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TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Cephalofolk Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:20 pm | |
| - Fish wrote:
- "Down in the briny depths awaits a great creature, unseen by mortal eyes for centuries. And it wants. To ask. You. A. Question."
Alright, so some of you guys knew this was coming. A few weeks ago, I asked Zoekin, /Fish/, and gwadahunter2222 if they were interested in collaborating with me on something I was working on. I got a pretty positive response, we started bouncing things back and forth, and came up with some great ideas. I showed some of it to Karbo, and a few others, and the general response was that people liked it. So, here's the fruits of our labor: Chlaena Cecaelia Be aware that these two articles are pretty thorough, and written from something of a scientific standpoint (goes into depth on their biology). They're also still being revised, but more or less accurate. Shortly, the four of us will be posting short (much shorter than those articles! ) profiles for the wiki, for each race and notable subspecies; at the moment, we have a few octopus-based species, at least three squid-based species, a cuttlefish-based species, a vampire squid-based species, and a nautilus-based species in the works... so this thread should be pretty active in the coming days. Alright, so I've rambled on a bit, and people who might not have checked the links are asking, "Who are the Cephalofolk?" A fairly diverse people, comprised of offshoot chimeric races based on various Cephalopods. The main races are: Chlaena (Shul-ee-nah) - Giant Octopus-people, many of whom live in cities built along the Abyssal Plains of the Topazial Sea, some of whom roam and hunt within the Abyssopeliagic Zone of the same. Cecaelia (Sayk-ee-leh-eeyah) - Giant Squid-people, who are mostly solitary drifters and roamers, constantly travelling the seas in search of food and interesting things. Also sometimes shortened to Caelia (K-ee-leh-eeyah). Cepia (Sayp-eeyah) - Human-sized (occaisonally a bit larger) Cuttlefish-people, who live in small village-like enclaves among coral reefs at various depths. Also commonly called "Cuttlefolk". Vetaela (Vay-tee-lah) - Giant Vampire Squid-people, mysterious and rarely encountered. Based off a combination of the Vampire Squid and the Vetala vampire from Hindu legends, this ancient race of beings may have been the first offshoot from the common ancestor of all the Cephaloid races, and may have actually existed alongside the ancestral race. As a result, they have an uncanny knowledge about the past, present, and future along with a deep insight into the nature of other living beings. They greatly Value knowledge, even more than simply getting a meal. If you draw a Vetaela's attention, you can ask them a question; if they know the answer, they will give it honestly (but sometimes in a complex or cryptic manner). However, if you ask them a question, they will ask you a question in turn; if you know the answer, you had better answer truthfully. If you don't know it or attempt to lie, you will get eaten! If you are able to answer it, the Vetaela will merely let you be on your way, without giving you a second thought. What makes this question and answer game difficult, and the reason people rarely survive it... is that Vetaela will only ask a question about something that they don't know. And considering that they are ancient, and extremely knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects, including many forgotten secrets and ancient magic and geography, knowing something that they don't may not be very easy. The Vetaela and the Nautilus-people (who don't yet have a name) are still under development at the moment; the other three races are fairly well developed, and will be receiving profiles and additional information here soon. So, feel free to look over those two articles and give feedback.
Last edited by TheQuantumMechanic on Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:23 pm | |
| Here's the first Cecaelia subspecies, courtesy of /Fish/ and Zoekin:
Kraken Caelia Habitat: Topazial Sea and sub-zones Danger Level: Critical
A taurian cephalopod of colossal proportions whose size rivals that of the leviathan mermaid, the kraken caelia resembles both chlaenas and cecaelias in certain regards. For one, they have eight octopus arms on their lower half, as well as two very long, incredibly powerful tentacles like that of a cecaelia, which they use to hunt with- and they wield them similarly. Their bodies are elastic and lack a rigid body structure, which means that a kraken, quite frankly, has no concept of “full”, unless you of course refer to the other largest creature in the ocean, the leviathan mermaids. Since both races are of near equal rarity, a kraken sees a leviathan as an extremely desirable object with the thought process of a chlaena, and some of the most terrifying battles ever seen in Felarya’s oceans have been caused by a simple misunderstanding between krakens and leviathans, that all the kraken wants to do is taste the leviathan, and possibly become “friends”. The leviathan, fearing for its life at the glomping kraken, will typically be the one to engage in combat.
Because krakens are able to increase their malleable body’s size to accommodate a creature of its own stature, this is a double-edged sword, as its inherent ability to contort its pliable body to fit into small spaces like chlaenas means that a leviathan could actually stuff a kraken caelia into its mouth!
Thankfully leviathans, which constantly traverse the oceans, learn quickly where the krakens are and make sure to avoid them if they can. The only problems arise when krakens get curious and investigates new areas, where an accidental meeting could take place…
Krakens are a threat to most predators in the ocean, from giant mermaids, to sharkgirls, to chlaenas and caecelias alike. There was once a report of a kraken actually reaching up and bringing down a flying squid! (Out of curiousity. The other cephalopod didn't find it amusing. Too bad it tasted so good to the kraken...)
Surprisingly, they may agree, like leviathans, to provide human vessels safe passage. The only thing is that while leviathans do so for altruistic reasons, krakens do so out of selfish ones. Their idea of “protecting the humans” is to “Use the humans as bait and eat any predator that comes to investigate”. As such, they are thought of as the bane of practically any large predator in the Topazial Sea and fickle- but effective- allies by humans.
For long lengths of time they can seem to simply disappear to surface-dwellers, residing in narrow ravines in the bottom of the ocean in a near-hibernative state and waiting for unsuspecting prey to come by, which they will catch with their massive tentacles with ease; while at other times they crawl across the ocean floor, investigating everything they come across, usually accidentally destroying things along the way. They are also known to suddenly appear at the surface for no other reason than to sow discord and chaos, showing up at battles they don’t belong in and basically raising hell. There are even reports of the colossal cephalopod actually crawling out of the ocean, perching on an island, and simply watching the horizon, occasionally snatching up a harpy or human vessel that would come to investigate.
Needless to say, krakens are rather unpredictable, but one thing is for certain: they aren’t actually malicious; their way of thinking is just a little bit alien to most races and their great size grants them full reign of wherever they wish, with little to stand in their way.
