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 Concept of Felarya

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 2:24 pm

Well this is sort of a paper.... It is meant to try and comprehend what causes Felarya to be Felarya. none of this is cannon, but it is made to remind people of one of the most over looked quallitys of the place... the sky is unstable and shifts constantly.... you cant navigate by star... there are different number of moons every night and its rather beautiful.

To properly convey concepts I want to lay down so naming conventions used further in the paper. This is important to lessen probable confusion of terms.

Starting we will address the word Universe. A universe is at its base, the world around you. However we will define it as [All that is observable to you] if you can in some way observe something it is a part of your universe, matter energy and force and everything in-between that you can measure. This is what is meant when the word Universe is used.

There are, however prefixes that can alter the meaning, the ‘natural’ Universe, is everything that is observable without external aid i.e. anything you can observe with your unaltered senses. So a person with poor eye sight’s ‘natural’ universe is much different from someone with out, but they both share the same Universe.

The ‘Absolute’ Universe, is a loose term. It asserts itself as describing “the universe” both observable or not. Included in the ‘Asolute’ Universe are things like, the position of subatomic partials, magic and ‘god’. This is a shaky term used by those who don’t know much, and often forget to add ‘Absolute’.

This is a term to describe separate universes from your own in relation to yours. ‘THE Multiverse’ is an inclusive term meaning yours is part of the multiverse. ‘A Multiverse’ is a term to describe a grouping of Universes’

is a similar term to “absolute Universe” however less pretentious. Sense universe demands observation the claim of everything without observation is silly, however the word Omniverse is used to allow all possible existence observed or not. If you wish to envoke EVERYTHING this is the word to use.

this is a trick definition as there is no clear cut boundaries for them. Dimensions are sometimes described as the grey area between Universe, and ‘natural’ universe. Since dimensions effect one another in the quantum scale more than one is observable in a universe, making them part of that universe; however they are removed and create a separate ‘space’ from your ‘natural’ Universe.
Alternate Dimensions:
These should not be associated with dimensions. They are in fact ‘alternate’ Universes’ however because of the common miss label to this name I won’t bother changing it. The idea is that the basic observations about your Universe are found in duplicate in another- except for some important but (relatively speaking) insignificant changes.

Inter dimensional:
Is a word used (like alternate dimensions) to describe an observable ‘interaction’ between two or more universes. It is most commonly used to describe a ‘bridge’ or ‘portal’ interaction between one Universe to another.

The focus of this paper is on the ‘world’ of Felarya. This large planet, is home to an oddity of inter dimensional phenomenon, and to an astounding amount of oddities of science and magic. We will stay away from the magic aspect as much as possible for simplicity though.

Felarya as a place is unstable, often areas known as ‘vanishing lands’ appear out of nowhere. These isolated locations are actually flux points. Where two places, one on Felarya the other in another universe, effectively switch places or sometimes merge. They appear and then vanish at random, hence the name. They are unpredictable yet happen with alarming regularity.

Further Felarya’s sky is in constant flux in the extreme upper atmosphere… in perpetuity. The effect of which is that one cannot see the space beyond the borealis of dimensional shifts. It is in this remarkable and unfathomable oddity we get a clue as to what Felarya is. If we look at the effect this stratospheric disturbance has we recognize that it is in effect an event horizon. Leading us to further conclude that the world of Felarya is a Universe all in of its own, and that this universe is in constant interaction with countless other universes.

How do we begin to approach such a concept? Well let’s look at a theoretical model of a ‘normal’ universe. This model is 3 dimensional in concept so it has failings but is intended to illustrate an idea not an actual look of a universe. The first is that we assume it exists in a Multiverse in a greater Omniverse, focusing in we see it has a boundary defining its ‘space’. This boundary for the purpose of analogy will be akin to a bubble, blown from a sudsy liquid.

Far more stable but floating along in the omniverse among other bubbles of similar construction. Within this bubble are gasses. These gasses do not mix, they do however interact with one another, and all have varying weights and properties differing from one another. These gasses are the dimensions of a Universe. Within the bubble they form what we term the universe through there interaction with one another.

