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 Drug effects

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Drug effects   Drug effects Icon_minitimeWed Apr 23, 2008 11:37 pm

I've been looking at the inhabitants of Felarya and noticed that there isn't much that can be used other than in its pure form. A good many of plants and a handful of animal parts can have effects on the mind or body. Drugs if you will. I shall now take it upon myself to make some useful, and other dangerous creations that have unusual traits. I am not going to specify what these creations can be found on in case anyone wants to add them to something else or I come up with something later. I IN NO WAY CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS IN REAL LIFE BEYOND MEDICINAL PURPOSES!

Base Root:

Type: Root
Method: Ingestion
Effect: Induces Vomiting
Duration: Instant
Withdrawal: N/A
Extract: Yes
Purify: Unknown
Value: Commonplace
Effect Expanded: Harvested from the root of an odd plant, Base root is widely known for its high basic nature. If ingested, base root rapidly alters the PH balance of the stomach. Vomiting soon follows. Although its nature would suggest it has a naturally high PH, it does not harm organic matter. The reason for this, is unknown. A human need eat only half of a given root to experience these effects. If the root essence is extracted, it becomes four times more potent. To effect larger species native to Felarya, expect the need for 50 roots minimum or 25 doses of extract. Chances are however, if an adventurer were to use either method, it is doubted that they could have more than one shot at it considering the required materials. Supposedly, if Base Root could be purified, its effects would see a 10x boost in potency.


Type: Gland
Method: Injection (extract only)
Effect: Light
Duration: 30 minutes
Withdrawal: N/A
Extract: Only Method
Purify: No
Value: Inexpensive
Effect Expanded: Everglow can be found on an unusual, bio-luminescent creature. Unlike most creatures sharing this trait, the glow created from a magic gland, rather than by a chemical reaction. When the essence is extracted from the gland, it can be injected directly into the blood stream. This causes the flesh of the user in the direct area of the injection. The light it gives off is similar to that of a lantern, and is preferred for the fact that you no longer need to use a hand to carry a light source. However, you can not extinguish the light prematurely. A common practice is to inject it into a hand, and keeping a glove (not cloth) handy in case you need to be hidden. Everglow is also great at parties. Just don't share needles. Other problems arise from that.

There's 2. More to come.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Drug effects   Drug effects Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2008 2:46 am

Well the effects and desriptions are interesting but, while I am not against the presence of drugs in Felarya, I prefer to not really dwelve on it ^^;
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Join date : 2008-04-16
Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Drug effects   Drug effects Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2008 11:07 pm

Understood. My efforts will go to whatever my insane imagination shall come up with next instead.
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PostSubject: Re: Drug effects   Drug effects Icon_minitime

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