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Delicious Kevin
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 7:52 pm

Ok, first real idea for Felarya I've got. It's not gold, but I liked it, so I thought I'd share.

I made this when I was thinking about the Guradians. I realized that they aren't really into all the little places, bu rather wach over Felarya as a whole, not the individual factors that may wind up affecting Felarya. So I thought that Felarya could use a group that controls the the minor aspects, far beneath the eyes of the Guardians, to keep Felarya, Felarya.

The idea is still in development stages. Be nice with criticism, I don't deal with rude shit very well.


Unknown Society:
Out in the Felaryan wilderness, there is an underground society, very small, very selective group of humans. Their home is deep under the soil, far enough down to be concealed from the noses of the Felaryan wildlife. There are only two entrances, both well hidden within trees.

South Entrance:
The south entrance is located about a half a mile north of Negav city, for easy access to supplies; it is hidden within an oak tree. The tree is hollow on the inside, and the entrance is tunneled through the roots. There is a ladder on the interior of the tree that climbs to a hole on the exterior. The hole is hidden behind a large amount of leaves, arranged to resemble a cluster of branches.

North Entrance:
The north entrance is directly west of the Giant Tree where the Naga Crisis and Anna roam. It is hidden and built in the same way as the south entrance. This one was placed strategically for an easy escape route.

Code Red Procedures:
“Code Red” is when the underground liar is infiltrated by hostile, or ignorant forces. It is initiated whenever the society believes they are threatened.
Actions Taken…
1. The majority of the society leaves via the north entrance and heads for a shelter, hidden within a hollowed boulder, large enough to accommodate a coiled up naga and 20 or so human snacks
2. 10 society members stay behind and hide, waiting for the perfect moment to eradicate the invaders.
3. Once “Code Red” is revoked, the entire society may resume normal procedure and those that were within the shelter may return home.

Society Structure:
The hidden society is built off of combat. There are no children as it is not a reproductive society (see “Continuance of Survival”).
The most important group and highest ranking officials are the “Ghosts”, followed by Intelligence Operatives. The remainder of the forces pretty much find themselves as equals.
There are ranks within the different classes though. Every group has its own leader and every sub-group (such as squads and so forth) has their leaders.

Governing Body:
The leaders of The Society are the highest ranked Ghost team, the commander of said team being the highest official in the government. The highest ranked team is based off of how many missions, and team effectiveness on those missions.
The Ghost teams are evaluated once every five years, so the leadership may or may not change depending on how the teams have been doing.

Generally, the society is a private military organization that lives alone and rules itself. They are rooted in every culture, nation, city, village in Felarya. They kill politicians to keep certain places under the control of some one more favorable. They enforce some laws, but break others with the intention of stirring up revolts in places they believe needs a drastic rearrangement of governing politics.
This hidden society has its claws dug deep into every nook and cranny of Felarya. They even have some predator pacts with several more dominant residents of the Felaryan jungle.
They do the jobs the guardians find beneath themselves, but need to be done regardless. The guardians let the society survive because they are no threat to Felarya. The society recognizes the need for Felarya’s predators to remain in power, and they recognize the circle of life. They do not care for taking over the world; they would rather maintain the state of affairs within the world.

The Ghosts are almost never found outside of their personal groupings. Each Ghost is placed within a fire-team of 4 others, making the fire-team have a total of 5 Ghosts.
The Ghosts are trained to be combat effective, generally Commandos in every aspect. Most rely on stealth and team co-operation, but there are a few teams that separate and work alone to accomplish a task quicker.
Ghosts often never speak of their works, and seldom ever speak to the lower groupings. They are quiet, murderous beings who do their job and think nothing of it.
Becoming a Ghost is looked on as bad luck by many of the lower classes. Ghosts get the difficult missions, go through the hardest training, and are often considered insane by those outside of their class.
Being a Ghost is seen as a blessing by those within the class. They are happy because they are with others like themselves, and are rather normal people outside of the line of duty; they chat, fool around, play games, and are generally relaxed people. They just don’t like being with other people who don’t understand them, and are at home in combat. They live for the thrill of battle.
The Ghost motto is, “You can’t kill what’s already dead.” And there has never been a Ghost KIA.

