Titan's Rest
This is a monolithic landscape within the Akaptor desert. The size of this plateau makes it visible for countless miles in all directions providing an essential visual land marker for the endless sand dunes that seem to drone onward into infinity. Sand reaches up the sides, but the rock face itself halts the sand, and on the top of the plateau is land inhabited by vegetation of all kinds, including many cactus dryads.
How it got so tall is a mystery, but legends of a legendary being who's body turned to stone upon its death, the creature's skeletal remains fusing with the nearby Eidoron rocks to help form the base of such an enormous natural landmark. Nobody knows if the rumors are true - but what is true are the eidoron rocks seen floating nearby the plateau, which increase in size and population the closer one gets to the base of the mountain. Ravines line the area around it in a maze, making for brilliant natural cover and hiding spots for much wildlife. Travelers can only cross from one side to the other via the floating eidoron clumsily bridging the gap. Those who fall, never hit the ground, but wind up prey for creatures that live below. Sapphire's blood grows all over the area, and at night, the entire mountain glows in speckles various blues for one giant visual display in the middle of the desert. Sometimes, when the night sets in before the heat cools, optical illusions in the desert will light the entire sky up.