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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 3:21 am

Its occured to me that alot of these animals just cant support their own body with the ammount of food they eat if they existed in real life,

while felarya isnt real life, when it comes to fans of nearly anything, they have always argued and discussed and calculated the physics of
their world, take starwards and treck for example,

while having an actual reason is not nessisary par say, It dosent mean it wouldnt be fun to have this extra dimension added in,
so what makes inhabitants of felarya so nuitrisious? is it some kind of magic? maybe creatures can utilized everything their prey has to offer
unlike us they might be 100% efficient.

what do you guys think gives food in felarya all those extra calories.

for those of you who dont know what a calorie is (many people think its fat).The small calorie or gram calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.184 joules.
The large Calorie or kilogram Calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.184 kJ, and exactly 1000 small calories."
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 6:40 am

I think the ability of food to sustain giant creatures lies less in its mass and more in the idea of Felaryan predators having EXTREMELY efficient metabolisms. Take note that they seem to have extremely quick and potent digestive processes, which break down just about everything.
Theoretically, there's enough energy in their food to hold them over. They would simply be obscenely good at extracting it.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 6:52 am

Interesting subject ^^

I'd say that there is also the fact Felarya is filled with magic and it helps magic creatures to sustain them to a certain extent. For example if Crisis was transported to a non-magical world, she would eat even more !

GREGOLE wrote:
I think the ability of food to sustain giant creatures lies less in its mass and more in the idea of Felaryan predators having EXTREMELY efficient metabolisms. Take note that they seem to have extremely quick and potent digestive processes, which break down just about everything.
Theoretically, there's enough energy in their food to hold them over. They would simply be obscenely good at extracting it.

This is another good point Smile ( though the digestive process is not that quick in most case ^^ )
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 7:49 am

Karbo wrote:
Interesting subject ^^

I'd say that there is also the fact Felarya is filled with magic and it helps magic creatures to sustain them to a certain extent. For example if Crisis was transported to a non-magical world, she would eat even more !

I would also imagine that most Felaryan creatures (at least those that are part human/mammal) have pretty good sized fat reserves that they build up early on, and that their food intake helps supplement. I think that might explain why it seems like they eat less then it seems like they would need to.

Although, that doesn't quite jive with a fast metabolism. But, hey, magic! XD
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 7:57 am

I think the particularity of the sole of Felarya is the main cause. In Felarya you don't age and you don't suffer from know disease, it maybe because the sole charge your body with his energy and this energy make you a sort of very nutritive for the predators lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 9:13 am

Actually, it's much simple than ANY of those things.

Breasts consist of fat. One look at Crisis, Vivian or Anko makes it abundantly clear that your average Felaryan has enough fat reserves to make a camel blush.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 10:17 am

GREGOLE wrote:
Actually, it's much simple than ANY of those things.

Breasts consist of fat. One look at Crisis, Vivian or Anko makes it abundantly clear that your average Felaryan has enough fat reserves to make a camel blush.

Vivian definitely, although Crisis seems a little closer to something proportionate, given her size. Still, good point. Plus, on the nagas at least, I imagine their tails also have a lining of fat running at least part of the length, to hold heat inside and for buoyancy if they ever get into water.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 11:57 am

I'd wager more on the theory that predators actually have a good diet. They eat mainly humans which are healthy for the most part, so they're like little health treats.

When they eat other predators, they're taking in the healthy nutrition that the predator has taken in.

In effect, it's like biological magnification, except the harmful chemicals eaten by the lower lifeforms are replaced by good nutritionary elements.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 1:27 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
Actually, it's much simple than ANY of those things.

Breasts consist of fat. One look at Crisis, Vivian or Anko makes it abundantly clear that your average Felaryan has enough fat reserves to make a camel blush.

Uh, that's not entirely accurate. The "body fat" you're talking about is called Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue. This particular type of cell tissue is used to store glycogen which in turn is used in dire emergencies or in hunting (which Felaryan Preadtors do most often).

Females naturally have more of these reserves than males and since the predators are majority female in Felarya, they would expend much of their fatty acids and glycogen very rapidly in the hunting activities. Thus, large amounts of food are required to build up the stores again.

However, the fact that they don't eat vast quantities of food (aka humans, nekos, etc.) means that there is something else keeping them from burning all this energy off within a few days. Especially since not all hunts are successful. Hence the Magic of Felarya's soil and atmosphere.

There's also the fact that creatures of such massive size would require a substantial amount of oxygen which normal earth-like atmosphere's do not have. I propose that the atmosphere's magic has somehow created a denser atmosphere, allowing these behemoths to live and thrive as such.

At least, that's all I can say based on my studies of the human body and on its physiology as well.

(I really have studied this guys and gals. I know what I'm talking about.)
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 14, 2007 1:41 pm

Quote :
Uh, that's not entirely accurate. The "body fat" you're talking about is called Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue. This particular type of cell tissue is used to store glycogen which in turn is used in dire emergencies or in hunting (which Felaryan Preadtors do most often).

Females naturally have more of these reserves than males and since the predators are majority female in Felarya, they would expend much of their fatty acids and glycogen very rapidly in the hunting activities. Thus, large amounts of food are required to build up the stores again.

This, ladies and gents, is a textbook example of someone not recognizing a joke.

