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 Idea for a Character

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Idea for a Character   Idea for a Character Icon_minitimeTue Jul 15, 2008 5:34 pm

Ok, I've been thinking about this for a (very) long time, and I pretty much have an idea for a human character sorted out. No, I don't have a name for him, (I am TERRIBLE with names... Neutral ) but I have a backstory, powers, limitations, etc. etc.

He was a pilot on Earth before he ended up in Felarya. The way he got here is that he was shot down, but survived. BUT: the area he crashed in was in an area that was currently connecting with Felarya's Misty Glade. He is then captured by the Scorching Claws neko tribe to be traded to the harpies, (something I'm writing up for the contest) but barely escaped. He was last seen by neko hunters fleeing into the wilderness.

Green eyes, Brown Hair, he usually wears a Black Shirt, Blue Vest, with long tan pants.
Minor changes in his appearance occur in his different forms.

He has always had strong magical powers, only on Earth the environment itself didn't have enough magic, so he never knew about them. After ending up on Felarya, strange things started to happen to him as he started to learn of and get the hang of his powers. He has a few levels of power for this:

Normal: Nothing. Nada. No power. In this form, he's just a normal human. No powers.

First Form:
This he can activate at will, but requires a lot of concentration and focus. He is surrounded by a red aurora and his powers include teleporting short distances in his line of sight. If he can find a weapon, he can channel his energy through it, making it substantially more powerful than it was before, also encasing it in it's own aurora . His speed is increased, allowing him to run at an average person's sprinting speed, and sprint at the speed of a car. His strength is also increased, but not much, trading extra strength for greater speed. He can throw weak energy balls at his target, or charge for a few seconds to make a slightly more powerful one.

Appearance changes: His vest gives off a slight glow.

Second Form:
Ok, this almost never happens. Only if he comes in contact with a very rare crystal (can someone help me out on the crystal part?) then it gives him huge amounts of power, but the crystal dissolves after being used. He can't stay in this form for long, five minutes or less at the most, due to the immense power it gives him, but it is VERY powerful, and dangerous to anyone in his way. Here he has a blue aurora in place of the red one, and his powers in this form are basically his usual ones, only greatly improved: He can teleport long distances in his line of sight, moves at blinding speed, but isn't as strong as you might expect. (Pretty much trading extra strength for insane speed.) He can levitate himself off the ground to certain heights, but not necessarily fly. He can launch a flurry of weak energy balls, or charge a very powerful and destructive one.

Appearance changes: His vest gives off a blinding white light.

I'm doing my best here not to make this TOO powerful, I don't want him to be able to end worlds or anything, but be powerful enough to stand out in a crowd, and be able to take on a very powerful force if he is in his second form. (which as I mentioned, very rarely happens.)
I have actually been developing this character for a very long time, long before I found out about Felarya, but when I did, after some research, I thought of the backstory I wrote here, and I was trying to make it tie in to my submission for the contest, but it took some tweaking. (It was originally planned to be in the Miragia forest and have a whole section with Katrika and the Rosic Nekos, but I had to turn that around because a Rosic Neko would have no reason to hunt a human, as opposed to the Scorching Claws Tribe which traded them with the Harpies.) XD

Suggestions are welcome, I'm not great at fleshing out characters or writing, so anyone who has any ideas, tell me. ^^

Last edited by S-Guy on Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Idea for a Character   Idea for a Character Icon_minitimeThu Jul 17, 2008 6:22 pm

Nice character ^^ And I think having him interrac with the scorching claws was a good idea Smile

You simply never hear about them in stories ^^;
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Idea for a Character   Idea for a Character Icon_minitimeThu Jul 17, 2008 6:52 pm

Thanks! ^^

The way I'm trying to put it is that when he uses his power, he channels his energy mainly to his legs, to enhance abilities like speed, agility, jumping, etc, instead of using it for extra strength.

The only things I'm worried about are that my writing skills won't bring the story out as well as I would have hoped, and that It's a bit of a pinch for a hunter from the Scorching claws to make it all the way to the misty glade, but I'm hoping to get the hunter in as a character as well, since she's the main focus of the writing for the contest.

I'm just glad you liked the idea. Very Happy
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Idea for a Character   Idea for a Character Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 5:00 pm

A very interesting character! Excellent work on his bio and situation.

Ohh and about the crystals, I'm sure that there has to be some lying around in Felarya somewhere. The previous owners probably won't be needing them. Also There are crystals in the rivers of Felarya. Or Maybe your character could fish out a the river that is covered in crystals. Can't recal the name of said fish tough.

P.S where will this story be posted at?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Idea for a Character   Idea for a Character Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 6:36 pm

The story was also where Mica was first mentioned, which was in my entry for the writer's contest.

Boink! Razz
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