It’s been said that a guardian once needed to intervene when a kraken made the grave mistake of feasting on a merfolk city, immediately enraging a nearby leviathan mermaid. Apparently the resulting particularly brutal mêlée of the titans caused some wide-felt effects caused by not only their great size, but of clashing magic as well. This may have been one of the only instances of one devouring the other, but ancient records don't reveal the victor.
While the reasons may change, it is always quite an event when these titans clash, and sometimes results in one less of either species and a very, very full sea monster.
Powers and abilities The powers and abilities of a kraken caelia are widely unknown, but it is believed they have a certain amount of weather manipulation and can produce ink like chlaenas. They also have chromatophors that they use to display their mood with, hide the best a creature so large can, and even change its texture so it blends in more. As mentioned previously, they can contort their malleable bodies in order to consume prey of any size or wedge into very small spaces such as ocean crevices and ravines, although this can backfire like it can with chlaenas.
Their main tentacles have insane strength, able to crush and rip metal like it was dough. For their great strength, they try to be gentle when studying things, but their great size means they cause much more destruction than they intend. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:44 pm | |
| Cephalofolk LanguageSomething I came up with just for fun, when trying to figure out how to pronounce the species names in a manner that was more alien. Hope you all enjoy. C, c: Hard ‘ k’ sound, not a letter by itself. Instead, it’s an accent mark that goes on a letter, or precedes one if the ‘ c’ is on its own (as in “ Caelia”) Ae, ae: Soft ‘ ee’ sound, mid-way between a soft ‘ a’ and soft ‘ e’. Entire sound is represented by a single letter in their language. Ce, ce: Pronounced as “ say”, a consonant that follows ‘ ce’ becomes suffixed to it and subtly alters the way the letter is written. For example, ‘ Cec’ = “ sayk” (hard ‘ k’ following “ say”). ‘ Cep’ = “ sayp” (soft ‘ p’ following “ say”, as in “ Sapiens”). Chl, chl: Stressed, mushy ‘ shhh’ sound, immediately followed by ‘ ul’. Again, represented by a single letter, entire syllable sounds like “ Shul”; when Chlaena or Cecaelia pronounce it, it sounds kind of like slurping. L, l: ‘ L’ is written as a single letter, when it is not paired with a consonant. A solo ‘ L’ is always pronounced “ leh” by Cecaelia and Chlaena. M, m: ‘ M’ is also typically written as a separate letter, when it is not paired with a vowel. A solo ‘ M’ is always pronounced “ meh” by Cecaelia and Chlaena. Ia, ia: ‘ Ia’ is always written the same way, but the way it’s pronounced depends on whether it’s preceded by a vowel or consonant. If preceded by a vowel, the sound is “ yah”; if preceded by a consonant, or ‘ Ia’ is the first sound in a word, it is combined with the sound of ‘ ae’, making it pronounced like “ ee-yah” as one rapid syllable. Na, na: ‘ Na’ is also written as one letter, and always pronounced “ nah”. La, la: ‘ La’ is also written a single letter, and distinct from a solo ‘ l’ preceded/succeeded by a vowel. ‘ lae’ would be pronounced “ leh-ee”, but ‘ la’ is always pronounced “ lah” with a rapid accent- it sounds halfway between “ lah” and “ rah”. Yz, yz: ‘ Yz’ is pronounced “ eyes”, and typically forms a single syllable with whatever consonant precedes it; it is not written as a letter by itself, but instead alters a letter it is appended to. Ui, ui: ‘ Ui’ is pronounced similar to “ we”, but with additional stress on the ‘ w’ sound, making it more like “ oo-ee. Among Chlaena, it is often used as an informal utterance to represent both “us” and “we”; being mostly solitary beings, Cecaelia rarely use it in such a way. Oe, oe: ‘ Oe’ is pronounced in a manner similar to “ oi” or “ oy” among human cultures. Among both Chlaena and Cecaelia, it is often used as an informal greeting; but its usage varies based on the species. With Chlaena, pronouncing it sharply “ Oy!” is considered rude; a more polite way to use it in greeting is to drag the end out a bit longer, “ Oyyyyyyyyyy…” to give others time to prepare for your arrival or acknowledge your greeting. In contrast, Cecaelia consider dragging out a greeting to be wasting their time, and appreciate a more direct approach- they only use the sharp, clipped form of it (" OY!") unless they want to insult someone. Taking your time to respond is also considered an insult among them, for reference. Au, au: “ Au” is pretty much pronounced as “ ow”, and means the same thing among Chlaena and Cecaelia. It tends to be short, but is sometimes dragged out depending on the severity of the injury. The equivalent of stubbing one’s toe might be, “ Au!”, while a bruised Chlaena rubbing its injuries might say, “ Auuuuuuu”. ‘ Hau’ (Huh-oww) is a more significant form, only used with severe injuries or pain, and elongated in the same way based on severity. Ia!, ia!: When clipped and used as a sharp expression, “ ia!” is an exclaimation of surprise, wonder, or cheer among both Chlaena and Cecaelia. For example, a conversation between a Kraken Caelia and a Chlaena might go something along the lines of, “No, really?” “Yes, I ate the whole boat!” “Ia!, Ia!” Cia, cia: The hard ‘ k’ sound of the Chlaena/Cecaelia ‘ C’ adds extra emphasis to ‘ Ia!’. It’s often used to strongly express shock, fear, or amazement. That's it, for now. I imagine their writing looking like a whole mess of squiggles and round shapes, with very few straight marks thrown in for accent. You know, the sort of thing that looks like it all starts to swim together if you look at it for too long. EDIT: For reference, a Chlaena would pronounce "Ryzelm" as "Rise-el-meh". Why is that important? You'll find out... | |
| | | Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:14 pm | |
| Argh sorry I discover this thread very late here, so I'll read it tommorow XD ( can't wait ! ) | |
| | | Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:29 am | |
| Superb work really ! you four did an amazing job at description an design There is so many great ideas here. I think my favorite is the lack of bones and having flexible bodies Their pshychology is also realy interestingand well thought ! Only aspects I liked a bit less are the horizontal-slited eyes and the size difference between male and female for Cecaelias ^^; | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:30 am | |
| - Karbo wrote:
- Superb work really ! you four did an amazing job at description an design
There is so many great ideas here. I think my favorite is the lack of bones and having flexible bodies Their pshychology is also realy interestingand well thought ! Thank you. We still have quite a bit to come, but so far, it seems like things are off to a great start. ^^ - Karbo wrote:
- Only aspects I liked a bit less are the horizontal-slited eyes and the size difference between male and female for Cecaelias ^^;
The horizontally-slitted eyes are more a matter of how their pupils are shaped. For example, Like this, this, this, or this. They can be round and 'normal', but in conditions of low or extreme light, they'd change shape. Just something we thought would make them seem a bit more alien and creepy to surface-dwellers. As far as the size difference, what is it that you dislike about it in particular? It isn't always a drastic difference; it varies a lot depending on species- in many Cecaelia species the males are the same size as, or only slightly smaller than the females. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:49 am | |
