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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:18 pm

S-Guy wrote:
When I read that I imagined you saying it SO fast. Shocked

But yeah, It's true. We should check out everyone's ideas, not just our own, or one person's, etc.

Dude, I did the same thing. XP

Language, not an issue. Some of us are bi-lingual. I speak French, Slovak, some Russian, some Spanish, and of course English.

We need poeple to get active. Don't let anything hold you back.

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:50 pm

Delicious Kevin wrote:

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 4:32 am

Just throwing this out here...

Now...if you look at how much people are fans of Felarya on DA...and how much people are actually active on this forum. You'll know why the 'small community' point you guys keep saying is ridiculous.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 10:15 am

Yes, but then you have to think about how many Felarya fans on DA actually decide to come to the forums at all. All you have to do is look at the members of the forums and then look at how many are online at any given time, then look down at the most that have ever been on at one time.
There's your small community.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 11:00 am

Point is that there are people that are on, and no one ever post anything in like three hours. Small community or not small community, this place doesn't qualify as community if no one post regularly.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 11:03 am

S-Guy wrote:
Yes, but then you have to think about how many Felarya fans on DA actually decide to come to the forums at all. All you have to do is look at the members of the forums and then look at how many are online at any given time, then look down at the most that have ever been on at one time.
There's your small community.

I'm not going to count the 20+ members out of 231 forum members out of whatever number there is on DA as said community. Because if I did, then even out of that 20+ only about 10 are active at the most. So, it's not even really a community. It's a group of people, which is sad.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 11:13 am

Exactly so. Most people who joined the forum never posted once. They are taking space on the server for nothing.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 1:45 pm

That, I noticed, and it's kind of odd. Some people just join and leave, and never visit again. Even if they do visit they hardly ever post. Very odd. Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 2:10 pm

It's really not odd at all. They see it, they like it, they wanna have an account for whenever they can get around to coming, then they either forget or never get around to doing anything.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 7:51 pm

Gregole's got it. Though fact is that a user registration takes up less space on the server than a single post. Especially if they have no signiture or uploaded avatar.

In fact, the arguably useless game threads in the Off topic discussion section take up more server space than all the user registration data combined.

Just putting things in perspective. Very Happy
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 25, 2008 8:59 pm

Useless, but very funny if you keep them going. When they get too big we just delete it and start a new thread so we don't blow up the server. Razz
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 11:21 pm

This topic's overall focus has been hard to pinpoint, but I think I'll just address some random things that I saw thrown around; if I seem to be rambling on, please don't insult me too critically for it— I tend to go off-topic on these varied discussions. Laughing

Firstly, let me remind everyone here that there are only two viable methods of getting changes, new ideas, and retiring ideas recognized in Felarya: visual art and literature. In addition, though this forum may exemplify the exact opposite in regards to activity, Felarya has countless facets of change pouring into it at real-time speed. It's been declared by some that this forum is frequented by the same group of people, and I won't disagree with that claim— people do pop up and vanish into nothing, and there are those who seem to fade away before they even appear.

Of your two methods, visual art will attract more eyes, but literature will educate those who seek to learn about Felarya. Art is an easy approach for those who are gifted in it, because you can:
#1) Gather support and attention without deep explanation,
#2) Draw and upload freely without worry of clashing into others' work/suggestions, and
#3) Easily edit in or out your art's relation to Felarya without the threat of confusing your audience.

I'm going to go into a little depth about #2, because it's a serious problem careful writers experience (unless I'm alone). Remember that I mentioned Felarya has a constant flow of change and alteration due to the countless facets pouring into it (by facets, I mean contributers).
Before I explain, here's my example. When I began writing my story, I neglected to stray my setting off of the only concrete piece of cartography drawn by Karbo. Unfortunately, the piece is outdated and relatively small in regards to scale due to Felarya's popularity at the time. However, I didn't want to be cliche, and I didn't want to have to deal with, "Your characters wandered that way and yet I see <character>'s icon over there! Also, I wrote a story about my character over there so you had to see him/her, too!" So, I simply set my story off of the map. Relatively, the story started in Torix Forest — a region I created — east of Frost Peak. Furthermore, I created a tributary and waterfall breaking from Jewel River called the Glorious Stream, as well as a dryad-common forest by the name of Byotim Grove east of said stream and bordering the Topazial Sea. If you haven't read my material, then how in the blue Hell would you know that? In fact, I'm quite sure a majority of people haven't even read a single word of my literary pieces and that a good portion of those don't even know I've written anything.