Outside the bubble is essentially nothingness, sparse amounts of the gasses within exist outside of the bubbles; however, the vast proportion of them is contained within the bubbles. The actual ‘distance’ between bubbles is variable, but more often than not, not great compared to the size of the bubbles (which is also variable). When two bubbles ‘collide’ there are 3 outcomes determined by forces beyond my reckoning at this point in time. One, they bounce or reflect of each other with no declinable affect on one another aside from altered ‘trajectories’ in the omniverse. Two, they attach to one another and begin to exchange gasses. Sometimes merging into a larger universe, and sometimes creating a complex dual universe. Third, and much rarer, is the possibility of a massive instability and the annihilation of both universes.

The last option is a relatively unknown outcome but may have something to do with either the outer barriers or the inner workings of the universes. Some speculate it has to do with the level of similarity in universes. Surmising that essentially duplicate universes or alternate universes with a blade of grass difference cancel each other out of the universe. Similarly it is surmised that extreme opposites may do this as well.

Looking at inter dimensional travel; we can view this as three things. The first I will call the Shot-put method. Where in a part of a universe i.e. a traveler, or ship; wraps them self’s in a manufactured micro bubble similar to that of their own universes. And then propel this micro universe through the multiverse to collide with another universe hoping to that it will be absorbed into its target. There is still a large danger of reflecting off randomly and winding up in an unexpected universe however. This method is often referred to as ‘jumping’ or ‘merging’ into another universe.

The second is tunneling, or bridging. In this method you essentially create an artificial merge point with two bubble universes to allow for the exchange of gasses (the traveler). These are complex, fickle, frail and expensive energy wise; but allow for two way travel in some cases. You can view it as a pin hole tube connecting two bubbles… this method is sometimes referred to as a ‘super wormhole’ or ‘sliding’.

The third is something that escapes visualization as easily. I refer to it as the sync method. Where in the traveler creates a situation in the bubble that so resembles a situation in another, the two become ‘the same place’ and effect sync two places as one… the traveler steps into this space and then exits it to find themselves in the other bubble. This method has to do with harmonic variances in the dimensions of a universe, and little is properly understood about it.

It is these three methods however that make Felarya what it is. It is my contention that the world know as Felarya is in fact its own universe unto itself, but unlike the structure of any other. That in fact it is an anomaly in the omniverse that creates a pseudo universe as a function if its affect. This anomaly is an attractive force or perhaps curvature in the omniverse. Effectively drawing in the bubbles in around it, and is a center if massive and chaotic dynamic.

At a certain ‘distance’ from its epicenter, the bubbles of ensnared and passerby universes become a defacto bubble around the anomaly creating an artificial boundary to this pseudo universe. A collective and ever shifting boundary, that is observable from Felarya with the naked eye, as well as the points in the usurped universes that act as host shell to the anomaly. Effectively creating a dynamic dance of bubble collisions around it.

After time in this state ‘Felarya’s bubble’ has taken into it, minute amounts of dimensions from its hosts and accumulated them into a single mass, the planet of Felarya. This varied and truly bizarre land holds so many dimensional elements in such varying amounts that near anything is possible. Things that would break physics in one bubble happen without pause her because new components are available. This also means that variation in harmonic situations are so constant, you see random sync events happen with astonishing regularity. These are known as ‘vanishing lands’ to locals of Felaryans.

This theory would explain the vanishing lands , the seemingly impossible sky, and brings forth my adjoining theory of how the planet itself was formed; Namely through slow accretion of varying elements minerals and bio matter in small quantities. It leads me to speculate at what could be found at the center of Felarya. Finding some sort of anomaly or perhaps even artifact would be most intriguing.

There are however many properties I am still working on, the most puzzling is the sky’s variable sun problem. Despite the chaotic multi event horizon the solar functions remain fairly constant. Defying all logic the sky has a sun of relative same luminosity and size rise and set in proper fashion. In a display of bewildering complexity the Felaya’s portals all seem to line up to varying suns from a cross the universe to do this.

An interesting side effect of this though is that Felarya connects to many planets that have similar suns all fit for humanoid habitation. The only possibility I have so far determined is that it is not in the realm of science but instead part of the magical aspect: more than likely a function of a Guardian.


ok that was a mouth full ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 2:29 pm

One thing I'd like to address.