| Ryzelm'oireRyzelm’oire (Rize-el-meh’oh-ai-reh) “Gathering at Ryzelm” Danger: Hazardous-High Sub Zones: The Beltline, The Spires, The Black Fields, The Temple of Dreams, The Bazaar, The Catacombs, Brine Lake, Artisan’s Guild, The Bubble, Dark Claw Reef. Inhabitants: Practically any! But mostly Chlaena, with some Cepia and Cecaelia, Mermaids, Ichthys, other aquatic races, and visitors from the surface. A strange and wondrous place in Felarya that most people never get to see, Ryzelm’oire is one of the largest Chlaena settlements; in fact, it is one of the largest of all cities in Felarya, due to the sheer amount of ground that it covers! However, Chlaena don’t share the same concept of cities and towns that other species use; to them, an “oire” simply means an event or place where people gather: it can be anything from a small celebration, to settlements that other races would call cities. Ryzelm’oire is one of the most impressive examples of the latter, an underwater metropolis that spans a great deal of the ocean bottom in and around the Reef of Ryzelm in the South Topazial Sea. The ‘territory’ that comprises Ryzelm’oire includes large amounts of open water and natural structures along the ocean floor, including twisting buildings created out of coral. It is somewhat unique among the cities of Giant Predators in that one can find species that would normally be at one another’s throats or trying to devour or kill each other interacting in a relatively peaceful manner here; aside from the occasional (and very brief!) skirmish, people of all races and species are welcome to come and go as they please, with a somewhat relative sense of safety. Unlike Negav or other settlements, there is no defense mechanism that prevents predation or violence within the ‘city limits’; however, the Chlaenas viciously enforce the ‘cease-fire’ rule within the city. A Predator might be able to occasionally get away with a discrete snack or two, and it’s generally accepted that such things will happen, so typically a blind eye is turned to those who disappear while exploring dark and unsafe corners of the city on their own. However, flagrant disregard for the non-aggression policies of the city typically results in an offender facing an entire army; Chlaenas consider someone who has violated the laws of their gathering fair game, and are free to attack them with the intention of killing, something that they rarely ever do. A large predator who chases prey into the city and snaps it up in plain sight will quickly find himself or herself under attack by every Chlaena present, with cries being sounded to rouse others. In this situation, even a creature the size of a Leviathan Mermaid isn’t safe; they will soon be overwhelmed by a horde of Chlaenas, all using lethal force- very few offenders actually manage to survive such an onslaught of magic and physical attacks. Those that manage to live through the initial attack typically wind up fleeing severely injured; Chlaenas will not chase an offender past the limits of their city- they simply don’t care what happens to them after they leave. However, being severely and sometimes critically injured in the seas of Felarya is practically a death sentence in itself; Ryzelm’oire sees very few repeat offenders. This makes Ryzelm’oire (most parts of it, anyways) something like an oasis among the wilderness of the South Topazial Sea, where weary travelers and intrepid explorers can rest and conduct business without having to worry too much about dying at every turn. However, one has to make it there in one piece first, which isn’t always easy; many Giant Predators of all species have developed the habit of patrolling ranges just outside the outskirts of the city, hoping make an easy meal of prey before they get within the ‘protected area’ of the city. As soon as fleeing prey manages to make it within this area, smart predators will immediately break off the chase; those that refuse to give up may soon find themselves in turbulent waters. However, the Chlaenas don’t care what happens outside the “gathering”; a predator is more than welcome to wait for his or her prey to come back out, and try to capture them when they do! This often leads to what one might call a “Sam and Ralph” situation, based on the old cartoons about the wolf and the sheepdog; a Predator, often having little better to do with their time than wait, will go into the city and stay for a while, and eventually meet and converse with their Prey while both are ‘protected’. This sometimes leads to taunts, insults, or attempts to bribe off the Predator passing back and forth between the two, only for the chase to resume once the Prey attempts to leave the city. The ‘safe zone’ is considered to be omni-directional, extending outwards in what is more or less a sphere from the exact center of the city; the borders of it are clearly defined, so there is no mistaking it unless you are blind… and unfortunately for you if you are, the Chlaenas don’t care. Inability to see is not an excuse to break their Laws, as far as they’re concerned! This border is called the “ Beltline”, and it is approximately half a mile wide, and extends in a rough circle along the seabed, created by a deep channel in the rock and coral, that is filled with bioluminescent plants and bacteria. The vertical boundary is marked as well, by wide circles and lines scribed along the coral spires that reach towards the surface, which are also filled with bioluminescent material. Likewise, some of the caverns and passageways underground are marked in a similar fashion. In the dark waters of the ocean depths, the Beltline stands out very clearly, even to creatures with poor darkvision. Creatures within the Beltline (this includes ‘on’ the Beltline, inside of the half-mile that comprises it!) are not considered viable Prey; anyone who attempts to harm or consume any creature inside of this region is subject to immediate retaliation should any Chlaenas be around. Considering that this fact is well known, and most Prey species don’t have a problem doing their best to notify Chlaenas in the area about a Predator attempting to eat them inside the city, it is pretty difficult for a Predator to get away with violating the neutral ground policy. Most just give up on trying, and content themselves with whatever they can catch outside of the city; not only is it hard to sneak a bite to eat inside, but the penalties for being caught are pretty harsh. This means that aside from sentient beings of all races, one can find strangely shaped (sometimes very frightening, but mostly harmless) and brightly colored fish of all types swimming around and through the 'streets' of Ryzelm'oire; the city is a very diverse and colorful place, despite the unusual architecture, perpetual twilight, and inhuman things one might see while there. Despite being located in the darkness of the ocean depths, most parts of Ryzelm'oire are kept dimly lit by bioluminescent 'lamps' and globes... and occaisonally, schools of free-roaming fish that give off bioluminescent light themselves. There are some parts of the city that are completely dark, and in general, most visitors would do well to steer clear of those areas; they are typically where most of the "mysterious disappearances" have been known to happen. Most of the city, however, is lit well enough that it resembles being outside on an extremely overcast day; while it's dark, a human would not have too much difficulty negotiating their surroundings, and reading large print. ------------- Not done with this by a longshot, more will come!
