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 Cleanser Spore

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Helpless prey

Posts : 15
Join date : 2007-12-10
Age : 38
Location : Peeking under bushes!

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PostSubject: Cleanser Spore   Cleanser Spore Icon_minitimeSun Jun 22, 2008 1:48 am

Well well! It has been a long time since I payed a visit hasn'tit my goodness! *dances and giggles* Ooooh! the stories I have to tell! First things first though I thinks! I was heading away from the inn afterweaving one of my stories about the monsters I had seen! and bumped right into another! It was wierd! I was stopping to take a drink from one of the rivers on my path, but the water tasted horrible! Something had tainted it, probably the city further upstream, so I journed further downstream, and took another sip, it was beautiful! it was delicious! And tasted like fresh, clean spring water! It was soooo good it made me purr! So I hunted around, to try and find why the water was different just a little further down! It was a plant! A plant that grew from the riverbed, and blossomed into beautiful flowers, kinda like lotus flowers! but their stems drank the polution in the water, and purified it, using it to grow, I found out it could purify blood! And could even be used to destroy drugs and things! It seems to take impurities into the stem system, and there a chemical reaction takes place! It creates enormous heat! And the flowers swell, and blossom, releasing huge gouts of pure hydrogen and oxygen! Everything else used to fuel the plants growth, there was even a dead animal in the water, it got trapped by the plants stems, and drawn into them, like a cocoon! Soon after new blossoms popped up, and the steam was released! It was really very pretty

*purrs and wriggles and beams!* It wasalright though, they don't seem to harm living things, just another pretty oddity in this wonderful world! So pretty to watch! And they doa great service for the ecosystem! *bounces*
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Join date : 2007-12-08

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PostSubject: Re: Cleanser Spore   Cleanser Spore Icon_minitimeMon Jun 23, 2008 3:34 am

Hehe great and usefull idea ! Razz
Thank you, I'll put it on my list ^_^
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