Felarya really can't alternate its skies. If it did, it would be alternating between different positions in the universe, and the suns it would be orbiting would constantly shift. If it shifted suns, then the size and distance of said sun would also fluctuate. This means Felarya might be as cold as Pluto one day, while the next day all life would be incinerated.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 2:33 pm

You didn't explain much about the sky there, but more on its dimension. All this talking makes me even more confused. Is the sky shifting colors? Are there multiple suns? I can't catch it all, there's too much stuff said there.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 2:35 pm

ahh I think you missed the point here... all of Felarya sky inst shifting all to one place... one square mile of sky is connecting to at least 30 different places at any given moment... think of it as a giant quilt of different sky's that is constantly changing patches...

so Felarya has a surrogate sky built form a hundred of thousand possibly millions of skys.

the part about the suns is that remains the only 'constant'. the sun that sets is not the same sun that rises, but its just about the same in type which is why its so bizarre.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 4:36 pm

Well, since I lost track of time (happens often) and missed my movie... Razz Might as well chime in. Smile

Cypress wrote:
this is a trick definition as there is no clear cut boundaries for them. Dimensions are sometimes described as the grey area between Universe, and ‘natural’ universe. Since dimensions effect one another in the quantum scale more than one is observable in a universe, making them part of that universe; however they are removed and create a separate ‘space’ from your ‘natural’ Universe.

I agree that an exact definition of "dimension" is tricky, but I'm going to have to differ on your description. Dimensions exist within a universe, but also define the boundaries of that Universe. The purpose of dimensions is to define a space, object, or other occurrence within a space; a space defined by any number of dimensions is referred to as an "n-dimensional space".

The world which we perceive and exist in is an n-dimensional space, defined by the three dimensions of length, width, and height (and possibly others, the matter is heavily debated). For mathematical purposes, when discussing any number of dimensions, there is no absolute dimension. This is why the assertion that "Time is the Fourth Dimension" is a fallacy; time is used as a fourth temporal dimension in conjunction with the three physical dimensions in Einstein's spacetime model... which is only one of many valid models of a spacetime concept. In this case, it is valid to say that time is the fourth dimension for purposes relevant to Relativity, but it is not accurate to say that time is always THE fourth dimension.

N-dimensional constructs are actually common and used well in anime, believe it or not; the "Kekkai" barriers seen often in anime and manga are basically artificial n-dimensional spaces. They are basically creating a dimension within a dimension, that sometimes has its own unique properties. Sometimes it acts as a dimensional overlay, existing on top of the "normal" dimension and going unnoticed by those without the ability to perceive it ("normal" people in this effect are basically lower-dimensional beings). Dimensions can be categorized as "higher" or "lower" relative to the position of the dimensions one is currently in; the entire concept of entropy relies heavily on energy moving from high-order systems (higher dimensions) to low-order systems (lower dimensions).

Dimensional properties are very tricky to assess, because one of the features of dimensions is that you can only perceive and interact with objects that are present within your dimension. For example, we can perceive one-, two-, and three-dimensional objects... but if presented with a four-dimensional object, we would only be able to perceive the three dimensions of it that interact with our dimensions.

This is why the term "alternate dimensions" is incorrect when using it to refer to alternate universes; however, it is possible to have alternate dimensions within the same universe. If your universe is composed of 12 dimensions, and dimensions 1-3 comprise the physical realm we all exist in, while dimensions 9-12 comprise another seperate physical realm within that same universe, the term "alternate dimensions" is used correctly.

In such a universe, we could walk by or even through inhabitants and objects of that second realm every single day without noticing, because as lower-dimensional beings we cannot physically interact with them unless they are present in our dimensional space. However, the reverse is not true- if their dimension was overlaid on top of ours, they would be able to perceive us, and our presence would have some effect on the physical operation of their dimension.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 4:45 pm

Dimensional physics can also be used to accomplish travel of any sort; All movement that ever has happened and ever will happen happens dimensionally. This includes intra-dimensional, trans-dimensonal, intra-planar, and trans-universal. As long as two locations share at least one common dimension or n-dimensional point, it is possible to move between them, no matter where they are in relation to one another.