Last edited by TheQuantumMechanic on Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:05 am; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:23 am | |
| Well again a great and very detailled idea ! I loved the neutral ground idea and the particular rules due to the particular way of thinking of the inhabitants ^_^ Only thing is.. umm well it was a bit long again ^^; | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:26 am | |
| - Karbo wrote:
- Well again a great and very detailled idea !
I loved the neutral ground idea and the particular rules due to the particular way of thinking of the inhabitants ^_^ - Karbo wrote:
- Only thing is.. umm well it was a bit long again ^^;
I know, I know. Don't worry, I'll be submitting a much shorter, wiki-sized entry for the subzones to you. This is meant to be detailed, so I'm not too worried about the length; once it's finished (and approved), most of this info is going to go into the Felarya Free For All folder on my DA page, so that anyone who wants to can make sure of it. Once I have the detailed and at-length portions complete, I (or one of my special helpers, *pokepoke* @ gwadahunter2222, /Fish/, and Zoekin ^^) will do up condensed versions that are about the size of the wiki entries for locations. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:03 am | |
| Continuing with the exploration of the watery streets of R'yle- er, Ryzelm'oire! This time, the focus is on one of the subzones, rather than the city in general. Yes, it's long, and yes, there will be a much shorter version to follow. Anyways, enjoy! ********** One of the more interesting places in Ryzelm’oire is The Bazaar (“Ba-za-reh”, to the Chlaena merchants), which is a massive open-water ‘marketplace’, where one can find creatures of all shapes and sizes gathering to engage in trade and commerce. The Bazaar is one of the main reasons “anyone would bother to travel to this hellish place”; as one can find everything from polished and shiny (but worthless) stones to priceless gems to ancient magical artifacts! Beings of all species are welcome to come and ‘buy’, ‘sell’, or just browse at any time as long as they keep the aggression to merely negotiation; out of all the places in Ryzelm’oire, this is the one where the non-violence policy is most strictly enforced. Practically the instant a fight breaks out, it- and the lives of the responsible parties- will be ended swiftly and mercilessly! However, for those who are willing to play by the Bazaar’s rules, it is possible to walk (or swim!) away having benefitted greatly! The only economic system that is recognized within the Bazaar is the unusual Value system used by the Chlaenas and other Cephaloid races; this means that the price of everything is entirely arbitrary! The going price of a certain magical item, for example, is a matter of the Value it holds to the seller, and the Value the prospective buyer places on it; from there, the difference is simply haggled upon between the two parties. This means that crafty and skilled hagglers can often make out very well for themselves, assuming they have something to barter with that the buyer is interested in. For their part, most Chlaenas are very cunning merchants, and typically try to get the best price they can… however, due to their unusual mindset and Value system, this ‘best price’ can sometimes be fairly worthless, or impossible to match from the buyer’s perspective. “Money” holds no real Value among Chlaena society, so all trade in the Bazaar revolves around barter; those who bring interesting and unique items, or things that Chlaena are unlikely to have encountered before, often unexpectedly find themselves with a great deal of “purchasing power” in Ryzelm’oire. Something as simple as a diving wristwatch may hold a great deal of fascination for a particular Chlaena, allowing a human visitor from the surface to acquire a very ancient tablet of magical spells, or a handful of valuable gems collected from the ocean floor. However, because everything revolves around barter and the Bazaar is so open, it is not uncommon for multiple would-be buyers to enter conflict over a particular item, or for sellers to fiercely compete for a highly desired item that a buyer has. Such conflicts are typically resolved in an auction-like manner, with rivals bidding against one another, trying to offer a price that edges the competitor out of the ‘game’. These bidding wars can get fairly intense, once they begin; once a Chlaena puts “a tentacle into the waters”, so to speak, their pride is at stake- failure to acquire the desired object is mildly shameful. This can lead to quite a bit of ribbing and insults being slung back and forth, although it never escalates into violence (not among Chlaenas themselves, anyways). This can also be somewhat disturbing for visitors (“buyers”) hoping to make a trade, as they will find themselves being wooed by multiple Chlaena, each trying to ‘win’ the desired object (which may be the buyer himself, in this case). This typically does not devolve into a tug-o-war over a prospective buyer (fortunately!), but it is not uncommon for a Chlaena to quickly snatch up or drag off a buyer of another species to where they have their goods on display, which can sometimes be misinterpreted as an attack by people unfamiliar with Chlaena behavior. Those who are able to remain calm quickly discover that they aren’t in any real danger; however, those who panic and attack the Chlaena typically meet a bad end. Because goods in the Bazaar are “bought” and “sold” for a completely arbitrary value, Chlaena do not recognize the concept of being “cheated” the way merchants of another species would; it is expected that a person will try to get the best deal for themselves as they can, and someone who overvalues shoddy or broken merchandise has no one to blame but themselves. As a result, one needs to be very careful about what it is they are attempting to acquire in the Bazaar; for their part, Chlaena are bluntly honest merchants- while they will not hesitate to “sell” broken and non-functional items, or items that they know little about, they will always be truthful about it if asked. “Does it work?”, “Is it broken?”, “Do you know what it does?”, “Do you know how it works?” are questions frequently asked by experienced visitors to the Bazaar. It should be noted that while Chlaenas do not recognize the concept of being “cheated”, they definitely recognize the concept of theft; Stealing something from the Bazaar is the second fastest way to get yourself killed in Ryzelm’oire. From the Chlaena perspective, you are violating the Laws of their Gathering just as if you had tried to kill or eat someone; would-be thieves rarely get away with it once, let alone a second time. This means that Chlaenas are swift to dispense ‘justice’ once someone is determined to have stole something; however, they take the accusation of theft very seriously, and if they determine that someone has been falsely accused, they will deal with the accuser in the same manner they would have dealt with the alleged thief. In general, attempting to steal anything at the Bazaar is a terrible idea, particularly when a clever person can often acquire it by simply offering something that is fairly low in value to them, but high in value to the merchant! Some of the ‘items’ one might find being offered at the Bazaar are bizarre indeed; ‘Objects’ to Chlaena include living creatures and beings as well as inanimate objects. Strange fish with unusual properties, sentient beings who had the misfortune to find themselves highly Valued by a Chlaena and offered up for trade to other Predators, and strange symbiotic creatures and living coral weapons and armor crafted by the Shapers of the Artisan’s Guild can all be found at the Bazaar in addition to the usual assortment of valuable jewels, metal ores, magical items, scrolls and stone slabs containing lost knowledge, etc. Practically anything one can imagine might eventually find its way into the Bazaar, and this includes you, if you aren’t careful about where you go and what you do outside of the city! | |
| | | observer88 Marauder of the deep jungle
Posts : 399 Join date : 2007-12-10 Age : 35 Location : Oradea, Romania