Typically a Commando is a soldier supremely effective in one form of combat. They are not unstoppable, but when the job gets done right, they appear to be. They are just the soldiers who have unique talents, but aren’t good enough to be a Ghost, oftentimes rejects from Ghost Basic Training. They function in the same five man fire-team structure as all other groups do, and vary in specialties from heavy weapons, to support, to vehicular homicide, to poison engineers.

Pilots are trained to fly, drive, and maneuver combat vehicles. They have fire-teams of five ships or vehicles to form either a wing, or a convoy. They are trained in minimal ground combat, but still know the basics, like marksmanship, hand to hand, and personal survival.

Ground Forces:
Infantry is the largest group of The Society. They are combat soldiers, all trained in every form of combat. They have basic knowledge only though, so they are leagues away from Commandos, and light-years away from Ghosts. They are split up into fire-teams, then squads (made of 2 fire-teams), platoons (10 squads), and companies (2 Platoons).

The Society has its own large scale military force, which contains military helicopters, jets, tanks, and other vehicles, built by hand within the complex. They have no exit, because there are no plans to use them any time soon. The vehicles are on reserve incase the city of Negav ever amasses its own military and tries to encroach on the Felaryan Wilderness. Granted the Guardians would likely do something, but The Society takes no chances.

The Society was founded by a single ghost group who came to Felarya from a planet far away. Over time, the names of the first Ghosts have been lost, some say they never had names to begin with, only numbers. The only thing known for sure is that they started The Society.
The Society has been around for around a hundred years, evolving with combat, new weapons, tactics, and new ideas. Originally The Society was all purebred humans, but in the past 20 years, The Society has been recruiting nekos for their catlike reflexes and eyesight.
Anyway, The Society does not tolerate failure, or traitors. There has only ever been one uprising against the Ghost Leadership, and all involved were fed to The Society’s predator allies. All others have been caught before they could perform their betrayal or completely discouraged from it before it could manifest in their minds.

The Society does not really have a religion, so much as a set of beliefs and governing common morals. The whole society believes in working for the good of the community as a whole. The don’t believe in a god, or gods, they believe the Guardians will keep Felarya safe and that they are there to do the work the Guardians do not have the time, or simply don’t care to, do.

The Society has only a few rules.
1. No children, sexual intimacy is acceptable so long as it does not result in offspring.
2. No killing other Society members, fights are acceptable so long as they do not escalate into civil unrest or even war.
3. Die before failure. A rule that is enforced strictly. Soldiers are encouraged to never give up, never surrender. They are allowed to pull a strategic retreat so long as they go forward and complete their mission or objective within the time period given them, if they do not, the penalty is death.

Females are generally pleasure boats in the Society. Women are highly regarded and never harmed, but they are there for pleasure. Only a few women make it into the military ranks each year. Other then the 20% who become military personnel are there to help the soldiers, and provide entertainment.

Military Love:
If in the event two personnel become involved intimately, they are allowed to leave the military life and settle down, but they must leave The Society and never speak of its existence. Failure to comply and all they tell, along with themselves, and their family, will be terminated.

The Society lives and functions underneath the Felaryan Jungle. They are roughly one mile under ground; elevators provide access to the exits. The north elevator is especially large, and leads to a small complex that takes 1/4th of all personnel up at a time. From the elevator the evacuees are emptied into a large room, which gives access to the North Entrance/Evacuation Dump.


