Zillachary Seasoned adventurer
Posts : 171 Join date : 2008-08-06 Age : 29 Location : In yer' city, eatin' yer' people.
| Subject: Chupacabra! Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:58 am | |
| Chupacabras are a type of intelligent fauna I created.They are suppose to be the legendary Chupacabras from Mexico, Texas, and such, but in Felarya, they are widespread, adapting to most enviroments, like the Mountain Chupacabra sticks to mountains, or like the Desert Chupacabra sticks to the Aridian Desert(A location in one of my stories).
Chupacabra come in wide ranges, but they're appearence doesn't change drastically with each other.All Chupacabras have a slender head, with a skinny looking body, powerful legs, long, slender arms, spikes from thge head to the back, large shiny eyes,4 large fangs pointing forward from the front of the mouth, and a membrane under their arms that lets them glide, and in the exception of Mountain Chupacabras and Sea Vultures(Swimming Chupacabras), fly and swim.
Chupacabras have become abundant for one reason:Successful Predators.Predators have a highrer chance of catching and killing prey in Felarya, and most predatary fauna will leave behind rotting leftovers, unless they vore them.Chupacabras are the vultures of Felarya, cleaning up whatever mess a predator made after eating.Old or Injured Chupacabras will actually turn to predator droppings(Blech!!).Though just because they are scavengers, doesn't mean they won't turn to living prey when times become drastic...
There are at least 4 different Chupacabra species, though more may be still undiscovered.
Here is the Stats for Jungle Chupacabras.I will do the other three when I have teh time.
JUNGLE/FOREST CHUPACABRAS Height:6.5 feet. Threat Level:Low Description:The main species of Chupacabra, they have a normal sized wing membrane that they use to glide through the treetops, and to get away from hungrey preds, including Nagas.They have blue skin, and red eyes and spines.There is nothing truly uniqe about Jungle Chups, aside from being the most successful hunters among Chups, along with Mountain Chups.
Tell me what you think.I'll edit some things here if need. | |
vegeta002 Hero
Posts : 1057 Join date : 2008-08-01 Age : 35 Location : Wandering around Felarya
| Subject: Re: Chupacabra! Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:01 am | |
| Interesting, this means the one from legend could have come from Felarya and been trapped on Earth? | |
Zillachary Seasoned adventurer
Posts : 171 Join date : 2008-08-06 Age : 29 Location : In yer' city, eatin' yer' people.
| Subject: Re: Chupacabra! Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:03 am | |
| - vegeta002 wrote:
- Interesting, this means the one from legend could have come from Felarya and been trapped on Earth?
There are quite a few trapped on Earth actually, remaining hidden and eating goats for survival, as well as dead animals and roadkill. | |
Zillachary Seasoned adventurer
Posts : 171 Join date : 2008-08-06 Age : 29 Location : In yer' city, eatin' yer' people.
| Subject: Re: Chupacabra! Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:55 am | |
| DESERT CHUPACABRAS Height:7 feet Threat Level:Normal Description:More aggressive and feral then their jungle cousins, Desert Chups live in the Aridian Desert, a small desert in Felarya surrounded br the jungle.Because they live most of their lives on the ground and almost never glide, they have a smaller wing membrane under their arms then other Chups, though they can still be used for gliding short distances.Despite their aggressive nature, they can be peaceful, even raising a baby Naga(My character, Rattla).They are skilled at both hunting and scavenging, making their survival more then likely.
Desert Chups have sand colored skin, with brownish-black stripes on their back, as well as having brown-black spikes.Their eyes are golden yellow, shining brightly in the hot suns rays. | |