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:13 pm | |
| - TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
- Nautilus-people (who don't yet have a name)
Nauta, Nautilida, Nautilina, Nautilian unless another name has already been found/made up. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:15 pm | |
| Here goes another subzone; in contrast to where the Chlaena engage in trade, here is where they rule the city with an iron tentacle from. ******** The Spires are twisting towers of coral that reach miles towards the surface, standing out as the tallest structures in Ryzelm’oire. There is a great amount of distance between each Spire, as each one is the residence of one of the Great Houses of the Chlaena population of Ryzelm’oire; each can be considered a castle in and of itself, and exerts a certain amount of influence over an area of Ryzelm’oire. Typically, a Spire does not receive uninvited visitors; if you go there, you should be aware that you are entering the territory of a particular House, which has the right to deal with you however they please. Therefore, it is extremely unwise to go into one without a reason or invitation, as your safety is far from guaranteed! However, each House has its own policies, and many of them adopt or employ beings of other races; it is possible to find work as a guard or servant for one of the Great Houses, which means that people of all races come and go from the Spires. However, this often places a person in a dangerous predicament; while being in the employ of a House can be very profitable, and offer some security within Ryzelm’oire, one might find themselves involuntarily dragged into political power struggles between rival Chlaenas or what passes for ‘warfare’ between two Houses. In addition, Chlaena Houses expect loyalty and effiency; being “Employed” is not the same thing as being a “Guest” in a House; if you betray the House, or continually prove yourself a failure, you can expect to be eaten and replaced. For this reason, there are almost always job openings in several Chlaena Houses! Being employed by a Chlaena House basically means that you become one of that House’s “Valued Objects”; the more useful you prove yourself to be, the higher your status is likely to be within that House… and the more other Houses are likely to try and ‘win’ you away from the House you currently serve. While it is good to steer clear of immature (children) Chlaenas, an employee of a Chlaena House typically has little to fear from the adult members of the House; as long as they’re doing their job and not constantly screwing up, most of them will consider an employee to be a useful object rather than a snack. Indeed, sometimes Chlaenas barely deign to acknowledge the presence of an employee, unless the Chlaena requires something of them; this can lead to a non-Chlaena gaining a great deal of insight and information about the inner workings of a Chlaena House… including valuable secrets. However, Chlaenas tend to be very demanding of their employees, and even younger Chlaenas take a great deal of enjoyment out of bossing them around. This can often lead to unfortunate individuals being run ragged to entertain the whims of a particular Chlaena who has decided that person is their favorite ‘toy’; as a result, service to a Chlaena House can be a very frustrating affair. However, Houses have a rigid internal hierarchy; the demands of the Head of the House, or any of the Elders, takes precedence over anything else. When it comes to House business, an employee is expected to drop everything and follow directions, regardless of what a particular Chlaena told them to do. Thus, those who are entrusted with fairly important assigments on a regular basis are typically “off limits” to the lesser Chlaena, and sometimes even have the authority to boss them around instead! Each Spire is a labryinthine maze inside- there are corridors going every which way, spiralling slides that run from room to room, and passages that gradually grow narrower until only a Chlaena is capable of squeezing through the exit. Entire floors and sections of the Spire are kept totally dark, requiring some sort of darkvision or light source to navigate, while other areas are dimly lit by bioluminescent globes or lines scribed along the ceiling, floor, or walls (Chlaena make no distinction between the surfaces). There are also entire sections of a Spire that are open to water; certain rooms have walls missing, so one can swim in or out of the Spire, without having to go through a central entrance. In addition, the ‘territory’ of each Spire extends underneath the sea floor for some distance, with a network of tunnels spreading throughout the city. These tunnels connect to the tunnels of other Spires, providing a method of travel underground between Houses, but also go out into the ‘wilderness’; the Underground of Ryzelm’oire is a very dangerous place, where all sorts of dangerous and predatory creatures roam. For this reason, the ‘safe zone’ of each House’s underground tunnels are clearly marked with bioluminescent scribings, and the entrance to the underground network is always under heavy guard to repel intruders and dangerous beasts. It is very possible that someone who hires themselves out to one of the Houses will find themselves stationed on guard duty in the tunnels; however, the Houses only rely on those who have proven themselves in battle to entrust with such a dangerous task. Those chosen to guard the underground tunnels are expected not to leave their stations unless replaced by another guard, or under direct orders from the Head of the House or a House Elder; they are also expected to challenge any being who approaches the House from the tunnels, and attack them if they refuse to properly identify themselves. Guards stationed at the underground tunnels are some of the very few people who can get away with acts of violence within Ryzelm’oire, since their purpose is to defend the House from all incursions. As such, they are typically very heavily armed, and provided with the best equipment, armor, and weapons that a House retains. They also are granted a special distinction within the House, considered a sort of elite guard that answer only to the Head of the House, the Elders, and those appointed over them by the previous. As one might imagine, this means that one who attains this status is highly Valued among Chlaena society; typically, once you prove yourself capable and qualify for a position guarding the Underground, the position is for life. On very rare occaisons, you might be ‘traded’ to another House to cement an alliance, but you are more or less set for the rest of your life (however long that is). The only option of ‘retirement’ is either death, or to flee the city… although very few manage to do the latter successfully. Or want to, for that matter; these elite guards have it pretty good for non-Chlaena living in Ryzelm’oire, all things considered. There are certainly worse fates that could befall one in the city… | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:17 pm | |
| - observer88 wrote:
- TheQuantumMechanic wrote:
- Nautilus-people (who don't yet have a name)
Nauta, Nautilida, Nautilina, Nautilian unless another name has already been found/made up. We were actually going to go with 'Sulitaun' ('Nautilus' spelled backwards ) or 'Sulaetaun'. Also commonly called "Nautigirls", for the element of silliness. ;D | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:48 pm | |
| Yet another subzone of Ryzelm'oire. This is possibly THE "high-level zone" in the region; scrubs need not apply, major badasses only plz. ^^;
The Catacombs are what most non-Chlaena call the Underground of Ryzelm’oire, minus the areas claimed by each Spire. This ‘wilderness’ consists of a massive network of underground (and underwater, mostly) tunnels and caves, that are extremely dangerous to traverse, even for the most powerful Chlaena. There are strange beasts who live and prowl the underground, as well as various sentient predators who try their luck hunting for Prey down below. The Catacombs are not considered part of Ryzelm’oire “proper”, and as such the Laws of the city hold no sway Underground (beyond the territory beneath each Spire).