That's it.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:04 pm

Very interesting, I love the idea of a whole society that keeps order in Felarya, kind of like a higher power above all of the governments, but not above the guardians to be godlike in any way.
Any chance of taking contributions, since it hires both humans and nekos, the two races I have characters in? Very Happy
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:06 pm

Sure if you want to.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:09 pm

Thanks, of course this involves actually getting a name for my human character. sobsob
But at least I finally got Mica's story posted, and I'm sitting here locked in my house waiting for all of the people with torches and pitchforks to come and scold me for all the mistakes I probably made. No
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:11 pm

We won't, don't worry, we've all made mistakes before too
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:13 pm

Thats comforting, but I'm still keeping my knife next to me when I go to sleep since I don't officially have a lock anymore. Sad
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:17 pm

You don't normally? I keep a loaded S&W 1911 .38 Super under my pillow...every night...the other on my desk. But that's because I'm paranoid and like firearms. Don't worry, they're registered, to my dad...christmas presents...
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:18 pm

I would too, but I prefer a rifle, and that doesn't exactly fit under my pillow.
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:24 pm

heh...got an AR-15 in my closet...
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:29 pm

You win. XD
Right now, I'm focusing on Knives and crossbows. Crossbow Pistols*. And officially, arm strength. Very Mad
I'm getting better with the crossbows now, gotten at least a couple bolts in the target.

Just to lay it all out, here is MY entire armory, the stuff that I personally own, not just a relative or anything:

My weapons:

All the GUNS I have are licensed to my dad. >_<
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 8:45 pm

I don't have pics of me wiht my shit on this CP, they're all on my laptop, but I'll give you links to the pics on the sight where my dad purchased them.

.38 Super ((I've got 2, cause it looks sexier at the range, and there are some girls that go too, so I gotta be looking good))
Barrett .50 ((The recoil is monsterous))
Rec 7 ((Rock solid and accurate as a motherf****r))
Winchester ((First one he ever got me))
Remington ((My only shotgun))
Benchmade ((Favorite knife, put it on my molle vest for airsoft, makes the newbies cry! XP))
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 9:03 pm

The Gun I HAVE is a .22 M1 Carbine replica, It works nicely and It has a badass scope on it.

What I WANT:
I'm actually saving up for this, Beretta U22 Neos .22 Pistol: http://www.gunblast.com/images/Paco_Beretta-NEOS/beretta.jpg
And, I will be very lucky If I ever get one of these, extremely lucky if I get one LEGALLY:
Neostead 200 Shotgun:

The funny thing is I came across that in a game, then I decided to look it up. The only thing that's between me and one of those is a license, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Holy crap. We got distracted. Shocked
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Veteran knight
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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 3:45 am

you lucky bastards Mad , I've always wanted to have a lot of weapons ( I love them too), Sad for the moment I've only 3 katanas , but , waiting for more...
Evil laugh
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 4:54 am

Well I am sorry, but I don't really like this idea of a secret military force to watch and keep order... ^^;

As I see it, Felarya is more meant to be a wild and untamable world..
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 12:07 pm

Very detailed, but I'm not really feeling the concept. Sorry. Sad The biggest problem with a super-secret uber military force with connections to every town on Felarya and a large number of predators as well is that it's a bit too powerful, and kind of purposeless. If they did their job well enough, there wouldn't be anything for the Guardians to do, because everything would get handled at the "too small for Guardians to notice" stage.

Aside from that, Felarya doesn't really need a peacekeeping force that's active to handle small scale conflicts- like any relatively balanced system, there's already mechanisms in place for that. If a human city starts expanding into Naga territory, the Nagas will eventually respond, just like they would if it was Dridders encroaching into their territory. Only difference being they'd try to kill the Dridders outright, and snack on the humans.

Also... they've got helicopters, airships, and all manner of heavy weapons passing in and out of entrances near the Great Tree and Negav, two areas on Felarya that see a lot of traffic, and somehow nobody notices? Suspect That goes way beyond stealth and espionage, and becomes something more like total invisibility.

