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 Paint chat- Drawing and chatting

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7 posters
Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2008 4:24 am

online in-Browser drawing program

This is a site you can go to and have joint drawing sessions, its like a white board that everyone can draw on and you can also chat at the bottom,
Just ignore the fact it says Naruto drawing, ive never seen anyone else go there before so it doesnt matter, lol

all you have to do is type a display name and then click the button with squares as writing(or its japanese for people who have a language pack installed) and then you good to go, the drawing controls on the left should be self explanatory
im sometimes here when i can go on it (Alot on school holidays)

its quite fun so give it a try
My display pic was made in this program so its pretty capable of drawing awesome stuff if you know how to use it

Edit: i decided to write instructions- here they are
Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Pc1

Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Pc2
Note the masumi in this pic i did in ms paint quickly just for lolz
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2008 7:36 pm


It's in Japanese - sorry, cant do it.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2008 10:22 pm

Actually, you don't need to understand japanese to get in. It's basically very easy to navigate, since little japanese is in the actual works of the paint.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2008 11:03 pm

I just finished my naga picture for mac!!!!!!!

if we get more people we can Draw Dridders together YAY!!
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2008 10:16 pm

Sounds cool. I'll check it out.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2008 5:37 am

Claire wrote:
I just finished my naga picture for mac!!!!!!!

if we get more people we can Draw Dridders together YAY!!

Gah! no dridders! You can draw anything but fkn spiders.......
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2008 7:50 am

Mhh just a question, but is there a layer system ?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2008 12:28 pm

Karbo wrote:
Mhh just a question, but is there a layer system ?

Not that I've seen. I dont think its that advanced. But you do have a masking feature. You can choose up to 2 colors at a time, and all other colors will not color over them, so the colors you chose will remain untouched. Ex: Draw your outline and mask Black, all the other colors will not color over your black lines, leaving your outline untouched. It saves a lot of time when you dont have to color around all your lines. I hope that made sense...

But Mac knows this thing better than me, so maybe he knows some tricks to it...
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 6:27 am

Karbo wrote:
Mhh just a question, but is there a layer system ?

Urgh... no :S

The closest thing as ItsAll19 Said is the masking thing,
It allows you to colour without affecting a certain colour. like if you choose masking for black, if you try to colour over the black line, the line will not be drawn over, thats the closest thing

i cant explain much more than that, you would have to try it for youself, If you fiddle with it for like 10 minutes im pretty sure you would be smart enough to use it properly

Itsall19 wrote:
But Mac knows this thing better than me, so maybe he knows some tricks to it...
^^; theres not really any tricks, its pretty straight foward after mucking around with it for a bit
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 8:59 pm

Karbo wrote:
Mhh just a question, but is there a layer system ?

lol the paint chat is pretty Ghetto but it still works see!!!!!!!! who needs layers mwhahahah *evil laugh* (but i do wish they had layers.. and a color wheel lol)

Warning contains Nudity. something me and mac were drawing.

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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 1:17 am

Hahaha great one ! Laughing
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 3:53 am

Claire wrote:

Warning contains Nudity. something me and mac were drawing.


^^; i didnt get to finish that one properly but oh well its all in good fun XD
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 5:50 am

Karbo wrote:
Hahaha great one ! Laughing

KARBO!! i miss you i cant draw Emma Watson alone!!!!

lol i pushed this paint chat beyond its limits, i thought my paint chat was going to blow up ahhah.

Paint chat- Drawing and chatting EmmaWatsonPC
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 5:52 am

Claire wrote:
Karbo wrote:
Hahaha great one ! Laughing

KARBO!! i miss you i cant draw Emma Watson alone!!!!

lol i pushed this paint chat beyond its limits, i thought my paint chat was going to blow up ahhah.

Did you have to include the comments ^^;

Yeah well anyway, see karbo, you dont need layers to draw awesome, Chuck rocks!
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2008 2:44 pm

macdaddy wrote:
Claire wrote:
Karbo wrote:
Hahaha great one ! Laughing

KARBO!! i miss you i cant draw Emma Watson alone!!!!

lol i pushed this paint chat beyond its limits, i thought my paint chat was going to blow up ahhah.

Did you have to include the comments ^^;

Yeah well anyway, see karbo, you dont need layers to draw awesome, Chuck rocks!

DUDE why didnt u say something in paint chat omg......

i ment to say CANT draw hot girls....not can. Danm man it was 8am i didnt even sleep lol.

Paint chat- Drawing and chatting EmmaWatsonPC-1
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PostSubject: Re: Paint chat- Drawing and chatting   Paint chat- Drawing and chatting Icon_minitime

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