I'm thinking about doing a drawing contest. As you all may know, I am writing several Felarya fics that cross over with games and movies such as Castlevania, Sonic, Star Wars, and Metroid. And, I am also writing a non-Felarya story that I desperately want people to read. What this contest will focus on is how the box art would look if these Felarya-related games were to become real.
The submissions in question can be of any one of my fics that you choose (except the non-Felarya one). What I'm mostly looking for is the front cover art, but back cover art can be included with it. Depending on the turn-out for this, I will decide on a deadline within the next few weeks. If you have an entry, send it to me in a note and I will post it in my journal.
First-A full story featuring any of your OC's. This means I will do a story of at least ten chapters or more.
Second-A short story focusing on one of your OC'S.
Third-Your OC will make a cameo in one of my stories.
I will continue to work on my stories, as promised. Only one is truly complete, but don't let that stop you from expressing your own vision as to how the others should go.
This is my first contest and I may need some help. If you would like to help, either with any questions I may have or with judging entries, please send me a note on my Deviant page or email me at dlausactor6373@yahoo.com.