I'm really not trying to be rude or cut you down, but I really don't see much purpose for these guys. Regardless of the intentions they claim to have, an organization that powerful and widespread is more of a threat than a benefit.
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Delicious Kevin
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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 6:36 pm

First Part. They handle the things beneath the guradians, I said this. They do not do the guardian's jobs, they simply keep situations favorable for themselves, as already stated in the article.

Second Part. If the Humans obtain tanks, and other modern military equipment, I don't care how many nagas fight back, high explosive shells will decimate them. Human kind has destroyed countless animal species in the past, and will continue to do so. If there is a species too strong for them, they will grow until they are capable of dominating them and will then procede. The Society is based on keeping political rulers in their pockets, but in the event that the humans develop technology, they are ready to deal with it.

Third Part. I already stated, if you bothered to ready the whole thing, the vehicles are not used. They have no entrance or exit and are only kept incase of an emergency. If one arrises, they will blast their way out.

Fourth Part. Policemen are a large organization that stretches across the globe, are they a threat? They hace combat choppers, SWAT, some even have assault vehicles, like LA for example. Don't instantly call a large force a threat simply because it is large.

Now Karbo. They are not police, they are not a human sided military, or a predator military, and they don't keep order, they just stick to the shadows and do what they see benefits them. They are no more police then a UPS (Underground Protection Society, Like a gang, but more about protecting its members then vandalism and turf wars), they are there for their own benefit. Pacts with predators is to try and keep their members alive, assassinating politicians that they don't like is just for The Society's benefit. They are only there for the good of Felarya in the event that an off world military shows up, or Negav grows too big.

What happens if a large military force from off-planet shows up? You can't give the guardians control over offworld forces, that's too godlike. From what I understand, the guardians are not gods, they are the real Felarya police, and police do not deal with militaries. I'm prety sure that you understand where I'm coming from.

If the guardians can stop war with the wave of a hand, destroy armies with the flick of a wrist, then they are gods. They shouldn't have that kind of power, especially over an off-world military. The Nagas and humans aren't cut out to deal with an invasion, and you gotta expect one to happen somewhere along the timeline. Every country, nation, even down to the smallest of towns get invaded and even conquered eventually, felarya is defenseless.

You can have all the maneating plants and trees and rocks and creatures that you want, but when it comes down to it, a military force capable or invading via space will most deffinately have the firepower to take out a giant snake girl and a few idiots with guns. If Felarya doesn't have a military, it's defenseless. Every one needs a military, if they don't have one, they are open to attack.

I'm not trying to get in anyone's face, but believe me, I've been into these kinds of things since I was born. It's common sense that if you don't havesome sort of army, be it a militia, to a gang, or even a full blown military force, you are defenseless. Every one needs backup in the event they can't handle some one or some thing, without that back up, you are only destined to fail, sooner or later. Felarya isn't Hollywood, the good guys don't always win, and no one man can make a difference or destroy an army. Conflict is inevitable, and Felarya isn't prepared, regardles of what you may believe.

Again, no offense to anyone, but this is a topic I know a damn not about. Just listen to the facts and consider all the angles before you condemn it.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 6:47 pm

1) They do seem to be more Pro-Predator than Pro-Human. Heck, from the sound of it they'd already have a major problem with Miratans and anything beyond Industrial Revolution in tech.

2) Felarya actually is pretty well prepared to repulse most invasions. They have both the Heavens and Hells that have at least some holding on Felarya they're bound to want to keep; Faeries, Nekos, Humans, Elves, Dridders, and maybe a few other species have at least a standing military or something that can function as such for the most part; magic is so steeply rooted that invaders are likely to be facing opposing forces with at least 25% of combatants being magic capable, etc.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 6:50 pm

Exhibit A:

Delicious Kevin wrote:
The society recognizes the need for Felarya’s predators to remain in power, and they recognize the circle of life. They do not care for taking over the world; they would rather maintain the state of affairs within the world.

