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 A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel

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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2020-03-29

A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Empty
PostSubject: A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel   A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2020 7:34 pm

Waterslides, ancient and mysterious in origin and covering hundreds of kilometers of ground throughout Felarya, above and below, through trees, roots, and waterfalls, sometimes at nearly neck-breaking speed... They are comfortable to slide in just as you are, somehow, despite being made from stone.

It's assumed that they were built to aid the tiny-scaled species travel faster safer between different locations in Felarya. All is not as it seems however...

The entries for many of the waterslides are built into huge statues of god-like beings, or of giant-sized species, looking mischievously inviting, covered with an inscription saying where its path go. While many of the slides in the labyrinth of pathways goes to where they claims, a few are in fact traps means to take you to a place where the predators of Felarya wait to be fed. The statue at this end immediately reveals the purpose of the dead-end...

The clever thing about this ancient trap is that despite it becoming known that it's a trap, the fact that it works safely most of the time, and is incomparably better than traveling on foot, will make them hard to resist for tiny travelers to stop using them. The small chance of disaster has been carefully calculated as to be addictive...

Maybe some tinies find themselves enjoying the rush of the danger and get a little addicted to them.

One attractive vore scene in my opinion is slowly but inevitably floating towards a waiting, open mouth, the predator eyeing you pleased as you come closer and closer, eventually being washed down her waiting throat...
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Helpless prey

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A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Empty
PostSubject: Re: A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel   A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2020 10:21 pm

Ripper idea mate! I like the idea of a deady water park made of slick stone being in Felarya. It's just wongo enough to exist somewhere out there in the jungle as a random land mark and sounds like a good lore plug. Cheers mate!
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Mara's snack

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A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Empty
PostSubject: Re: A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel   A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2020 10:59 pm

I like the take on the common themed pun that this is based on, and applying it on a more...ahem...

"in depth" approach. Razz

Though it seems...addicted to them? hehe, that's interesting.
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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2020-03-29

A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Empty
PostSubject: Re: A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel   A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2020 6:36 pm

I'm glad to see a good response. Smile

If such a system of traveling existed it really becomes an unsetting question about risk-taking the depths one is willing to go to just to save some time... Mad

As for those who become 'addicted', there will always be people drawn to dangerous things for a kick of adrenaline and I guess the same could true in Felarya, unfortunately. sweatdrop
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A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Empty
PostSubject: Re: A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel   A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel Icon_minitime

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A system of "waterslides" in tiny-scale for faster travel
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