my question is, is it really 'anything goes' for someone who gets caught in one? They walk in as a human, come out as some weird naga-fairy hybrid or a twisted, tangled mass of parts ala Fallout's Master? Or are things a bit more structured than that, overseen by some unknown entity in or outside of Felarya? Some mix of the two? I think that the storms have the potential to have some really interesting effects on the setting, especially if they can pop up anywhere, but we don't have much of an idea of how they really work and what the results can be.
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Dimensional Pocket Storms Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Pocket Storms   Dimensional Pocket Storms Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2018 3:57 pm

If you wish to write about something, no need for permission. There's junk aplenty; what's another spot on a leopard?

Dimensional pocket storms being impossible to describe with words, I agree, that's a cop-out (unless they must be described with miming or song due to some strange onto-cognito-retroactive quirk!). However as you've seen in the Miragia article, the answer provided is an intentional non-answer, ergo, anything goes is the case. While there are some informal expectations, such as avoiding completely unrelated consequences (dimensional storms shouldn't create new unicode emojis, nor should you come out of the storm invited to the royal wedding), I would guess that the leeway is intentional.

So yeah, you could make someone come out a slug girl, or as The Master in Fallout, that's up to you. I would avoid the latter, it feels like it meshes poorly with the setting, but that's just me: if you think it fits and can write a good story with that, more power to you.

As I prefaced this reply, there are no real mechanisms to stop you from writing about something. If you hang around Felarya long enough, you'll see a lot of stories where no end of liberties are taken.
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Evil admin
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Dimensional Pocket Storms Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Pocket Storms   Dimensional Pocket Storms Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2018 9:42 am

Portalboat wrote:
So, I'm new here. I have an idea for a character that I want to write about, but I want to make sure I'm not stepping on any toes when/if I do decide to post it (doing something that's weird, against the setting, Mary Sue-y, whatever). I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and build on the world at the same time.

I apologize if the wiki is not canon/unreliable/whatever, but things seem a bit disorganized and I don't know what's official and what's not...but over in the Physics section, it mentions something called 'dimensional pocket storms'. It doesn't go into much detail, however, and just kinda says  'it's impossible to describe with words'!! (which, in my humble opinion, is kind of a copout).

Over on the Miragia Forest page, though, it goes into a bit more detail about dimensional instabilities - 'they could spirit you away, alter your physics, rearrange your anatomy, change the weather, temperature, or gravity, sometimes even twist time around with potentially lethal consequences'.

So my question is, is it really 'anything goes' for someone who gets caught in one? They walk in as a human, come out as some weird naga-fairy hybrid or a twisted, tangled mass of parts ala Fallout's Master? Or are things a bit more structured than that, overseen by some unknown entity in or outside of Felarya? Some mix of the two? I think that the storms have the potential to have some really interesting effects on the setting, especially if they can pop up anywhere, but we don't have much of an idea of how they really work and what the results can be.

Dimensional pocket storms are supposed to be completely chaotic phenomenons affecting reality in ways that are hard to even apprehend. When I wrote it was impossible to describe with words, it wasn't a cop-out, I actually meant that. If you entered one your senses would be assaulted by a myriad of phenomenons too bizarre to make sense of, like hearing colors or tasting sounds. Your brain would just whimper and curl up onto itself, saturated and unable to process most of what it sees, hear, smell etc. The effect it would have on one person's body are likewise very hard to tell ( and even more so for the mind ). But it's safe to say it would probably be very unhealthy.
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Helpless prey

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Join date : 2018-07-03
Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Pocket Storms   Dimensional Pocket Storms Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2018 12:39 pm

Stabs wrote:
If you wish to write about something, no need for permission. There's junk aplenty; what's another spot on a leopard?

Dimensional pocket storms being impossible to describe with words, I agree, that's a cop-out (unless they must be described with miming or song due to some strange onto-cognito-retroactive quirk!). However as you've seen in the Miragia article, the answer provided is an intentional non-answer, ergo, anything goes is the case. While there are some informal expectations, such as avoiding completely unrelated consequences (dimensional storms shouldn't create new unicode emojis, nor should you come out of the storm invited to the royal wedding), I would guess that the leeway is intentional.

Well, I don't wanna write junk. ;-;

But I get your point.

Stabs wrote:
So yeah, you could make someone come out a slug girl, or as The Master in Fallout, that's up to you. I would avoid the latter, it feels like it meshes poorly with the setting, but that's just me: if you think it fits and can write a good story with that, more power to you.

As I prefaced this reply, there are no real mechanisms to stop you from writing about something. If you hang around Felarya long enough, you'll see a lot of stories where no end of liberties are taken.

Eh...I don't just want to throw any unspoken conventions to the wind, though; I do want people to generally enjoy what I write. That's why I'm being so careful about this, I don't want to write something that people'll just laugh at.

Karbo wrote:
Dimensional pocket storms are supposed to be completely chaotic phenomenons affecting reality in ways that are hard to even apprehend. When I wrote it was impossible to describe with words, it wasn't a cop-out, I actually meant that. If you entered one your senses would be assaulted by a myriad of phenomenons too bizarre to make sense of, like hearing colors or tasting sounds. Your brain would just whimper and curl up onto itself, saturated and unable to process most of what it sees, hear, smell etc. The effect it would have on one person's body are likewise very hard to tell ( and even more so for the mind ). But it's safe to say it would probably be very unhealthy.

(Hearing colors or tasting sounds actually is possible, look up synesthesia Razz)

Anyways, I was just asking to this to clarify if my plot/character idea was possible or not, even if it was a once-in-a-lifetime, one-in-a-hundred-trillion possibility. From what Stabs said, though, it sounds like I can just kinda do whatever I want...?
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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Pocket Storms   Dimensional Pocket Storms Icon_minitime

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