Exhibit B:

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Now Karbo. They are not police, they are not a human sided military, or a predator military, and they don't keep order.

Exhibit C:

Delicious Kevin wrote:
They are only there for the good of Felarya in the event that an off world military shows up, or Negav grows too big.

Make up your mind. "Maintain the State of Affairs within the world" Thats keeping balance. So is being there "For the Good of Felarya". You said "They are there for the good of Felarya" and "They are there for their own benefit." in the same page.
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Delicious Kevin
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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 6:53 pm

You're telling me that a few magicians and some small scattered warrior tribes will be able to repulse a largescale invasion? You do know what an invasionary force usualy consists of right?

1. The invading group will wait until they are far technologically superrior to the target.
2. They will wait untill they have double or more numbers for JUST groundforces, not including vehicular combat numbers.

Those are 2 basic steps that 80% of all invasionary forces follow. I'm sorry, but if it comes down to an invasion, Felarya will be facing superrior numbers and firepower. That is just how things are. No one ever invades without intel, and numbers, you can count on that. Felarya is NOT cut out for a full invasionary force.
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Master cartographer
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The Society Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 6:59 pm

First thing Felarya is a crossroad many dimension. In clear how many many armies step the foot on Felarya and how many succeed to conquer Question

If an army appears you will see another to fight this one why, there are many worlds who want to conquer Felarya for their own ambition do you think they will let another do it at their place.

And another about the guardians what do you know about them, you know what they want to let you know but you don't know really their power and how they act. It's said there are five guardians but are they only five.

You can not defeat you can not see, no matter how powerfull or the technology you have there are useless against an invisible force you don't know and have no clue about their true power.

Quote :
Second Part. If the Humans obtain tanks, and other modern military equipment, I don't care how many nagas fight back, high explosive shells will decimate them. Human kind has destroyed countless animal species in the past, and will continue to do so. If there is a species too strong for them, they will grow until they are capable of dominating them and will then procede. The Society is based on keeping political rulers in their pockets, but in the event that the humans develop technology, they are ready to deal with it.

If you play in Half life 2 you know how the humanity has been defeated in only 7 hours.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:10 pm

Delicious Kevin wrote:
You're telling me that a few magicians and some small scattered warrior tribes will be able to repulse a largescale invasion?
Few? Felarya is steeped with magic. I imagine it would have a military force quite similar to Tamriel.

Quote :
You do know what an invasionary force usualy consists of right?
Yes, and multiple types too. Subversive Invasions, Direct Ones, Land, Sea, Orbital, Subterranean.

Quote :
1. The invading group will wait until they are far technologically superrior to the target.
Nope. Or else Russians would have played no part in the World Wars.

Quote :
2. They will wait untill they have double or more numbers for JUST groundforces, not including vehicular combat numbers.
Come again? Precision strikes can make it so you need fractions of the standing armies forces.

Quote :
Those are 2 basic steps that 80% of all invasionary forces follow.
Not really.

Quote :
Felarya will be facing superrior numbers and firepower.
They have the techbase for some settlements to build MECHS. Once one can start mass-producing Mechs reliably, your tech base is classified as "Pretty damned high" on the list.

Quote :
Felarya is NOT cut out for a full invasionary force.
Actually, it is. There's very high odds an invasion would bleed over into another realm. A realm that you don't want to mess with [LOL 30MT/S Bolo Tanks!]

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
First thing Felarya is a crossroad many dimension. In clear how many many armies step the foot on Felarya and how many succeed to conquer Question
How many step into Felarya on purpose?

Quote :
If you play in Half life 2 you know how the humanity has been defeated in only 7 hours.
I thought that was achieved via placing Nukes and Headcrabs through precise portals into major population centers?
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:23 pm

Quote :
How many step into Felarya on purpose?
It's a good question and I don't know the answer.

