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 Limbo and Demi Gods

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 11:04 pm

I've been playing with this idea for a long time probably not long after I found out about Felarya, I wanted to make a third spiritual realm besides Heaven and Hell. I also wanted to think of a new supernatural race sence there was only like 5 of them I think. However after days of thinking and with no Ideas that really stood out I eventually gave up. However I found new insperation in TheQuantumMachanic's heaven and hell thread. https://felarya.forumotion.com/angels-and-succubi-f11/hell-and-heaven-t659.htm
With the ideas he made for heaven and hell I finally found insperation that I needed.
You see I mostly had trouble figuring out what this third realm 's perpose was, After Heaven was discribed as being made of positive energy and Hell being made up of negative energy that was when it hit me like a ton of bricks that this third realm could be neutral energy meaning that people that were not really good but not evil at the same time would go here when they died. I eventually dicided to lable this realm Limbo (even though Limbo is a part of hell in religion but really doesn't count here.) however this raised another question what would live here? This was probably even harder then thinking of the realm, After looking through Greek mythology I found Demi Gods. Even though In Mythology they are just mortals like Hercules I ran with it any way and this is what I got.


Limbo is the Third spiritual realm alongside Heaven and Hell, While Heaven is made up of Positve energy and Hell is made up of Negative energy Limbo's energy is neutral meaning that it is both negative and positive at the same time therefore balanceing each other out. Like Heaven and Hell Limbo has many levels that are ruled by a powerful Demi God. Some levels of Limbo seem to be rather peacful while others are the exact opposite and can be dangerouse. In the begining Limbo had no natural inhabitants like how heaven and hell had angels and Succubi. That did not last long however when the demi gods appeared.

Demi Gods

Demi Gods are Half breeds comeing from a Supernatural parent and a mortal parent they normally range from human size to 100 feet. Most of the time one of the supernatural parents are either a angel or a succubus while the mortal parent is some other random mortal race. The original Demi Gods were looked down apon by the rest of thier supernatural race often being called inferior even if they were of equal strength and power, Because there were both positive demi gods from angels and negative demi gods from succubi It was decided that all demi gods would be banished to Limbo, The hopes of this plan were that both positive and negative Demi Gods would kill each other in limbo, however this plan backfired As both the positive and negative Demi gods did not see each other as enemys but as allies, sence they both hated thier so called parent race for banishing them and eventually joined to form one race.

Positive Demi gods normally don't look anything like angels They don't have wings for starters, and normally where you would expect to see joints such as knees and elbows there just doesn't seem to be anything there making it look like thier limbs are just sort of floating in mid air, They tend to be lighter in color and you are almost able to see threw them much like how you can kind of see threw a diamond. this means you can see people they have eaten. Positve Demi Gods tend to take on roles of peace, love , and happiness.

Like Positive Demi gods Negative Demi gods don't look anything like Succubi, The tend to have natural armor plates on variouse parts of thier bodys. another defining feature about them is thier four arms, they have two normal arms where you would expect them to be but they also have a very powerful seconde set of arms that can change size and come out of thier back. these arms often have three fingures with sharp claws on the end, these arms can grow to unreasonable size for attacking dilivering powerful punches. their feet also are different as they have only two toes that have sharp claws on the ends. They seem to be darker in color. They seem to favor war, hate , sadness , and lust

Both positive and negative Demi Gods are good with magic. The Demi Gods began to breed and their numbers greatly increased and were eventually considered thier own race, The demi Gods of today no longer hold a grudge against Angels or succubi but that doesn't mean that they like them either.

I would like to thank theQuantumMachanic for the insperation for this idea. Smile
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 7:22 am

So Limbo's to be one great big "Grey" area when it comes to Good and Evil?

I think you should change the names of the Demi-Gods, however. Right now when I hear "Demi-Gods" I think "Almost omnipotent being", not the sort of being you describe.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 8:54 am

Malahite wrote:
So Limbo's to be one great big "Grey" area when it comes to Good and Evil?

I think you should change the names of the Demi-Gods, however. Right now when I hear "Demi-Gods" I think "Almost omnipotent being", not the sort of being you describe.

More or less it's basically in the middle not really good but not really evil. I tried not to give many details about Limbo because I felt that it would give it a little more feel of the unknown. More or less just trying to give a basic discription.

I agree with you when you say that the Name Demi God gives an omnipotent sort of vision. But I also get that sort of vision when ever angels are mentioned but thats just me. In Greek mythology they were basically just mortal heros like Hercules. But if a better name comes up though I'll gladly change it.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 1:24 pm

Hmm. It's an interesting idea, but it needs a bit more work. Smile I agree with Malahite's point about the use of the word "Demi-God", but also, you should consider that Heaven and Hell are not entirely spiritual realms, and not THE spiritual/religious Heaven and THE spiritual/religious Hell. ^^

People don't just die and automatically pop up in (Felarya's) Heaven or Hell, they actually get guided/brought/kidnapped and taken there by Angels or Demons. Very Happy

I did already have the concept for a third, "neutral" realm and race of beings, but it isn't quite going to be what one might expect; they're non-spiritual entities, for one. It'll be unveiled soon. ^^
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 4:18 pm

I've more or less given up on this Idea.
I guess it's just hard for me to understand heaven and hells place in felarya for some reason Oh well.
But I've got better Ideas on the way so I see this as more of a trial and erorr kind of thing.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Limbo and Demi Gods   Limbo and Demi Gods Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 4:22 pm

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
But I've got better Ideas on the way so I see this as more of a trial and erorr kind of thing.

Sometimes, that is the best lesson to take away from something. Very Happy It's how you learn new stuff! ^^

Also, you don't have to give up on the idea entirely; if there's certain points about it you really like, break those down and save them for use in another idea! I do it all the time. Smile
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