This means that most of the zone is completely lawless, and a great deal of violence and predation takes place here. Because the tunnels also serve as a transportation network between Houses, envoys and small caravans frequently pass through to conduct secret dealings and alliances between Houses. A lot of spying, assassinations (typically involving eating people, not plain murder), and cloak and dagger stuff happens down here, and those who find themselves tasked as elite guards are often assigned to escort important figures within the House on secret missions, or attempt to intercept messengers or emissaries to another House to destroy potential alliances.
The danger level for the Catacombs is much higher than any other part of Ryzelm’oire, being “Very High” at a minimum, and possibly even “Legendary” in certain areas where the bones of giant predators litter the tunnels. There are things down there, man! The Catacombs are just one of the places in Ryzelm’oire where you can meet a truly terrible, terrible end. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:07 am | |
| Need a place to stay during your visit to Ryzelm'oire? Well, the good news is, there's the equivalent of inns, and they're completely open and free to humans and beings of equivalent size. The bad news is, while they are fairly safe from predators, they are not without hazards of their own...
The Bubble is a collective term for several large coral spheres located near the center of the city, rising up off the ocean floor on thick stilt-like angled pillars. Each stilt is hollow, containing stairs that lead from the inside of the Bubble to a small underground passageway that slants upward and exits onto the street. To get inside, you have to go down at an angle, and then upwards along the stairway in a passage that is much too small for most large predators to fit through.
Even Chlaena are not capable of making it into the Bubble, due to rows of pointed coral ‘studs’ that face backwards along the passage to the streets; a Chlaena who tries to squeeze into the passage will get painfully caught on the studs, and will eventually have to back out of the passage, which is the only way they can move. These protective measures were added by several skilled Artisans after the entire population of a Bubble “disappeared” overnight (the Chlaena responsible was dealt with severely).
The inside of each Bubble contains breathable air, thanks to oxygen generated by the algae living within the walls of the dense coral structure. In addition, it is kept fairly well lit by several small bioluminescent orbs, which provide light that can be adjusted by shaking the orb to make the algae inside glow more brightly. There are a few bare amenities, including hallways that branch off into large circular rooms containing flat areas one can sleep on, and small tables; it’s recommended that those who decide to stay in a Bubble bring their own sleeping bag (or tent) and supplies, because that is as far as the amenities go.
In addition, the air here is much less pressurized than the water outside of the sphere; Deep Magic enchantments provide protection from sudden decompression to those who enter a Bubble, but those who wish to exit should be warned that they require some method of their own for surviving the crushing water pressures outside, whether magical, biological, or technological. Many first time visitors to Ryzelm’oire have been crushed like grapes due to not making the necessary preparations for a stay in the Bubble... or any visit to the city at all, for that matter. The danger level within a Bubble is considered “Very Low”; typically, the only dangers one might face while staying inside one are getting out alive if you don’t have the necessary magic or equipment, and possible danger posed by humans, elves, and fellow travelers resting there rather than from giant predators. This is one place in Ryzelm’oire where theft occurs with any frequency, since it’s away from the watchful eyes of the Chlaenas.
Thus, even in this relatively “safe” place, travelers are advised to keep a close eye on their possessions, and a weapon close at hand. | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:29 pm | |
| The token secret society that nobody really trusts or knows much about; but what everyone does know is that they make really neat stuff!
The Artisan’s Guild is where the Artisans (also sometimes called Shapers) practice their craft, away from the prying eyes of others. It is a large octahedral ‘building’ made out of coral, that extends both above and underground; from the ocean floor, it appears to resemble a pyramid, but what you see is only the top half of the structure.
No one knows exactly what goes on in the Guild, but rumors are rampant among the city; everyone has their own story or conspiracy theory about what the Artisans get up to while nobody’s watching them. Entry into the building is strictly prohibited; the only people who regularly go in and come out alive are Artisans and their guards and/or servants, none of whom are willing or capable of talking about anything that happens inside. Like the Spires, the Guild is connected to the underground; however, it is also heavily guarded by both actual guards and strange and fearsome beasts created by the Shapers themselves.
The Shapers possess a unique form of biological manipulation magic, which they do everything in their power to keep a secret; so far, no one who is not an Artisan has ever learned the true nature of the magic or how it works. Their products, however, have proven to invaluable to Chlaena society that most people just don’t bother asking questions; Artisans have the ability to shape coral while it is still living, to create everything from buildings to furniture to jewelry… and even armor and weapons! In addition, they are also known for creating strange symbiotic creatures and parasites, which attach to a host and provide unusual abilities or mutations… sometimes at a heavy price.
Shapers consider what they do a form of art, and they place little interest or Value in “crude things” like a finely blacksmithed metal sword, or hand-carved wooden chair; their only tools are their magic and the biological elements of life like blood cells, DNA, RNA, etc. Artisans possess an unusual status in Ryzelm’oire; while members of any House, or even unaffiliated Chlaena can become members of the Artisan Guild, membership in the Guild takes priority over any loyalty to the House. This gives the Guild quite a bit of political and economic power in the city, but to be honest, they seem fairly disinterested in such things and instead strive towards honing their ‘art’ to perfection.
According to persistent rumors, the Artisan’s Guild is responsible for many of disappearances that happen in the city, and that if you try sneaking into the Guild or otherwise fall into their hands, you might find yourself becoming… something else. Other rumors say that many of the dangerous creatures that prowl the Catacombs are escaped creations of the Artisan’s Guild. The danger level of the Artisan’s Guild is… unknown; most people who go in simply don’t come back out… at least, not the same.
Last edited by TheQuantumMechanic on Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:21 pm; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:31 pm | |
| Here's a few things that have come out of the Artisan's Guild... or that people in the Artisan's Guild might do for/to you. I'll detail the others later, have to leave for a while.
