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 Looking for specific Garnet art

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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2023-02-08

Looking for specific Garnet art Empty
PostSubject: Looking for specific Garnet art   Looking for specific Garnet art Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 12:39 pm

Hello all,

In 2008, Petite-Emi came up with a character named Garnet.  Petite-Emi's DeviantArt still holds Garnet's original character sheet.  Its comments section even shows when Karbo added Garnet to the Felarya wiki way back when.

Around that time, there were various bits of Garnet art floating about.  Many of them are still around today, but there is one in particular that I can't find for the life of me.  Unfortunately, I don't remember who created it, and it doesn't seem to be Petite-Emi or Karbo, as I haven't found it in their history of works.

It shows Garnet's face and upper body in close-up detail, and she is looking at the viewer.  It's from the point of view of someone who is hiding in a crevice, and Garnet has joyfully found them.  I think I remember Garnet emoting a heart mark to show how pleased she is to have found the viewer.  If I remember right, its title was something in the spirit of "Garnet finds you" or "no hiding from Garnet," though I'm not confident that is correct.

I lost various files, and this piece of art is something I have been sorely missing.  I know it's a total longshot, especially given that I'm relying on my memory to describe everything here.  Is there any chance someone remembers this piece or maybe has kept some Garnet art?  If anyone has any info at all, please let me know.  All I can offer is heartfelt thanks from my remote corner of the internet.
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Mara's snack

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Looking for specific Garnet art Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for specific Garnet art   Looking for specific Garnet art Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2023 12:38 pm

I don't have any Garnet art saved, unfortunately. My PC has changed 3 times since then, and I've lost most of my data. There's a number of people who might still though, but likely wont be checking in on this site to send it to you. Otherwise, I'd love to send you the art. Are you saying Petite-Emi removed a picture from their DA?
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Looking for specific Garnet art
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