The mythological creature and the name are from Welsh folklore. Otherwise known as the Water Leaper.
Wingspan: 20'
Body: 8' wide, 7' tall
Length: 17'
Danger Level: Low on land, Moderate in water.
A swamp and marsh-dwelling creature that has the curious physiology of a frog without hind legs, the forelegs replaced with batlike wings, and the tail of a lizard. It uses its rudderlike tail to propel itself much like a tadpole; because the only real change to its body during its growth cycle is its size and wings, it grows very quickly, letting its species populate new areas with startling speed. The wings fold inward, and may be used like fins underwater. They are coated in a kind of oil so that water shrugs off quickly during flight. It can flatten its body to an extent, then use its rudder-like tail in a quick waving motion to propel it out of the water; it is essential that it has the ability to have the water roll off its wings so it isn't weighed down as it begins flight from the surface of the water. It flies very much like a bat does, although its tail, though good for propulsion in the water, doesn't help it much in the air. Some would say it looks like it's constantly on the verge of crashing. Others would say its a wonder of engineering that something like it could fly at all.
The "water leaper" is very good at adapting to its niche in a new ecosystem- it can hunt anything from insects, much like a bat- but with a long sticky tongue- to birds and fish; even mammals. But even though it can survive on smaller preys, it won't pass up the chance to eat a human or a neko if given the chance. Being just light enough to fly itself, it can't possible achieve flight if carrying a human-sized load. In fact, if it tries this on land, it will become stranded! The lizard tail isn't like that of a snake, so it can't do a thing but wiggle its tail and flap its wings hopelessly. It may take it awhile, but once it realizes it's vulnerable, or is attacked, it will regurgitate its payload and escape. So as long as you stay on solid ground a ways from the water, you'll probably survive the encounter. That is, unless you find yourself looking into the face of whatever scared the water leaper into letting you go.
Most poeple don't bother trying to pronounce the name, and just refer to them as "water leapers". That is, except for a specific specimen- one reputed to be truly gargantuan, that lives deep into the Great Marshes. Since this species has appeared only in the last thirty years or so, "Llamhigyn Y Dwr" is believed to be the first of its kind in Felarya, and the one responsible for spawning the first batch that have spread out since. Although they have remained in the marshes for many years, there are reports of some of them living upstream in and around the Jewel River.
Since they are bound to the water, water leapers don't typically venture too far. The hunting range is a few miles at most from any water source- their skin is really like that of a tree frog, so it dries out pretty quickly during flight. It is pretty defenseless compared to other Felaryan preds, so their numbers have been kept in check by harpies and mermaids alike. Their meat is reputed to have he taste of chicken/frog for the frog portion, rodent for the scrawny bat wings, and lizard for the tail. This leads some to think they're some kind of chimera, albeit a minor one.
Do not be fooled by its demeanor; this is a deadly predator!
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