I'm just one writer. There are many, many more out there, some of which I'm sure are undiscovered as of right now. It's impossible to record every change that occurs, because there's just too many things to look over. No one is going to sit on the computer, track and read each story written no matter the writer's ability, and update the Wiki according to each story. With so many people eager to create their own stories with their own unique properties, characters, and locations, a framed Felarya will never exist.

As for introducing new creatures, remember your primary audience. It's cool to go with a new approach by making your main character from the planet Merclon 9 Trillion-Billion, and he has nine heads which are really plasma-cannons, he can see through his transparent skin made of an organic glass and lost souls, and can fly with his seven wings representing each color of the rainbow— do you see where I'm going, here? Unique is one thing, but over-analysis is another. When your audience looks at your work and sees a half-human and a human in some sort of act (whatever it may be, you decide), they can easily relate to the scene. I mean, if you really wanted Felarya to be cut-off from Earthly influences, we'd be trying to conjure a language for each community. It's always interesting to see some out-of-the-ordinary things, but it can be quite confusing and unbelievable if you try too hard to make something new. The audience will only give into the fiction for so far— most people need a tie to reality to keep them holding on. People choose to read fiction to get a taste of something unreal, not an overdose. I'm all for new creatures, but I don't want to see people shunning each other in the future because they used a naga, a dridder, or a human in their story in a suddenly cliche manner.

Lastly, let me just confront the whole active-people thing. Look at how long I've been roaming these forums and how many posts I have; I was one of the first here, but I've only got a few posts in comparison to some other people who can manage 200 posts in a week. I don't post frequently because, quite frankly, there's very little that I want to reply to. I read many posts but decide to decline myself from posting, because I feel I have nothing necessary to say. Trust me, it may look it on this forum and in IRC at times, but Felarya is hardly anywhere near stagnant.

Quote :
We need poeple to get active. Don't let anything hold you back.


Have I mentioned that I'm trying to get a novel published and put on public bookshelves, and it's based wholly on Felarya? I know I have, but I'm sure not many know or even care to know about it. I've learned that charisma is a big factor in regards to support and attention on any online community, and Felarya/DA is no exception. So why should I bother posting a topic on the forums? As stated once before, a lot of topics just tend to go unnoticed unless you're just that person. Felarya isn't stagnant; it's just hard to see the growth and potential behind all the clutter, and the clutter is incredibly thick.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 11:38 pm

Sephimink|Kyle wrote:

I agree with a lot of what you said. I'm trying to buckle down and get some of the stuff I'm currently working on in a state where I can actually show it to people. Lots of stuff taking priority over my writing at the moment though, unfortunately. Neutral

Sephimink|Kyle wrote:
Have I mentioned that I'm trying to get a novel published and put on public bookshelves, and it's based wholly on Felarya? I know I have, but I'm sure not many know or even care to know about it.

Best of luck with that, sincerely. Smile Breaking into the publishing field is rough, and sometimes it's more a matter of opportunity and who you know than your talent. Sad

Sephimink|Kyle wrote:
As stated once before, a lot of topics just tend to go unnoticed unless you're just that person. Felarya isn't stagnant; it's just hard to see the growth and potential behind all the clutter, and the clutter is incredibly thick.

I'm still not really sold on the "Felarya is getting stagnant" bit, but it could be just because I don't have a problem seeing the potential for growth. I've seen a lot of ideas that need work, and a few that just aren't very good, but for the most part I've been amazed at the creativity and originality here. Surprised

It's just not reasonable to expect people to churn out fantastic new ideas hourly or daily; a lot of people might not even be able to check the forums for several days, or might be reading and not really have time to post anything. If you check the New Ideas subforum, there have been some excellent posts in the past 24 hours alone; those threads make it very hard to take all this talk about stagnation seriously. Suspect
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Changes and New Stuff   Changes and New Stuff - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 11:57 pm

TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
Sephimink|Kyle wrote:
That's what you get for clipping my ramble-speech. XD

TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
Sephimink|Kyle wrote:
Have I mentioned that I'm trying to get a novel published and put on public bookshelves, and it's based wholly on Felarya? I know I have, but I'm sure not many know or even care to know about it.

Best of luck with that, sincerely. Smile Breaking into the publishing field is rough, and sometimes it's more a matter of opportunity and who you know than your talent. Sad
Mentioning the online reach of Felarya is something I'm looking forward to including on the letters I'll be sending to LAs Wink. I know the publishing field is pretty harsh, but I know how to hunker down quite well against rejection. Practice makes perfect, and dedication is always a good thing. I might even tally up how many declinations I get just for the Hell of it. Big numbers always impress me.
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