The Zuu is a 25' tall crow like creature found in Felarya. It has either black, or dark blue feathers, sometimes the tip of some feather clusters are of a particular color, which can be anything. Their beak and legs are yellow, but the talons are black. Zuus, unlike other birds, has sharp, triangular teeth in their beaks, the exact same color as their beak. Zuus are scavengers, eating anything edible, bit it dead ot living. They are pretty uncommon. They rarely fly in flocks, but it's not rare to find a gang of Zuus. It's usually a free for all among them. They would usually denfend themselves with their beak or talons. However, their wings are powerful enough to kick up some nasty dirt at high enough velocity to become a dangerous projectile by flapping their wings. They have no set location. You are as likely to find one in a plain, as in a forest, or even a mountain. Zuus aren't really aggressive, but they tend to pick un fights against pretty much anything. This is mostly driven by the need to feed.
There is a 50' tall Zuu-like creature called the Anzuu as well. Anzuus looks more like ravens than crows. There isn't much difference between Zuu and Anzuu except the latter is twice as big, and also twice as rare.
This is the first not-so-original creature I'm contributing to Felarya. Now we need to focus on creatures that doesn't really need a particular feel, and just expand what is already known.