Artisan Creations, Part I
This free-floating floral organism is a symbiotic creature created by Artisans, and can commonly be found at the Bazaar. Unlike most plants, Amphicilimes survive off of chemical interaction rather than photosynthesis, so they are capable of surviving even in the lightless ocean depths. An Amphicilime has five broad petals, several tiny tendril-like structures in the center of the plant, and a large clear bladder that forms the ‘bottom’ of the flower. Upon pressing it to one’s face, it will wrap its petals securely around your head, clinging to your face firmly. The tendrils tend to worm their way partially into your nasal cavity, which can be somewhat unpleasant but not painful.
The bladder of the Amphicilime is transparent, allowing you to see through it, and stores up oxygen that the plant generates while it absorbs the carbon dioxide as you exhale. This allows an Amphicilime to be used as an underwater breathing apparatus, letting a human or similarly-sized being stay underwater for days at a time. Amphicilimes typically survive for a month, if properly cared for; they can be difficult to remove, but can be coaxed into releasing their hold and removed and put back on as the owner desires. They require near constant exposure to water to live, however; if you take one off in an air-filled environment, you will need a tub of water to store it in or it will quickly begin to wilt.
Note that while an Amphicilime will allow you to breathe underwater, it does not provide any sort of protection from depth pressure; the wearer will need some other method of surviving the intense pressures of the ocean depths. Amphicilimes tend to be very popular items at the Bazaar, and highly sought after by humans, elves, and other explorers; since they are too small for Chlaena or large predators to use, they are fairly plentiful. But because everyone knows they are prized by smaller, air-breathing races, they tend to be Valued fairly highly.
Shock Claw
A symbiotic armament created by Artisans who focus their art towards the skills of weapon-making, a Shock Claw resembles a carapace-like armored gauntlet that covers the wearer’s arm up to the elbow. Shock Claws are typically custom-made; they are almost never found at the Bazaar, so if you want one the only way to get it is to commission an Artisan to make one for you. This is typically very expensive, however, a side benefit is that Shock Claws can be made for creatures of any size.
Once a Shock Claw is donned, it takes approximately a day for the creature to burrow into the wearer’s nervous system and musculature; once this process is complete, it can not be simply removed- the creature becomes permanently fused with its host. An Artisan armorer can remove it, but it is a lengthy process, which they typically charge highly for... and results in the creature’s death. Thus, it is not something they do lightly.
The shell-like outer casing of the creature makes excellent armor, capable of withstanding a good deal of force and turning away bladed weapons. In addition, the ‘fingertips’ of the creature end in keen points, which do not hinder the host’s manual dexterity, but can be used to claw at an opponent in dire situations. The main ability of a Shock Claw and the reason it gets its name, however, is that the creature has three organs along its back that are made up of a electrocyte cells. When threatened, the host can trigger the symbiote to unleash a powerful electrical discharge that travels down the creature towards the claws, and is capable of causing temporary muscle spasms in even a large predator (for a human-sized Claw).
In certain circumstances, when used to strike a vulnerable spot or unleash the electrical pulse directly into nerves, a giant predator can even be stunned for a short period of time, allowing the host an opportunity to escape. However, the Shock Claw requires an hour of rest to be able to recharge before it is capable of unleashing another pulse, making this a very situational weapon. Typically, Shock Claws are sometimes found among the elite guards for the larger and more powerful Houses, and the occasional visitor who has managed to do fairly well for themselves in Ryzelm’oire; in general, however, they are very rare.
Flame Coral Circlet
A somewhat rare defensive symbiote, the Flame Coral Circlet typically resembles a piece of jewelry like a neck torc or bracelet, crafted from a deep orange coral-like substance. Slipping the circlet on results in a moment of discomfort, as the wearer will feel several pinprick like sensations shooting up his arm or down his neck; inexperienced owners often tear the circlet off and damage it in their surprise. However, this sensation is normal and quickly passes.
A Flame Coral Circlet needs only blood to survive, and will drink the little it needs directly from its host, through tiny thorn-like structures that pierce just beneath the skin. A healthy and content circlet is easy to spot; tiny red filaments will extend from its surface, constantly rippling in the water in a manner similar to a flickering flame. When it or its host is threatened, a Flame Coral Circlet will constantly release clouds of those filaments, which contain stinging cells similar to those found in jellyfish tendrils.
Most giant aquatic predators find these stinging cells difficult to tolerate, as contact with them creates a burning sensation, as though you were on fire; getting them in your eyes, mouth, and/or gills is agonizing, and can temporarily incapacitate even the largest Cecaelia or Mermaid. The host, of course, is immune to this effect as long as he or she is wearing the circlet and for a short while after taking one off; the creature releases enzymes into the bloodstream while it feeds, that provides a temporary immunity from the toxins in the filaments.
Flame Coral Circlets sometimes release their filaments at inconvenient times and places; a sudden rush of adrenaline may startle the creature and make it think it is in danger. For this reason, they are banned in many enclosed areas within Ryzelm’oire; being stuck in an enclosed room and forced to breathe in a toxic and irritating cloud is not something the average Chlaena enjoys. Expect to be asked to check the circlet at the door should you go into certain heavily populated areas such as one of the Spires or the Bazaar. Obviously, Flame Coral Circlets only work underwater; above water they quickly dry out and there is no medium to carry the stinging filaments.
One should also be aware that there are certain predatory species that not only are immune to the filaments of a Flame Coral Circlet, but actually enjoy the taste. In particular, Sea Slug-Girls are said to be fond of the “spicy flavor” it imparts to the host, meaning that it not only does not provide any defense against them, but may actually make you a more appetizing target instead!
Tendril Graft
Tendril Grafts are exactly what they sound like; smooth tentacles with a great deal of flexibility, strength, and dexterity are implanted into a person’s body. These can come in various sizes and be implanted in various places in the body, however each one is typically treated as an individual assignment, and it requires the personal attention of an Artisan. It isn’t simply a matter of running down to the Bazaar, trading for a tentacle, and slapping it onto your body; an Artisan actually has to ‘operate’ on you and create muscular, nervous, and circulatory connections between your body and the new limb.
Once it is done (the process can take between 12 to 24 hours per tendril), the tentacle or tentacles become part of the subject’s body- rather than being symbiotic organisms, they are merely new extensions of the person’s body. They possess a full sense of touch, are fairly durable, and can be used to hold and manipulate objects. The larger tentacles can actually be used to hold and wield weapons, just as you would with an arm (these are typically implanted in the back or shoulders, but sometimes from the forearm as well).