There are various methods for doing this, which include the bridge, portal, and wormhole interactions you mentioned. However, it should be noted that there are several other possible interactions as well, which include creating an n-dimensional space encompassing the distance between two points. By stepping into the dimensional boundary, you effectively pass from one side of the space to the other, skipping everything within the n-space.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 5:51 pm

Very technical, very interesting, and a very good way to give me a headache. Razz
Anyway, can we squeeze in something there about "Parallel Universes"? Thats what I always find most interesting, technically copies of one universe that keep going and going and going, like two mirrors reflecting each other. They say that with parallel universes, everything could be exactly the same, with all the same people doing all the same things at the same time, or it could be different in slight or extreme ways. Also, another great way to give me a headache.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 6:14 pm

S-Guy wrote:
Very technical, very interesting, and a very good way to give me a headache. Razz

Dimensional physics will do that to you. Laughing If you really want to see something that will drive you nuts, find a 4D or 5D puzzle; there's a few of them out there. I recommend the Magic Cube, which is a 4-dimensional version of a Rubiks Cube. Trying to solve one can be pretty wild; a 3D Rubiks Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible states. A 4D Rubiks Cube has 1,756,772,880,709,135,843,168,526, 079,081,025,059,614,484,630,149,557,651,477,156,021,733,236,798,970,168,550,600,274,887,650,082,354,207,129,600,000,000,000,000 possible states... just for reference, there aren't that many atoms in the entire universe. Shocked

S-Guy wrote:
Anyway, can we squeeze in something there about "Parallel Universes"? Thats what I always find most interesting, technically copies of one universe that keep going and going and going, like two mirrors reflecting each other. They say that with parallel universes, everything could be exactly the same, with all the same people doing all the same things at the same time, or it could be different in slight or extreme ways. Also, another great way to give me a headache.

This is another one of those misnomers; you can have parallel dimensions within the same universe, or actual parallel universes. It all depends on the structure of the universal array you're dealing with. If you have a "shadow world" that exists alongside your own, that's more of a parallel dimension thing; if you're dealing with the notion that there's a seperate reality for every possible choice, that would be an example of parallel universes. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 6:26 pm

Something that had been somewhat bothering me since I started fleshing out some plot for my first Felarya story... was the sky. I like the idea that Felarya is connecting and disconnecting with so many different planes of existence (there, I'm using a neutral term while we try to sort this out) that even the sky is never quite the same from night to night and day to day.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 6:33 pm

right, in my mind visually, I tend to think of it as a very light borealis. Only visible if your looking at it, so wide spread it sort of alters the sky color, but moving no faster than the cloud cover might, allowing the locals to drown it out as background. more noticeable at night, as the stars will slowly change if your staring at them, but at day if you observe the sun you can see if your observing carefully its not the same sun hour to hour... just really similar.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 7:36 pm

I just feel like teaming up with myself from an alternate universe so I can use my combined mass crazyness to take over the world. Evil laugh
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2008 10:36 pm

dangerous business working with alternate selves.... have to make sure they share the parts you ant to share, and not on stuff you might need... like scense of right and wrong. then there is the whole cancel each other out problem sometimes DX just be careful with that ^^
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2008 10:48 pm

Cypress wrote:
dangerous business working with alternate selves.... have to make sure they share the parts you ant to share, and not on stuff you might need... like scense of right and wrong. then there is the whole cancel each other out problem sometimes DX just be careful with that ^^

Agreed. Also, never cooperate with one of your alternate selves when the plan is going to require one of your universes to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Especially if they seem okay with the fact that they drew the short straw, and that it's their universe that's going to get erased...
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2008 10:49 pm

I always thought it'd be sort of funny for a group of adventurers to wander Felarya... and come across their own bodies in a field or something with only very minor and subtle differences.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2008 10:52 pm

Man... I really don't want to derail the topic or anything, but thinking about alternate universe selves, something occurred to me that I just have to share.

Gunther meets... Gunther?

Think about it.

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2008 10:55 pm

indeed never trust what you know has the capacity to truly comprehend you.... unless you comprehend them first.... >> "you thought that i thought that you thought that i thought that you thought that you thought we should go to the mall.... yes exactly"

and yes it has been quite disturbing to see that.... >.> i really shouldn't talk so much about unpublished chars....>.>
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Concept of Felarya   Concept of Felarya Icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2008 8:29 am

Maybe something along the lines of in Timesplitters, where it was actually finding yourself in a different time, it was confusing, there was a high chance of a paradox, but it was hilarious. ^^
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