Quote :
However, the fact that they don't eat vast quantities of food (aka humans, nekos, etc.) means that there is something else keeping them from burning all this energy off within a few days. Especially since not all hunts are successful. Hence the Magic of Felarya's soil and atmosphere.

I'm certain there's some sort of biology loophole that would allow evolution to equip Felaryan predators with some sort of hyper-efficient metabolism. I'd rather not look to magic unless ABSOLUTELY neceserry.

Quote :
There's also the fact that creatures of such massive size would require a substantial amount of oxygen which normal earth-like atmosphere's do not have. I propose that the atmosphere's magic has somehow created a denser atmosphere, allowing these behemoths to live and thrive as such.

Atmosphere's magic? Feh! Who needs magic? The Carboniferous Era was known for two things. One of them is giant bugs. The other is an obscenely thick atmosphere.
I propose that Felarya could have an exceptionally dense atmosphere simply because it happens to have one. No magic required.
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 10:18 am

GREGOLE wrote:
Actually, it's much simple than ANY of those things.

Breasts consist of fat. One look at Crisis, Vivian or Anko makes it abundantly clear that your average Felaryan has enough fat reserves to make a camel blush.

you dont really need to look too much into the naga species, I imagine like snakes, they mostly sit still and dont expend alot of energy. a race like harpies though? they have to fly every time they hunt. given their size and wieght, and ignoring that its impossible, it requires tremendous strength and energy.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 1:20 pm

lami wrote:
you dont really need to look too much into the naga species, I imagine like snakes, they mostly sit still and dont expend alot of energy. a race like harpies though? they have to fly every time they hunt. given their size and wieght, and ignoring that its impossible, it requires tremendous strength and energy.

A naga like a true blooded snake may also use the sun to help metabolize much of what they eat.

Joke? Hmm... I must have skipped over that. Regardless, Your theory about the atmosphere was one that I was actually trying to get someone to come to logically. Heh, I'm very devious that way.

One thing about hyper accelerated or hyper efficient digestive system is that it burns more and more calories just extracting the nutrients then it would actually conserving the metabolic energy.

There has to be something that aids in; say Crisis' ability to digest just about all types of things that go into that bottomless pit of her's. It could be the fact that like I mentioned above that she just simply lies in the sun like a snake and is able to metabolize what's in her stomach rapidly enough to where all her intestines have to do is leisurely pick out the nutrients and deliver then to where they need to be.

Still, this would still leave us with the question of "how do these massive creatures move so much faster than their size allows?"

This question may not be entirely an accurate question since large moving creatures such as the elephant and the rhino can move with a good deal of speed despite their massive size. Still, that much speed with that much mass begs that question be answered.

Any takers on that one? I'm curious to see what floats to the surface.
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 2:04 pm

Quote :
Still, this would still leave us with the question of "how do these massive creatures move so much faster than their size allows?"

This question may not be entirely an accurate question since large moving creatures such as the elephant and the rhino can move with a good deal of speed despite their massive size. Still, that much speed with that much mass begs that question be answered.

As the closest current thing to a kaijuologist, this falls under my jurisdiction.

A human that size could not support her own weight. It simply can't be done.
However, a creature properly built to could do so. I have two theories about Felaryan predator physiology.

1. Their bodies are hyper-dense. Bones like lead and muscles dense as stone would hold them up. Inside, they would be VERY different from humans, and rely on countless support mechanisms to keep themselves up. However, the sheer amount of muscle they would posess would be enough to carry them fairly quickly. It'd be precarious and REAL specilized, but theoretically, they would be able to both stand up and move with relative quickness.

2. Their bodies are identical to ours down to a molecular level. The reason a fifty foot woman can't support herself is because her bones and muscles are composed of a material that loses relative strength in large quantities. Thusly, one would have to render that material large in small quantities. In other words, every structural bond would have to be the same. Muscles and bone wouldn't be composed of countless more fibers than those of a human, but rather simply be composed of much larger fibers.
I'm not entirely sure about how well this would work, and it might even necessitate giant molecules, but this theory is my chosen one for a single reason: Fairies.
A fairy built to support herself at eighty feet would have godlike strength at human size, simply due to her muscle mass, unless she relied on the second means. The stories don't support fairies with herculean strength, meaning there has to be something else at work.

If all Felaryan predators rely on these means, it could hint considerable relations between species. If fairies perfected the size-shifting, then that would mean that all giant humanoids in Felarya are closely related.
Of course, the fact that fairies and nagas can interbreed supports the notion.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2007 2:38 pm

They can be interbred? This is news to me but I can see where you're going. Actually, your information on the bone density and muscle mass support structures pretty much hit my ideas right on the head. I had the exact same theories about that, though I probably would have worded them differently... not for anything other than to sound more like myself. ^^;

Well we've covered those areas but I think we should get back on topic right? We know that Nagas have very efficient digestive systems because the utilize both aspects of their physiology (snake and humanoid). The human part for efficient break down and the snake part's need of the sun to help speed up the digestive process.

But what about other species? What would you think allows them to break down such molecularly complex prey whole and not be onset with obesity? Let us postulate though that not all creatures in Felarya have the same super efficient digestive system as a Naga though just for the sake of argument.
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2007 4:05 am

You know, this makes me wonder... no - that's something we shouldn't be thinking about.
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PostSubject: Re: Calorie guides.   Calorie guides. Icon_minitime

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