The only thing I will say is: they are not the first and they are not the last.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:35 pm

Delicious Kevin wrote:
First Part. They handle the things beneath the guradians, I said this. They do not do the guardian's jobs, they simply keep situations favorable for themselves, as already stated in the article.

The problem with that is that there isn't anything beneath the notice of the Guardians. Nemrya sees and hears everything that happens on Felarya, if I remember correctly. The Guardians seem inclined to let human/neko/elf/whatever settlements grow and thrive until they pass a certain point, at which time they intervene.

So this secret military force that acts against settlements before they get to the point is stepping on the Guardians' toes. Most problems that the Guardians intervene on probably don't start off at the world-destroying level, they start small and are left alone until they become an issue that needs to be solved. Your guys would be taking care of that before it made it onto the Guardians' to-do list.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Second Part. If the Humans obtain tanks, and other modern military equipment, I don't care how many nagas fight back, high explosive shells will decimate them.

Magic. An environment drastically unsuited for modern military hardware. Believe it or not, other people do know a thing or two about the subject. Any modern military force would have serious problems on Felarya, especially if unprepared for stuff like fireball-hurling giant monsters.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Human kind has destroyed countless animal species in the past, and will continue to do so.

There's a difference between gunning down wild animals and fighting something that is intelligent, capable of organization, is several times your size and weight, and has powers beyond your understanding.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
If there is a species too strong for them, they will grow until they are capable of dominating them and will then procede.

The only sentient beings humans have had to fight against is other humans, and despite best efforts, so far that domination thing hasn't managed to stick.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
The Society is based on keeping political rulers in their pockets, but in the event that the humans develop technology, they are ready to deal with it.

Yeah, but why? The Guardians haven't squashed the Delurans or Miratans, or any of the native Felaryan cultures with advanced technology. So it must not be a problem. Why do these guys get to arbitrarily decide that it is?

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Third Part. I already stated, if you bothered to ready the whole thing, the vehicles are not used. They have no entrance or exit and are only kept incase of an emergency. If one arrises, they will blast their way out.

I actually did bother to read the whole thing. I assumed you hadn't fully thought that part through, my apologies. That's... not really a very good plan, for reasons that should be immediately obvious. No

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Fourth Part. Policemen are a large organization that stretches across the globe, are they a threat? They hace combat choppers, SWAT, some even have assault vehicles, like LA for example. Don't instantly call a large force a threat simply because it is large.

Uh, "policemen" are not a large organization that stretches across the globe. Shocked That's just not true. They also do not have combat choppers or assault vehicles. They have ARVs/APCs, which are not fitted with assault weapons, and the LAPD decommissioned their UH-1 "Huey" years ago (it also was not a "combat chopper").

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Now Karbo. They are not police, they are not a human sided military, or a predator military, and they don't keep order, they just stick to the shadows and do what they see benefits them. They are no more police then a UPS (Underground Protection Society, Like a gang, but more about protecting its members then vandalism and turf wars), they are there for their own benefit. Pacts with predators is to try and keep their members alive, assassinating politicians that they don't like is just for The Society's benefit. They are only there for the good of Felarya in the event that an off world military shows up, or Negav grows too big.


Delicious Kevin wrote:
What happens if a large military force from off-planet shows up? You can't give the guardians control over offworld forces, that's too godlike.

The fact that those forces are on Felarya and no longer "off-world" puts them well within the Guardians' sphere of influence. The fact that they "aren't from around here" isn't going to magically protect them from retaliation if they start screwing up someone else's home.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
From what I understand, the guardians are not gods, they are the real Felarya police, and police do not deal with militaries. I'm prety sure that you understand where I'm coming from.

If the guardians can stop war with the wave of a hand, destroy armies with the flick of a wrist, then they are gods. They shouldn't have that kind of power, especially over an off-world military. The Nagas and humans aren't cut out to deal with an invasion, and you gotta expect one to happen somewhere along the timeline. Every country, nation, even down to the smallest of towns get invaded and even conquered eventually, felarya is defenseless.

