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 Dead dead deader than dead

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Mysterious Ninja
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Mysterious Ninja
Tasty morsel
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PostSubject: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeThu Sep 03, 2020 9:35 pm

What is with this place? Why is it so dead? The community on Deviantart seems slow but still breathing very well so why is this place dead?
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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2020 8:20 pm

The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2020 5:42 pm

That and pretty much any forum environment now has basically just made its own reddit. That site has more or less taken over every other forum hosting site anyway.

As stabs said, most of the people who frequent, or used to frequent here, are all on discord.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 12:10 am

Stabs wrote:
The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?

Very well put! Except about me being in charge of invites. I just usually do it but technically all mods and the Admin have that power. There are also special helpers that have been used in the past like Kylie and Ozzy who would seek out people then guide them to me usually. Personally think we need a better system XD
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 4:09 am

jedi-explorer wrote:
Stabs wrote:
The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?

Very well put! Except about me being in charge of invites. I just usually do it but technically all mods and the Admin have that power. There are also special helpers that have been used in the past like Kylie and Ozzy who would seek out people then guide them to me usually. Personally think we need a better system XD

The hard part is finding people without being public.
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Lockheed X-17
valiant swordman
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Lockheed X-17

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2020 3:59 am

Stabs wrote:
The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?

It has been quite some time since I've actually visited these forums, partially due to personal reasons and partially because this site feels a bit dead. May I ask if I can get an invite to this discord?
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Mysterious Ninja
Tasty morsel
Mysterious Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2020 12:25 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
Stabs wrote:
The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?

Very well put! Except about me being in charge of invites. I just usually do it but technically all mods and the Admin have that power. There are also special helpers that have been used in the past like Kylie and Ozzy who would seek out people then guide them to me usually. Personally think we need a better system XD

The hard part is finding people without being public.

Huh? Why isn't it public?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2020 12:31 am

Lockheed X-17 wrote:
Stabs wrote:
The dA community is still vibrant, as you say; the Felarya fans that used to hang out here instead of on dA use a Discord server now. While officially mostly about development, this forum was, by posts, mostly used for role-playing, which is easier on Discord's servers and channels, plus it has real-time updates and handles well on a phone.

David Dent jedai is in charge of invites. Have you checked your DMs?

It has been quite some time since I've actually visited these forums, partially due to personal reasons and partially because this site feels a bit dead. May I ask if I can get an invite to this discord?

Lockheed, bro I sent ya a DM with my Discord XD You never responded.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2020 12:23 pm

I'm still waiting for my ban from the Discord to be appealed.
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Mysterious Ninja
Tasty morsel
Mysterious Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2020 6:31 pm

ChristianBethel wrote:
I'm still waiting for my ban from the Discord to be appealed.

At least you got in, bro.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2020 9:37 pm

Yeah, but it's really not worth it. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. We're better off just submitting content to the DeviantArt gallery.
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Mysterious Ninja
Tasty morsel
Mysterious Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2020 6:56 pm

ChristianBethel wrote:
Yeah, but it's really not worth it. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. We're better off just submitting content to the DeviantArt gallery.

I don't gots any content my man. Just want to be eaten by sexy giantess and have good funsies Laughing
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2020 10:33 pm

Mysterious Ninja wrote:
ChristianBethel wrote:
Yeah, but it's really not worth it. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. We're better off just submitting content to the DeviantArt gallery.

I don't gots any content my man. Just want to be eaten by sexy giantess and have good funsies Laughing

Check your messages.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2021 4:52 pm

I've been gone for... Wow, nine years according to a search of my posts. Only recently got reminded that this forum exists from a different discussion where I was informed that the place had largely gone quiet. If anyone feels like tossing me a Discord invite, I'd be happy to reconnect with you guys.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2021 12:54 am

Feign wrote:
I've been gone for...  Wow, nine years according to a search of my posts.  Only recently got reminded that this forum exists from a different discussion where I was informed that the place had largely gone quiet.  If anyone feels like tossing me a Discord invite, I'd be happy to reconnect with you guys.

Well I mean with the advent of reddit and everything lol

I'll drop you a message
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2021 7:10 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Feign wrote:
I've been gone for...  Wow, nine years according to a search of my posts.  Only recently got reminded that this forum exists from a different discussion where I was informed that the place had largely gone quiet.  If anyone feels like tossing me a Discord invite, I'd be happy to reconnect with you guys.

Well I mean with the advent of reddit and everything lol

I'll drop you a message

Technically we actually have the least presence on Reddit believe it or not. Not even many lore debates. I think partially cause the crow there are less tolerant of 'deviant' things like us. =P
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PostSubject: Re: Dead dead deader than dead   Dead dead deader than dead Icon_minitime

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