It does take a while to learn how to use the tentacles at first; one must figure out how to flex muscles that they didn’t have before. This sometimes leads to things being broken and people accidentally being hit by flailing limbs until the person learns how to properly control them. Tendril Grafts are fairly common among guards who have been in service to a Chlaena House for a long time; the more experienced warriors are capable of wielding several weapons at once- if you are stopped from entering a House by someone carrying a bundle of spears on their back, and they have six ‘arms’, you probably want to walk away.
Last edited by TheQuantumMechanic on Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:39 pm; edited 7 times in total | |
| | | GREGOLE Survivor
Posts : 943 Join date : 2007-12-08 Age : 34 Location : Heckville
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:17 pm | |
| Well, I spent my entire morning reading it and STILL am not finished, but I'm gonna go ahead and say I effin' LOVE these guys.
They definitely preserve the cephalopod vibe, but make it weird and exciting. They sound like a hoot to write for. I'm especially fond of their beliefs towards eating one another. It's all so kooky and warped, but somewhat heartwarming in its own way.
I still need to read up on Cecacelias, though. This could take a while... | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:45 pm | |
| - GREGOLE wrote:
- Well, I spent my entire morning reading it and STILL am not finished, but I'm gonna go ahead and say I effin' LOVE these guys.
I really have to learn how to be more concise. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. It was fun coming up with this stuff. And this... - GREGOLE wrote:
- They definitely preserve the cephalopod vibe, but make it weird and exciting. They sound like a hoot to write for.
I'm especially fond of their beliefs towards eating one another. It's all so kooky and warped, but somewhat heartwarming in its own way. Sums up exactly the feel we were hoping for. On Earth, the further down you go in the ocean, the more and more it seems like you're entering another world altogether; that was pretty much what I wanted to try and capture. You head down to Ryzelm'oire, and it's just this weird, kooky, alien place that seems so surreal. If you manage to make it back to the surface alive, you have all of these incredible stories to tell that hardly anyone is going to believe, and then you start thinking... "You know, aside from all the things looking at me like I'd make a great snack, and danger at every turn... the place actually wasn't that bad." - GREGOLE wrote:
- I still need to read up on Cecacelias, though. This could take a while...
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm working on the shorter write-ups for the wiki now, which will get posted in this thread soon. | |
| | | Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:31 pm | |
| Well I haven't read all yet but these are great additions I think I especially liked the bazar and its rules ^_^ I think with the bublles could come a mean of transportation for non aquatic species | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| | | | gwadahunter2222 Master cartographer
Posts : 1842 Join date : 2007-12-08 Age : 40
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:09 pm | |
| After trying to read both Chlaena and Cecaelia I suggest to do a common description about the two species, because they are both subspecies of a same species for example cephalotaur to lighten the description of each subspecies. Example of common description Species Name: Cephalotaur (Tempory name) Threat Level: Varies; however, it is typically Very High during an encounter with one- regardless of her power level. Habitat: The ocean depths of Felarya, particularly the Abyssopelagic region and Abyssal Plain of the Topazial Sea; however, they have been known to go closer to the surface and even onto land. Physical Description: A chimeric race resembling a cross between a cross between a Human and a cephalopod. Above the waist, like so many of Felarya’s giant predators, they resemble humans. Below the waist, their lower body resembles the entire body of a cephalopod, minus the eyes and the beak. A healthy Cephalotaur will always appear to be wet; they require constant saturation of moisture to survive. Without an extremely moist environment or access to water, a cephalotaur will begin to suffer from dehydration and eventually die. However, as long as they have ready access to water and are able to keep their skin very moist, a Cephalotaur is capable of traveling onto and across land much more ably than one might expect. Despite their mostly human appearance (above the waist, anyways), there is just something about Cecaelia that terrestrial beings often find disturbing, even when a Cecaelia is attempting to be friendly. They have very large eyes which have horizontal slits running through them, and although their skin has a usual pattern, many of them are able to alter their coloration to match their surroundings or their mood. In addition, Cecaelia often move in a manner other races find unnatural, particularly when they travel onto land. A final note on the appearance of the species is that it can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between immature (young) male and female Cecaelia; during their youth, there isn’t a whole lot of sexual dimorphism between the genders. However some subspecies grow towards adulthood, the differences between the genders become more and more apparent. Powers and Abilities: Cephalotaurs are capable of seeing in conditions with a great lack of ambient light, and some are even capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum. Most Chlaena also possess a very keen sense of touch, making some able to sense small vibrations and water currents. Cephalotaurs are all master in camouflage and evasion. They are capable of changing their color to some degree. Many are capable of blending in to their backgrounds amazingly well, and even creating complex patterns on their skin. They can spray or squirt some form of ink to use as a ‘smokescreen’ underwater. Most large species are roughly on par with a Giant Naga of equivalent size in terms of strength. Their tentacles and two human arms might make up somewhat for the greater constricting ability of a Naga. Some species may be venomous and they have all a strong potential in water-based magic. I think with something like that we would avoid some repeatitions | |
| | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
| Subject: Re: Cephalofolk Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:25 pm | |
| - gwadahunter2222 wrote:
- I suggest to do a common description about the two species, because they are both subspecies of a same species for example cephalotaur to lighten the description of each subspecies.
I plan to do just that; in fact, they should be done by tommorow or Saturday, depending on how quickly I can wrap them up (it's probably going to take a lot of revisions to get them short enough ). Something to point out, however; they are not both subspecies of a same species. They are both related- but different- races, each with their own subspecies. A Kraken Caelia is a subspecies of Cecaelia, but it is no more closely or distantly related to a Chlaena than 'normal' Cecaelias are. - gwadahunter2222 wrote:
- I think with something like that we would avoid some repeatitions
There won't be much repetition in the wiki-length profiles; the only reason there is as much repetition in the Cecaelia entry as there is is because I based it off the write-up I did for the Chlaena, and adapted the info /Fish/ and Zoekin came up with for the Cecaelia into it. EDIT: In fact, I think I'll get started on the short profiles for the Chlaena and Cecaelia tonight. | |
| | | gwadahunter2222 Master cartographer
Posts : 1842 Join date : 2007-12-08 Age : 40
| | | | TheQuantumMechanic Temple scourge
Posts : 646 Join date : 2008-06-25 Age : 46 Location : Fresno, California, USA
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