One Guardian destroyed an entire city full of ancient and powerful mages, which was starting to take over Felarya. One Guardian pretty much shredded dimensional space all over Miragia Forest. I'm pretty sure they have more than enough power to handle a large-scale invasion by races more technologically advanced than 21st century humans, and have probably done so in the past.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
You can have all the maneating plants and trees and rocks and creatures that you want, but when it comes down to it, a military force capable or invading via space will most deffinately have the firepower to take out a giant snake girl and a few idiots with guns. If Felarya doesn't have a military, it's defenseless. Every one needs a military, if they don't have one, they are open to attack.

1) Felarya can't be attacked from space. It's not possible.
2) Several Felaryan races have a military. The Crimson Maidens are just one, I believe.
3) If a 100 foot Dryad steps on an M1A2 Abrams tank, it turns into twisted metal. This isn't just wishful thinking, this is a fact. Most MBTs weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-75 metric tons. Old growth trees ranging from 100-300+ feet can weigh anywhere from 6100 to 1.25 million tons. There's a reason tanks do not get used in forests.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
I'm not trying to get in anyone's face, but believe me, I've been into these kinds of things since I was born. It's common sense that if you don't havesome sort of army, be it a militia, to a gang, or even a full blown military force, you are defenseless. Every one needs backup in the event they can't handle some one or some thing, without that back up, you are only destined to fail, sooner or later. Felarya isn't Hollywood, the good guys don't always win, and no one man can make a difference or destroy an army. Conflict is inevitable, and Felarya isn't prepared, regardles of what you may believe.

When you're from a culture that has to fight every day just to survive, you are effectively a military. When you're all 80+ feet tall and have several other things (magic, venom, incredible physical strength, etc.) going for you, you're far better prepared than most to handle large-scale combat.

Delicious Kevin wrote:
Again, no offense to anyone, but this is a topic I know a damn not about. Just listen to the facts and consider all the angles before you condemn it.

I don't think anyone is purposely trying to offend you (I know I'm not), but there's several things wrong with this idea, and it seems more like you're the one who needs to consider the angles. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but... Neutral
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:41 pm

Now, If any of you have read about the dimensional gate on the wiki, you would have remembered the story of the assassin that used the gate to access his target's fortress, easily killing him, causing that world to declare war on Felarya. They have no idea where it is though, and since Felarya has no space, it is impossible to access from space. Felarya's main way of getting people into it is by people tripping over dimensional connections, and to have an entire army just HAPPEN to get through one of those would be a very, very small chance. The only PRACTICAL way of it happening would be a mage's portal, but you have to consider how much people think of Felarya OUTSIDE of Felarya. Most people may think the whole place is just a myth, and nobody really has any reason to invade it in the first place. (except the guys mentioned above.) And if there WAS a mass invasion, the guardians would be swift to take care of it if it actually put Felarya in any kind of danger. Suspect

~And thinking about it, I have my own personal solution to this:
The Society OOPS_by_S_Guy

I-uh...meant to do that. No

Last edited by S-Guy on Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: The Society   The Society Icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2008 7:45 pm

An invisible force isnt hard to destroy, nuke the area.

Armies fight eachother, but if they fight over a land, one will eventually wain and start or continue an invasion.

Precise strikes, from orbit or artilery that is ground based has very little chance of evasion, unless you can move a city.

I'm not gonna get into it all.

The point is, Felarya could always use some back up. If you say it doesn't need back up, you are ignorant. Everyone needs back up sooner or later.

I know my shit, but I'm too lazy to get into every nook and cranny. I've been studying this stuff for years. I do this stuff on a weekly basis on the airsoft field. We've even got largescale wars in MA. I know more then my fair share on combat.

P.S. The Russians had allies that gave them numbers, maybe not alone, but as a whole, they had friends.
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